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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Brady is an idiot
  2. josh spazed and threw early 1second longer and he sees the cut.
  3. and then misses the tackle, but he was afraid he’d blow by him
  4. yep he was open threw off back foot again.
  5. The run from the one was a good example of that. Reached out instead of powering through.
  6. He’s injured with shoulder problems. It affected his throwing.
  7. We haven’t had a decent passing game since the Eagles game. The passing game has been off every game since then.
  8. The effort of their backs skirting the sideline and working their way into the end zone has been nothing short of impressive also.
  9. The idiot is in the mirror, the guards helmet was in the neutral zone. Not only are you the fool, you don’t know the rules of the game.
  10. Makes ya sick to your stomach. Every other game the catches that are made, just makes you shake your head…
  11. Because he’s a troll and not a Bills fan, here to cause *****…
  12. Why? we’ve had two games at least this year influenced by poor officiating. Go cheer for another team if you don’t like it.
  13. Personally don’t care how they lose. we’ve been hosed enough.
  14. F’ing hilarious isn’t it👍
  15. Miller wasn’t Offside, stop falling for the crybaby whataboutism from chiefs fans. the blue line isn’t official. the angle exaggerated his position and that snap was after the ball was snapped.
  16. you can’t go by the blue line, it’s not accurate.
  17. they were running in the first half
  18. chiefs lined up in neutral zone all day with no calls. it was a joke. not feeling sorry at all for them.
  19. he was a foot not an inch
  20. stoped using Cook and Johnson and went to Murray 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ WTF
  21. How can they be that stupid? It was obvious what to do ..
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