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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Ya, we should stop. I don't want a hand in this anymore.
  2. I can get behind her, ahhh, ….perspective
  3. This is a really good video and I think it’s speaks in part to the disjointed nature of our offense. As some posters have said, it’s like we just pick our play calls randomly. They have no sequence or rhythm. It’s like we have 10 plays in a bag and we just reach in and grab them. Should have stuck with the stats analysis
  4. 2k was a freak show game. The competition does matter.
  5. Latavius started talking about how back in his day they walked up hill in two feet of snow and men were named Latavius
  6. Not good for his crotch
  7. What kind of squad are you putting together there?
  8. People are expecting us to die out this year but I just can't put my chips in on that scenario.
  9. So do we count the AAFC which had multiple future NFL teams (just like the AFL). If so, the Browns have 4 more championships. Then you see teams like the Frankford Yellow Jackets and Providence Steam Rollers in the NFL. I love the history of the game. I understand why they want a degree of uniformity and they accomplish that by using the word Championship vs Super Bowl. If the word is championship, nobody will dismiss what you're outlining. If the word is Super Bowl, we are talking about a specific title that didn't occur until the late 60's.
  10. It just depends how/where you look at the stats. Allen's numbers on the year are very good. Having such a high completion % is also favorable to many advanced stats. I think these stats capture what we are seeing. I don't think anybody would be happy with the bottom row.
  11. You don't end a 20 year relationship with a handy at a massage parlor Robert
  12. Pretty sure that was a blown call as far as enforcing it. He wasn't in the end zone yet. The play was still live. I think they realized they were going to have to get a TD reversed based on the loose whistle and panicked.
  13. 😀 This show makes me not hate Kelce as much and I hate that
  14. Funny you said that, I was just looking at the splits based on the other data and it's pretty crazy. Since Week 5 Quarters 1-3 Offensive EPA = 13th Defensive EPA = 23rd Quarter 4 Offensive EPA = 1st Defensive EPA = 32nd So the defense allows our sputtering offense to sort of hang around. As the game progresses, the defense tires. Then by the 4th quarter when the offense turns it on the defense is spent. This is at least my interpretation of what is happening. We seem to be getting crushed in TOP in the first 3 quarters but even during that time the defense can't get off the field. So it's not just the offense doing it.
  15. We have been outer world in EPA in the 4th quarter. Allen is 2nd in the NFL since week 5 at .298. Pickett is first at .353. Then third is a distant .195. We can see this. Our offense has come to life in the 4th quarter. We are not nearly as good in the first 3 quarters. Allen's ranking in EPA since week 5 is 14th in quarters 1-3. Then when you look at the full year. We generated a year worth of positive stats in two games. The rest of the games not so much. This has a pretty big impact on his season totals but since it's only 2 games we don't see it as much when we watch the games. We can debate forever on who is responsible. That's not the purpose of this post. I'm talking about Josh a lot because Josh is everything. That in itself is a problem. We live and die with him. But to say that is going really well and nothing to see here, not really. It's not going really well. It's not hard to see that when you watch the games.
  16. This board swings from Josh doesn't care, to gaslighting you if you think something is wrong.
  17. Just to make sure all are on the same page. It also makes you boot players that have expiring contracts. I do not believe we will sign Floyd, Hyde, or Settle (Maybe Hyde on super discount). I do believe we will sign Jones. The main point I'm making is after this exercise we have 36 signed players and are only about 5 million under. So this won't be enough. Additions of any kind will be very difficult and you can see the depth is a serious issue.
  18. Ya...We got really lucky with Terry. We have been used to hard steak as long as basically any of us have been alive. Now it's filets all day. I want to say I hope the same for you guys but lets be honest 😂
  19. He hates the NCAA bureaucracy and was considering leaving before all this. I'm sure when it's all said and done we will see his opponents had just as much on Michigan. Michigan just ran a more extravagant process. He's been further in College and Pro than our Head Coach who also hasn't won anything. He is 3 for 3 in turning around losing teams. Stanford was competing with an elite USC team. 49ers went to the Super Bowl in a matter of years. Michigan is back to being a powerhouse. Ohio State changed signs last year. Michigan didn't have them. That is what Day has said. It didn't matter and it won't matter this year. He builds a mentally stronger team. He's a polarizing figure before the scandal. Even more so now. But to think he isn't the most qualified guy? He's a former NFL QB for god sake. His family is entrenched in football DNA. He has won everywhere.
  20. Well your owner isn't exactly able to play the kind of games the mega wealthy owners are. We had the same situation for years with Ralph.
  21. If we moved on from both we would be forced into a vet back up and a premium draft pick. Not sure at safety. I haven't looked at FA safety's. You have to think McD will look at the draft if we lost both Poyer and Hyde.
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