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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. That’s what I’m saying. The trouble is, there isn’t a contract we can sign him for that will work for both. He will obviously like a chance to be a number 1, but we can’t pay any more than back up money. He’s pretty much as good as gone.
  2. We couldn’t afford that though, can you franchise some you don’t have the cap to keep?
  3. They only have him for one season. If you don’t trade him this season he walks and maybe you get a Comp pick.
  4. It’s such a change with the bills when this is the worst we have to debate👍
  5. I can agree with that👍 His receiver might not and want a catch in the end…
  6. No he hit the shoulder first with such force it slid up to the face mask to face mask not a penalty by any rule.
  7. Or he can’t understand the field and won’t throw the ball and runs scared…
  8. Fromm looked like someone who’s never played a minute of professional football in his first start with 3rd and 4 string offensive lineman. He warrants a chance with a decent line in front of him, he should be given a chance to perform not worry about his life. He may be nothing, but evaluating him under these conditions doesn’t show much.
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