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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Simultaneous catches go to the offense. If it’s ruled the ball didn’t hit the ground then it would be a catch. It did hit the ground, but I guess what they’re saying is if the ground didn’t assist it doesn’t matter. I don’t think the ground assisted but Jesus we are splitting hairs. It just needs to be if the ground is involved no catch and that’s it.
  2. Ya, after seeing the replay I don’t have an issue with that one.
  3. I didn’t see the ball hit the ground and if it didn’t it’s going to KC. Unless it’s clear it hit the ball bad decision here.
  4. Before I torch him, I would at least like to see him get beat when pressing a WR. If they’re going to run an 8 yard hitch we are playing ten yards off the ball Deon couldn’t stop it
  5. They’re picking on Elam but he’s so far off the ball
  6. No huddle is creating problems for them settings up those blitz packages
  7. I don’t like our coach, I like our team. Put me on ignore if you don’t like that opinion. Now back to the game.
  8. KC is trending towards its best offensive output of the year AGAIN against your boy in the playoffs. So if being accurate is a hater then I guess I’m one.
  9. I would rather they have knowledge of how to run a defense
  10. Jesus we lucked out. Can’t stop a nose bleed right now.
  11. I was surprised, as you said, I’m about 99% sure he goes for that in the regular season. What is he worried about? Things snowballing? If we missed that kick it would have been an avalanche.
  12. Really didn’t like the kick there, but Bass was clutch. A missed field goal in that spot would have been really bad.
  13. Took the red eye out of San Diego last night. Sitting at the terminal to fly into Detroit, I see a Bills fan dressed to the nine. Pants, shirt, hat, all of it. I’m like, ok, I have to chat with this dude. We talk for like 30 minutes before we board. Great guy, from Buffalo, on his way to KC to watch the game. This was preceded by about 4 Go Bills being shunned the last week which made me sad, as it’s never happened to me before but I think people are just starting to rock our colors for fashion (weird). Told him about twobillsdrive, if we win it’s because of him!
  14. I have seen your post quality decline over time 😂😘
  15. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chiefs open with the entire roster excessively clapping after successfully running the Annexation of Puerto Rico. Then following it with a timeout with 13 seconds left on the play clock on the PAT.
  16. The point is a path exists for this to be our dynasty for years to come and Allen to get into the GOAT conversation. It’s not too late. Not saying if I think that will happen or not but reminding ourselves the path still exists isn’t the worst thought.
  17. I mean, I don’t know the guys energy level now, but it’s something he was pretty famous for. I imagine losing his job and not being hired probably motivated him more. I imagine he comes in with some piss and vinegar. At this stage of the hiring process I don’t think it’s the worst call. Then you know Brady supported it and I think Brady is a pretty bright football mind. We will see. He has is work cut out for him.
  18. And really, what is the average tenure of an NFL coach? If people are worried about what happens in year three or four, well, most won’t even survive that long. He can stabilize that franchise.
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