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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Don’t care if he did, Sauce is allowed to much leeway from the refs with holding and pass interference. I hope it did happen. He should have got a penalty for knocking Jones to the ground, but they let that go too. Even if it was retaliation, they gave Allen 15 for that, just more special treatment.
  2. I’m sure I watch just as many if not more games than you. It was a bad call and the results show that. Defend it all you want, it was a failure.
  3. Watching other game what did he do? No you can’t
  4. Don’t you dare speak a negative word about this offense or its coordinator 🤦‍♂️ don’t you know they won yesterday? You are nothing but a negative Nancy, positive posts only sir!!!
  5. Absolutely the outcome is most important , but making mistakes a high school coach shouldn’t make is not acceptable at this level. You accept and are happy with a poor performance as long as they win, I expect improvement and learning from his mistakes, I also know he doesn’t get this slack next week against Miami, or against KC, Dallas, etc…
  6. Glad you’re happy that in his second year he’s still making boneheaded calls. Is throwing on 4th & less than one taking what they give you? He Hasn’t figured out how to get Kincaid involved. God only knows what he’s doing with Harty. I can see how you are impressed. There is a difference between taking what they will give you and getting away from the strength of this team. I’m all for taking short completions moving the chains, eating up clock. That’s the way to beat the phins next week. But running up the middle with Cook on 2nd and long putting us in 3rd & 8, 3rd and 10 consistently is stupidity, not taking what a defense will give you. I did expect this response from you though and you didn’t disappoint.
  7. Looked worse than it was Allen was fishing there…
  8. It would be boring and senseless, perfect for those who grew up getting participation trophies….
  9. Who’s deciding if the perspective is correct or not you? Just cause you don’t want to hear it doesn’t make it wrong or right. But it should be there for discussion.
  10. Dorsey still has a way to go, he doesn’t seem to be learning from his mistakes, his situational awareness is terrible. That being said getting rid of him would most likely be a disaster. I do understand those who want to do better at the position. But we tend to be harsher on our own. Both Indy and Baltimore pulled some boneheaded plays on 4th down in overtime. I guess few teams play perfectly.
  11. Actually kind of looks like you don’t want discourse, only Rainbows and Unicorns. You don’t think people can enjoy a win while still discussing what went right and what went wrong? How boring this place would be if people just only spoke about what went right and never discussed different opinions on how people feel about different performances.
  12. You’re right this is a message board, what the hell are people doing discussing the nuances of the game? Only cheerleading allowed here, the rest of you haters should be shamed into silence.
  13. Did you watch the game? How many 2nd and 10 or longer did we have? 4th and less than one and we line up in a shotgun and throw? Got lucky to make a long field goal because a poorly planed and executed wide receiver screen to Diggs looses 5 yards and almost a puts us out of field goal range. I can’t even remember all the other stupidity that went on. The Dfense and Allen’s athleticism saved us from a close game and that’s a fact. These gaffs didn’t cost us today, next week the same mistakes will.
  14. Dorsey is a problem big win or not. He’s certainly not learning from obvious mistakes. He’s costing us points and possession. Against difficult opposition, he better step up.
  15. Because Dorsey is an idiot, and the scary thing is he’s not learning
  16. It was as good as a punt. There was some contact but in the end, as good as a punt.
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