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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. It’s always a consideration, but the one true fact is California has become a crap hole. I just spent 5 days in Santa Monica and the place is overrun with homeless, Venice looked third world. Those who can leave are...
  2. I’m just saying that as one example, what I’m really saying is we have barely scratched the surface of understanding what goes on in our brains. I wasn’t accusing you of minimizing depression, sorry if it came off that way?...
  3. It certainly isn’t as simple as that. Do the millions and millions of people around the world who suffer from depression just choose to be depressed? Shouldn’t they just choose to be happy and be over it? Or is there a chemical in balance in the brain that we humans are not smart enough to figure out how to balance it correctly? We simply do not know enough about the human brain to understand this completely...
  4. I would think lots of people are capable of this behavior, but a healthy brain keeps this in check. When the part of your brain that controls this is destroyed there is nothing to stop them from acting out. We don’t know enough about the human brain to know if without CTE he would have acted on this. The people on this thread acting like they are leading psychologists are a joke. Have literally no idea on how issues in the brain cause changes, depression, actions. This is nothing but a horrible tragedy that nobody on this message board is truly capable of fully understanding.
  5. Because his daughter had anything to do with this? She is a victim in this also. I don’t think Netflix pays any more based on viewership either correct me if I’m wrong... You might actually learn something here. This guy was sexually assaulted as a child, grew up in a home where his father brutally beat his mother, allegedly dealt with being bisexual in the NFL and his brain was being destroyed by a terrible disease that first affects the part that controls decision making and impulse control. A leading Dr said she never saw such advanced stages of this in someone so young. Through that he is responsible for his own actions to a point, but this kid was let down by almost everyone in his life. A tragedy for everyone involved. Starting at least in Gainesville everyone ignored the signs of his problems, and at least 3 people died due to the ignorance of thought that it was more important to keep a star athlete on a national championship team instead of figuring out what the hell was going on. Hell even one of his victims wouldn’t turn him in because he wanted revenge. Ridiculous....
  6. If it as simple as preparation, almost everyone would be capable of it. No way all the continued success happened without cheating....
  7. You’re an idiot if you think the running game the Bills had the same effectiveness that Marshaun and Seattle had that season. The Bills running game against good defenses could not perform with any kind of consistency inside the 30 yard line offering little or no support to a young QB, but keep up your bs narrative...
  8. Josh didn’t have the quality of the running game that Wilson had and that is a hugh difference that made life a whole lot easier for Wilson, Wilson’s receiving core was measurably better too. This is all just fun speculation in the end but most signs point to Allen being on the right track.
  9. He was a great player when he was younger, very fun to watch...
  10. We’ll see if he gets a chance next year. He definitely needs to work hard this off season, maybe he has figured that out. He very well may not be good enough to make the team again. If so, that would be a good thing I would think as it would hopefully mean we upgraded the the receivers we had.
  11. Stop with the details with the Allen hater, they don’t want to hear it...
  12. Same reason they never call all the illegal hits on Allen....
  13. So last week vs a much better defense Houston never gets caught holding, but today? It’s a friggan miracle I tell ya...
  14. Oooh you got me. There is a reason our Qb Runs and it’s often because we can’t block to save our lives, and or our receivers can’t get separation. There is a reason why Duke came in and instantly got 10 targets, our Smurfs don’t get open with regularity. You want to blame this all on Allen, you see the symptoms but don’t have the ability to see the cause. My 6 year old daughter loved to roll her eyes too....
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