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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Great time to get Coleman involved speed up his development.
  2. Well then you chose that shot on purpose when the whole view was available. Not worth arguing over. Only time will tell what Coleman is. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂😂😂😂
  3. I was saying this last night, of course somebody had to disagree, but it would be nice to see him against the 1’s of another team.
  4. First year receivers often struggle, having to rely on a significant contribution from Colman this year was a poor risk from Beane in my opinion.
  5. Nope after you got called out you went and found one that showed the whole play. The fact is it was pre season, the pass sucked, we’ll see if Colman has alligator arms as the season progresses.
  6. You purposely cut out the safety who was their to separate his head from his body if he extends to catch the ball
  7. Baldinger is inept in not mentioning if Coleman extends he gets destroyed by the safety in a preseason game. Terrible throw. Receivers and oline…
  8. I am, but I’m in Florida, they just show shots of the waterfront or something.
  9. I haven’t seen Simon tonight you might be in the clear.
  10. Not often, but sometimes 🤦‍♂️
  11. Strange though, no Comercials shown
  12. Who you sitting Belford or Douglas?
  13. Maybe, but 1st vs 2.nd and third string.
  14. Nothing but a running back, poor man’s Lamar.
  15. Really? You don’t say🤔
  16. Davis needs reps with the first team, stupidity they haven’t given him them.
  17. Sad but true
  18. It would have been nice to catch it, but no need to get slaughtered in pre season for a Trubisky shart.
  19. He loses his head if he does, poor location on that pass. If he catches it, he gets decapitated
  20. Preseason nothing to lose . But it was fun to say😬
  21. Because he was out of bounds?
  22. Just put the new guy in. Mitch is a turd
  23. Needs to stop returning kicks inside the 10
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