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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Do you think they were exhausted? I have to admit I did not pay much attention to the rotation. Or could they not keep up the intensity they showed in the first half.. Cleveland certainly faded in the second half today…
  2. Didn’t know that having a discussion in a forum could solve a professional sports teams deficiencies, thanks for clearing that up👍 It’s all sunshine and candy going forward…
  3. He no longer can throw accurately down field, we’ll documented last year. Folds under pressure can’t or doesn’t want to take the hits anymore. You obviously haven’t been paying attention as of late. Teams that can pressure him beat him…
  4. Inexcusable to be exact. Not sure he’s above average, too many head scratchers to be honest. Not the first game he’s fallen on his face….
  5. He has a dead arm, he’s mostly imobile if we could have generated any pressure on him in the second half it would have been a different game. My d line standard expects a line to be able to pressure a statue playing on the road with two rookies on the line.
  6. If you can’t see the issues that weren’t fixed from last years team what can I say. I’m sure we will pick off the low hanging fruit, why wouldn’t we? But the last 5 teams we played have handled this offense each better than the previous, if your happy about that good for you.
  7. Pretty good? First half maybe, couldn’t get a stop in the second half against an oline with two rookies and an old broken down Qb. You should understand what a dominant running game can do for your qb. If you are happy with what our D did today, enjoy your low expectations. Watching the Pats oline give a rookie Qb starting his first game all the time he needs is giving him confidence and the ability to succeed. Our lines will be the downfall of this team along with a OC who thinks he’s way to cute for his own good.
  8. Go watch the first half of Cleveland vs KC and comeback and tell us how you feel about this team? We did nothing different than last year which looked inadequate once we got into the playoffs. Tell us all how we have improved this year?
  9. As a coach don’t make your day so hard with stupid decisions. That cuts both ways. The play calling and the execution was not good enough, this team in all areas was not prepared to do its job today… Who’s fault is that?
  10. Couldn’t agree with you more. I don’t want to overreact, but after watching the first half of Cleveland KC, we are in no better shape to get to the SB than last year, we treaded water, got a year older. How disappointing. This team is not set up fir a Super Biwl run. Good defenses or bad weather Or Daboll can shut this offense down at will. And our defense isn’t good enough to control or win a game on a regular basis. Oh we’ll have our occasional offensive blow out against teams that can’t execute a 4 man rush, but that’s about it… Sad realization…
  11. It’s more than obvious now, having an average at best oline is not going to cut it. We need to give Allen better or we are not going anywhere. We also need at least one impact player on D fense. It’s going to be disappointing if we keep going down this route…
  12. Just watched Cleveland run one for 10 yards. Crazy to think we don’t run one a game..
  13. I saw get horribly held on the interception play, didn’t notice him after that…
  14. Funny thing was his first couple throws were way to hot, then when he needed a strong throw on a third down he try’s to feather it to Diggs I believe and it was knocked down 😡😡🤬
  15. We don’t have any difference makers. It’s obvious now, Jerry Hughs will never ever get a call in his favor, he’s a step slower and we don’t have anything thing else that makes teams Game plan to stop us. We are too vanilla, to average, we don’t excell at anything on defense…
  16. I wholeheartedly agree, but Allen was making some incredibly bad choices often throwing into 2 and 3 man coverage. He’s got to do better, got to make better choices.
  17. Should work the cap better and figure it out. Other teams do…
  18. Watching Cleveland roll KC in a way we could only dream of. It’s early, but it’s been fun to watch. Too much finesse on the Bills today…
  19. Cleveland is going to destroy Pittsburg this year, it’s not going to be close.
  20. He actually didn’t run into him, shouldn’t have been a call…
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