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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. But it would have made for the final field goal to be for the win.
  2. Are we suddenly going to become healthy?
  3. A few years ago he had 3 interceptions against New England, probably his second year. He realized how much that hurt the team. He really cleaned up his act since then and has been pretty good up until these last few games. Good decision making absolutely can be worked on, understanding the situation and the risk you should be willing to take. On second down you don’t force the ball into Tripple coverage whether he meant to throw an interception or not it was not a good decision, especially since he had the option to run or throw it to Singletary. Both of those decisions probably get us a first down. The coach should be reviewing his decision making and reinforcing when and when not to take unnecessary risks.
  4. Josh needs to get that message, thought last week would have taught him, maybe this will wake him up…
  5. Wrong anyways the RB was wide open floor the check down and most likely gets a first down…
  6. The back to the right was clearly open and would have got 7 to 10 yards easily.
  7. Was it Singletary or Cook? But that was the play and his arm arrogance wouldn’t let him take it.
  8. He had Cook to the right wide open, probably gets the 1st down. He’s playing very stupid…
  9. He picks all the wrong times to be aggressive. People will give him props for it, but he’s not always the smartest about game management
  10. How stupid, this is how teams loose and seasons are lost. You take the 3 cussed after that all you need is another field goal. McDermott is a 🤡 Dorsey is out of his league.
  11. Just noticed he has a brace on the throwing arm. That can’t be helping…
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