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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. He didn’t even catch it before the the toe drag and the left foot was off the ground before it came back into his hands
  2. That’s crap left foot was off the ground when he got possession.
  3. Thank you for some clarity 👍 These clowns screaming about collusion when collusion isn’t even actually a crime. But the real collusion that we know happened happened between Hillary Clinton’s staff and Russia and nobody wants to talk about that because you’re too busy watching CNN and some fat fingered witch Madcow And sucking up everything she has to say. If you want collusion it’s China Joe and his son and China, just watch what happens over the next four years with that. And anybody who watches the old senile fool who can’t even put a sentence together and says he has not had cognitive decline is just being ignorant.
  4. Complete crap, shoulder pad made the contact.
  5. You think Barkley is going to give us a two score lead against a tough defense? And the Tua disrespect here is a bit over the top. He has a winning record and can be very efficient. If our starters don’t play to win, this will not be a cakewalk...
  6. He also has 20 free agents on his own team that have to be replaced, it’s not gonna be a cake walk for him...
  7. Isn’t that enough? There were games you got lucky bounces in turnovers. I’d have to go back and watch some of the wins you got earlier to remember but it’s not that important to me, I just remember seeing it for a number of games. It’s not sustainable though. You will have to improve next year to keep this amount of wins you got this year.
  8. No argument here. You have had some very good luck, but being good enhances that. You are a tough team no doubt...
  9. Not sure about that, living in Florida I’ve seen a lot of their games. I’ve also seen what Barkley is capable of. It won’t be as easy as many here think it will be...
  10. I don’t think we will play our starting group to long and think the Dolphins will win because of it. They are a decent team that definitely has had luck on their side this year. I don’t think our second team can beat them.
  11. Meh, work is slow because of this Covid BS. After 25 years taking a little time to enjoy this is a treat...
  12. Not sure, he’s in his late 40’s and grew up in Boston. I’ll have to continue the abuse to find out LOL... It’s fun and costs us nothing and is part of the enjoyment of what these Bills have become. Enjoy every aspect of being on top, you never know how long it will last or when it will come back again...
  13. One thing you could tell last night was the confidence the coaches and players had. Gone is the fear that made us play physically and mentally weak. That going forward will go a long way in keeping us on top... The demons have been fully removed...
  14. I was teasing a co worker pats fan last night. He used to fly all over and go to Super Bowls to watch them play. He claimed last night he hasn’t watched a game all season. I call bs, but I believe you are right, if they suck next year their fan base will shrink in half...
  15. Most of the opt outs are aging over the hill non factors except for Hightower. Bills drafting has been terrible. His record without Brady is average at best. We lost to the Titans and Chiefs with what now is known a injured Josh Allen. We suffered through lots of defensive injuries too. Not saying it will be a cake walk, but everybody thought this season’s schedule was brutal and I think we did fine. The truth is we have built a pretty damn good team and if we get better at running and better at stopping the run, this team will dominate for years to come...
  16. Spent time last night and this morning reading a few threads in the patsies forum. Just so enjoyable to see all the pain and suffering. Overall they complained that their draft position has severely hurt them, with a few mentioning how bad Bill’s drafting has been. Some ventured to say the Belicheat threw the season away because of Covid and he didn’t want to waste effort on a season that wouldn’t be completed. Overall they figured with a better draft class and free agents they would be well on their way to recovery next year. The one thing that stuck out was I didn’t see a single post about how good we’ve become. Nothing about the fact that Josh Allen before our eyes has become a top Qb that they will have to deal with twice a year for the next ten years. They have no idea that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually the Bills train headed straight for them engineered by Josh. Next year will be even more enjoyable than this season if that is even possible.
  17. He’s just thinking on how he has to play against him for 10+ years ha ha ...
  18. Belicheat is ready to cry on his interview LOL. Looks like the BurgerMeister
  19. Yep I have no ACL for 25 years I’m deadly in a straight line LOL 😂
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