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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Refs out to screw us? Ignore completion for a loss and now two holding calls on same play?🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  2. I’m sure you never worked any professional events, in fact I’m sure you probably have never worked an honest day in your life and still sponge off your parents. If you had worked an event like this you would know there are rules about where and when you should be in certain places, and that you are not to interfere with the talent be it an actor or a professional athlete. With no respect to you, you are a clueless 🤡
  3. What would you say if Allen got hurt and was out for a year? How big of a waste would that be?
  4. You can’t assume you have to see the ball. It was a score but there was no definitive proof. They never give that call.
  5. Sure it was he actually hit him helmet to helmet, snapped his head back that’s a classic call every time.
  6. Accept your surviving the ground is stupid because the ball never touched the ground and in the field of play it’s a catch every time. He caught the ball put it away got a knee down that’s a football move as he still has possession. Rule is dumb and is clearly not consistent. Really in your scenario inbounds with a bobble it’s incomplete when the ball never touches the ground?
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