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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. We are better in rhythm it we are going slow while behind, makes zero sense
  2. Murray wasn’t a blunder, the ball never left Allens hands till till4 seconds after contact
  3. Even on third down why is Kincaid coming out?
  4. Because the coach is weak and wanted to please instead of making the hard decisions himself.
  5. Unprepared or is his play design and calling just crap
  6. Have the guts to admit a mistake, Allen’s in no position to make any demands with his play this season
  7. Like almost impossible for a ball to do that unless it’s weighted improperly.
  8. His team is as beat up as ours. He’s certainly doing better than Mr. 13 seconds
  9. Can’t make a quick decision to save his lfe
  10. Who’s the coach with the power of decision making?
  11. Wasting a player to spy should make it easier to get one open.
  12. Taking away his ability to run. Giving him a ***** oline so he’s constantly under pressure, giving him a ***** offensive coordinator who can’t design a play to get a wide receiver open.
  13. Never heard which shoulder did he hurt his throwing?
  14. He came back against the grain and hit him returning towards his end zone also .
  15. The ball wasn’t even in the air wrong call? At least know what you are talking about
  16. Terrible call he didn’t vary his route he has the right to run pure bs
  17. How often does that happen? At some point you have to ask why?
  18. It’s an ongoing issue. Doesn’t look like it will ever be solved.
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