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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Nice post Augie? I’m Not saying I know that Duke is the answer, I’m just saying I’d like to see him have another chance before he’s tossed into the scrap heap. I would think we can all agree the receiving core is inadequate, and McKenzie brings very little to the table that we don’t already have. I also still say out of all of our receivers we have, I would have trusted Duke to battle for Allen’s last pass of the game more than anybody else’s on the roster, certainly more than a 5’8” Beasly . This is all just to be a discussion among fans, and when posters just dismiss other people’s thoughts and try to ridicule them because they are different thoughts than theirs, this whole forum loses...
  2. Blah, blah, blah is all he’s got, he doesn’t have an intelligent response, so that’s what you get...
  3. Dumb argument, that can be said about every single player on every practice squad and about every player who has come off of a practice squad. Has no player ever been successful coming off a practice squad? This coaching staff has made mistakes on personnel in the past, see Peterman, and a certain wide receiver from the Panthers, so they are not infallible. And since they have not come out and said why he isn’t playing, you really don’t know why he hasn’t seen the field in weeks, so telling others their thoughts are weird or being so dismissive is a pretty poor take...
  4. You could very well be right, though he certainly didn’t look out of place on the limited opportunities that he got, but none of us are watching what’s going on during practice. I would’ve like to see him get a few more opportunities after Brown and Beasley nobody else has ever stood out.
  5. None of our receivers consistently get separation. The difference is his size as physicality. He has been shown to often out muscle his competition and or have a good ability to high point his catches...
  6. Have you seen how this team plays after the bye week? Not a big deal for most of the players.., They are mostly a young team, reps are important...
  7. Not that I should even bother with a poster like you, but what happened on the few times he was pressured? Yeah that’s right he threw intentionally grounded passes that the officiating never called. That’s what he has done all year, most passes thrown away of all qb’s If you had the intellectual capacity to understand what teams have done to Brady this year, you would understand we didn’t even attempt to get him uncomfortable were he has been an abject failure. So quite frankly you really look like they guy in your meme, and as you have shown your lack of ability to understand what happened on the field Last night. Good job Wayne...
  8. Brady didn’t bring his “A” game he brought his pathetic 42 year old man game and we chose to ignore the game plan that everyone else who has defeated him this year used. Pressure makes Tommy wilt and we never brought it it’s baffling to be honest, we never even tried once.,,
  9. My response was to the thought it was the offenses fault the defense was tired and on the field too long, they controlled that by not getting their job done.
  10. It seems like we have a small selection of plays with variations, but screens and dump offs to the RB are virtually non existent. We must be pretty easy to game plan for....
  11. All the defense had to do was stop them on the first set of downs each series and our offense could have had more opportunities. 75 yard drive from the one is ridiculous. Make a stop get off the field. I know nauseating....
  12. I brought this up and was told Dabolls play design is just fine. I really don’t think so or our receivers are just terrible at running the routes...
  13. I’m aggravated because I see the refs screwing Baltimore so they can give New England the home field advantage throughout the playoffs, it never ends....
  14. Are you drunk or just don’t understand the finer points of the game? The game is not static, what works in the first quarter may not working in the 3rd or 4th, does that nuance escape you? If your going to post all those stats, be prepared to back them up, not just throw them out there and take the position there I said it and nobody can question me.
  15. Why don’t you go hang out on the pats board where you can all have a big circle jerk. Easy to come here and comment when you have been getting this treatment for 15 years, the refs helping you is almost an every game experience for you. Again, what are you doing here? You obviously live a pathetic existence filled with low self esteem, you come here trying to feel Better about yourself, such a sad life..... Same thing on the next play he stepped out but they gave him a few more yards till he got pushed out. Total garbage...
  16. The longer gains happened earlier in the game and were getting shutdown later in the game the OC needs to have a finger on the pulse and be situationally aware of what’s working. You can’t just look at stats without analyzing them... He saying we scored on on a 53 yard dime to Brown, then did 3 runs in a row cause we went conservative, not hard to understand actually...
  17. I rest Gore again, I send him to the Bahamas for the week, we need a second back option and he needs the energy he had the first part of the season. Same with Morris and any other dinged up player. I let Allen play the first half and let him throw it all over the place to get used to doing it. I put Duke out there and tell him to show me something.
  18. We can’t let Shaq go, we will be creating too many holes to fill. Lorenzo should retire and Murphy should get cut, that’s enough to replace as it is, we just need to replace Murphy with some real talent. ...
  19. The whole night made me sick, I am of the belief the defense was done and could not have stopped the Pats from getting a game winning field goal even if we tied it up.
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