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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. McLappy is a clown, why call the first time out and then give up. This is a total ***** show…
  2. Way to blow it Allen why into double coverage? He wasn’t even open
  3. Why is he on the field? To easy to answer that one. Did you forget about our number 1 pick?🤦‍♂️
  4. He chooses who’s on the field, he creates the plan. He doesn’t motivate his players, he doesn’t have them in position to succeed.
  5. Losers, good job D, let a loser Qb and ***** team pound you.
  6. YouTube allows 3 viewers simultaneously and the dvr is fantastic. I looked into switching, couldn’t find anything better and wife refused to give it up also. Works very well…
  7. I’ve had YouTube tv for several years. Extremely reliable, DVR very good better quality than Amazon. Will be interesting to see how much existing users get charged
  8. The truth is the only reason Tua improved is Tyrek Hill. Most of his passes are still floaters and or he’s hitting wide open targets. A lot of his passes should get intercepted or would be overthrown if he didn’t have Hill and Waddle. He’s not a bad Qb, but their speed is hiding his weaknesses. Our refusal to interrupt his timing at the line was the reason he was successful as he was. Take away the mostert mistake and poor coverage on Waddle and the game isn’t close…
  9. I’ve said it before Dorsey does not belong here. He belongs coaching a college team. They are wasting the best years of Josh Allen’s career.
  10. Dorsey is Dr Jeckel Mr. idiot all in the same game sometimes the same drive. It’s killing us at the worst times
  11. Allen’s long ball sucks tonight but where is the holding?
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