I travel a lot for work, Airports, restaurants, malls. This past year I saw Bills fans everywhere where I went. Trips to LA, Phoenix, Dallas, Ft Meyers, Ft. lauderdale Miami. Every trip i went on, I got a “Go Bills” or at least saw people, multiple people representing. This week, went through DC, Baltimore airport, Charlotte, finished up in West Palm Beach today. Saw one guy with a Bills hat all week. It was like people were embarrassed that we lost to KC again.
But really the worst thing that made me pause was the treatment and threats to Bass. How embarrassing and really down right dirty low class. I haven’t lived in Buffalo for a long time, and this was the first year I didn’t make it back for a visit. So what’s going on up there? I would hope it was just a small sample size of fans who acted out like that, but damn they were a serious black eye on the mafia. Cant tell you how many friends and co workers mentioned how nasty Bills fans are this week, Buy the end of the eeek i just gave up defending and had to agree to a point.