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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Best post I’ve seen all week, maybe all season. Question is, will Allen and Dorsey learn from this? I have my doubts. Arm and coaching arrogance are a real problem here…
  2. I don’t know, what was Hodgins drop percentage vs Gabe’s? Gabe needs a wake up call, too unreliable and too limited at this point.
  3. Few people want to say it, but you can add to everything you said the fact that Allen refused to consistently use the short game to move the sticks. So many people kept saying well if the receivers would catch the long passes that were there we would have been fine. Well they consistently were not catching the long passes and the Miami game should have been a big wake a call but it wasn’t. Our only chance against Cinci was to our score out possess them, everyone should have recognized that including Allen & Dorsey. The Cinci game should have been a heavy dose of Knox, Beasly, Singletary running up the middle and Diggs on slants. Instead we kept with the long ball mentality when those other routes were consistently open. We need a better #2 option but if Allen doesn’t wake up and get a better understanding of what it takes to be successful in the playoffs we are never going to progress farther than this.
  4. How hard is that actually 🤦‍♂️
  5. You can’t compare results of receivers when the OC was way over his head and the oline not as good. Let’s not forget Cincinnati should have lost to Baltimore the week before if they don’t fumble. Your act as if Cinci is an unstoppable machine, simply isn’t true and should be proven in the next to games. I’ll be shocked if they win the Super Bowl. You certainly were not saying Burrows was a better Qb after the first 4 games. Are you calling Purdy better than Allen because of getting to the championship game? It’s all in context of who they play with and the system they are operating in. There certainly is personnel issues with the team, coaching problems and philosophies are an even bigger problem. He didn’t look flawless against Baltimore and should have lost, hell if not for terrible officiating he loses to the Patriots.
  6. Allen refuses to use them. So is our coordinator too weak to control him? Even the Gabe pass against Cinci had Knox wide open.
  7. He’s ignorantly trolling, should be obvious by now…
  8. Actually it should be clear he’s a classless POS. Something sadly you don’t get. It hasn’t been a week, fans on here get a chance to react and respond.
  9. This is because he mismanaged the draft and cap and we are stuck
  10. You couldn’t do anything in the second half, you were shut down. Go eat a bowl of that ***** chili and relax. You should have lost to the patriots too but the refs saved you by not calling forward progress and giving you a bs fumble. Stop acting like like you are this unstoppable machine, you aren’t and when you lose I’m going to spend a day laughing at you 🤡’s.
  11. It looked like they ran a different offense from the LA & Titans victories didn’t it? Some day I’ll go back and watch the first few games vs the last few.
  12. Because Einstein if the Qb didn’t fumble the Ravens likely win. It’s not up for discussion, it’s a fact. Exactly …
  13. Your team is dirty and you draft low quality people. Get over it, and when you lose whether it’s next week or the Super Bowl come back so we can laugh at you. It doesn’t matter that you may have gone further, you are not winning it all. It took a well timed fumble for you to beat the Ravens.
  14. Good question. If McDermott is a good coach he will see the issues and accept change.
  15. There were games we were able to run, but you are probably right, we don’t commit to truly establishing the run. So knowing that would we have changed our philosophy for one player? Who knows???
  16. He wouldn’t look half as good running behind our line or the crappy running blocking schemes we employ…
  17. One play, getting lucky on one play is not an offensive strategy. Throwing the ball long on third and two to the player who has the most drops is not a recipe for success. What do the analytics say? Which play has a better chance of success? Beasly underneath used to be almost automatic, that part of the game is gone and it’s a big reason we have been struggling. But keep dreaming the long ball will get us to the superbowl 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  18. Not much different, the oline is the issue, those players would help but not guarantee success.
  19. Keep thinking that’s a recipe for success. It failed us last week but we skated by, today it cost us. Keep the loser mentality 👍 look at success rates, your plan is terrible and was proven so today.
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