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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Refs in full help NE mode now
  2. It’s the same crap take you always make like you have better insight than others on this board LOL what a joke...
  3. He didn’t face the pressure Allen faced and he has a competent OC who knows how to game plan for his skills...
  4. I think is was the wind and tight coverage. But I watched it on tv so I can’t truly say what the field conditions were like...
  5. No, he has actually found touch on a lot of his passes, obviously you really haven’t been paying attention lately. Did you see the wind today? A strong arm was needed... Yes easy decision to block that hot mess...
  6. Too slow, zero separation, Daboll likes his Smurf McKenzie who’s just about useless...
  7. Do you mean the penalty for holding that actually should have been illegal use of hands to the face against Baltimore?
  8. Just ignore he was getting his ass whipped all day with little or no time. Not sure why I am bothering here, never mind, I’ll just add you to the ignore list...
  9. If the o line gives him the time....
  10. No, he had no help from his line, what did you expect him to do, he got the crap knocked out of him...
  11. Terrible play calling at the end when Daboll knew the line couldn’t handle it. We don’t have the wide receivers to make them pay for there blitzing....
  12. Th first two years of the 4 year run were packed, after that the plastic fans Stopped coming because they kept losing Super Bowls. It was terrible...
  13. Didn’t think it was all that great, he really was stretching to find negatives in his recent play. It started out good but went down hill. Picks in the one int he’s thrown in weeks where Allen admittedly misread the defense and didn’t expect the safety to be over the top. He’s improving, we all see that, the only quest is how much further will he progress...
  14. Absolutely horrible call, this league shoots itself in the foot every week in a different way. But the fans never hold them accountable.
  15. Ah yes BigDingus, ever since I blocked him my experience has been so much better here???
  16. In the end you are right, we need to be an to execute the plays that are called....
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