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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. This decades San Diego Chargers, all the hype with zero trophies. You good with that when it’s all said and done?
  2. Frazier is absolutely just as responsible as Allen. But you have one thing right, Allen past the midpoint or even sooner refused to check down or take plays that were there for the making. I was complaining from week 8 on that in the end this would be our downfall. Red zone play calling and play design was atrocious so Dorsey doesn’t get to escape criticism, plus he lacked the strength to reel Josh in…. Why would you do that instead of just fixing the situation?
  3. That’s one view, the one I looked at had KC at 27, Philly at 29, and San Fran at 32 and the easiest schedule. Buffalo was top 10 hardest.
  4. He absolutely did, don’t know why that stopped, teams didn’t take it away. It was his decision, can’t believe it was Dorsey forcing him to go long while there were easier plays to be made underneath. If that’s the case we have serious problems….
  5. You can stick the homerism up where the sun doesn’t shine. Only 5 teams played an easier schedule than the Chiefs this year. What does that say that Mahomes couldn’t separate himself vs qb’s who had less talented lines harder schedules, weaker receiving corps, weaker coaching? You know at least Zerovolts admits he’s a chiefs fan, what’s your excuse? You call everything an excuse because it shows your analysis is pure garbage. What does this show about Allen?, his surrounding cast is nowhere as good as Mahomes, now prove that wrong? You can’t and you won’t end of story.
  6. You are 100% correct. He’s probably more to blame since he’s responsible and doesn’t see the problem.
  7. Except the 49’s didn’t give a 10 yard cushion continuously to the wide receivers, coverage was much tighter and they were able to pressure Tua. If your 4 aren’t getting pressure, you have to change something. Frazier is the definition of insanity, his photo is in Websters defining it….
  8. After the offensive line, Allen was his own worst enemy as the season wore in. His refusal to see and take the available option was terrible. Whether that was because how terrible the line was or just arm arrogance is up to argument. Did Daboll control this part of his game? Can Dorsey take the needed to fix this? The book doesn’t work on Josh if he just made better decisions…
  9. Not a secret Beane has a lot of work to do, he has to make painful decisions, not sure if it’s possible but his decision making has to seriously improve. Does he have the guts to ignore McDermott and build this team to win it all instead of being regular season hero’s? Can his draft actually make a difference? Does he have the coaching in place to use his draft picks and free agent acquisitions properly? Does Dorsey have what it takes to reign in Josh’s poor decision making and refusal to use the short game to control the clock and move the sticks? Does McDermott actually understand why his defense continuously underperforms in the playoffs? I don’t think a healthy squad is as far away as some think they are, but there are critical decisions and moves to made this offseason. The Chiefs have almost rebuilt their roster in a few seasons and as painful as some of the decisions looked on the surface, they have resulted in the team producing on the field. Is Beane smart enough to understand this and execute this? Yet to be seen, but with Frazier still here and his pathetic end of the year news conference, signs point to no….
  10. You’ve proven you look at stats only which is the most foolish way to judge athletes. When you can’t understand that playing an inferior schedule produces unequal results then you your opinion means absolutely nothing. What happened this year when they went head to head when the Bills were relatively healthy? How many games did Mahomes play with a sprained UCL. How many games did Mahomes play without a 30 million dollar piece of his defense? Who was Mahomes coordinator vs Allen’s? You conveniently ignore all of that. Mahomes is a hell of a Qb, but so is Allen, but they certainly don’t play in the same environment, and anyone who doesn’t understand that is clueless.
  11. Conveniently leaving out rushing TD’s strength of schedule, and the fact minus Hill, he has a better oline and receiving corps is still better than Allen’s. it’s much closer than you will admit. Mahomes should be killing it in his system compared to Allen yet he’s barely ahead. Mahomes had a much easier schedule, he should have the best numbers. You should change your name to Mahomes4ever. He willed a defender to take a stupid penalty giving his team the win or he most likely loses in overtime.
  12. Nope, you have to base it on outcomes I guess, but Mahomes is operating in a much more favorable qb environment. Swap positions and the outcome will easy change with it. He still has Kelce the best tight end and Andy designing and calling the offense. Allen’s receivers were found by dumpster diving, he also had an additional game, he should easily have had much better numbers than Allen yet he didn’t. It should be more than just stat watching.
  13. I love summers in Buffalo but it would take more than a lifetime supply of Bocce pizzas and beef on wreck sandwiches to even make me consider leaving Florida to return. It’s a job for these guys, the weather and tax advantages would be enough to sway some. Jacksonville looks to be stable enough to provide a good future for him.
  14. And Allen did his numbers with a terrible OC, a pathetic oline, no running game, and a damaged UCL. I guess you forgot that.,,
  15. I want the Eagles to win, but I want Hurts knocked out early and have Minshew come in and run the offense proving what a fraud Jalen is. And of course enjoy watch KC going down in flames…
  16. Every team has injuries, Miami almost beat us with a third string Qb, missing offensive lineman, missing their top Rb.
  17. Making excuses, they haven’t got it done at the most important important time 4 times in the playoffs. How many chances do you think someone should get? The mistakes last year were unforgivable. Times up, we’ve wasted enough time and chances.
  18. The fact McDermott and Beane don’t see this is very telling, depressing, and insanely irrational on their part. Since the beginning of football teams that have dominant lines control the game. How Beane could ignore this on the offense and be so inept putting together a defensive line is mind boggling.
  19. Von expects to be read at or near the beginning of the season.
  20. I don’t know of too many other teams that have experienced more tragedies than this team has faced this year starting with Dawson’s brother🤦‍♂️ May next season bring better luck and circumstances….🙏🙏🙏
  21. Possibly a little as easier catches should’ve improved his drop rate somewhat. But Gabe doesn’t seem to get much separation so contested catches become the problem with that. I was a huge Gabe 👾 fan. I live in Orlando and I watched him play at UCF, but he needs to improve a lot over what he did last season for me to want him to stay the Buffalo Bill.
  22. Anyone who thinks 41% of the incompletions were bad throws from Josh is smoking crack. Josh threw too many low percentage passes, but a relatively high amount were catchable. Gabe was his own worst enemy.
  23. I would say the biggest reason is they didn’t have Frazier running their defense. 👍
  24. 3 bad games don’t forget Houston, he’s a terrible DC should retire, he has no answer or balls….actually 4 when you include Miami…
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