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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. He’s doing it cause he has a great offensive line and no other reason.
  2. Dabolls play design is crap, his situational awareness worse…
  3. That is true, but his lack of involvement makes it hard to be on top of your game. Beasley had a horrendous drop too yesterday…
  4. I would like to know how many times Josh keeps the ball during RPO’s and the success rate of them. It doesn’t appear very high, but it may just be we are noticing the failures more.
  5. When Dabolls philosophy fails, he usually has no answers how to adjust or doesn’t recognize it quick enough…
  6. That’s absolutely compounding the problem. Anyone who didn’t understand that issue after last year’s playoffs isn’t paying attention. It’s magnifying the problem, but they are very related.
  7. You are correct and look at all the negative responses. Every loss we had this year could have been a win if he and Daboll understood how to beat pressure. But after all these years they both still don’t get it. If you actually pay close attention, yes sometimes late he throws to the back and there are a few plays that are designed short, but their are often plays long developing plays they he looks at a wide ope receiver 5-8 yards upfield only to throw a much longer incompletion to a double covered receiver 20 + yards up field.
  8. Actually they may have, they certainly cost us 3 pts and aided them in getting 3. The PF on White was a joke and extended a drive that was over. As bad as we hurt ourselves, they definitely added to it. The receiver pushed him hard after the first down was made, it was a retaliatory call that was bs…
  9. Josh seems to keep the ball on that play. 90% of the time, it’s up to Daboll to either stop calling it or beat it in to josh to make better decisions…
  10. My gut says Daboll will probably ***** this game up too…
  11. I want him gone, he’s just not good at what he does, his play design is terrible and at times predictable.
  12. I know what you mean. Had a couple of ***** weeks culminated with having to bury my father in law yesterday. Flew home from Buffalo last night, had tickets but didn’t feel like driving over from Orlando, just exhausted emotionally, physically. Glad I didn’t waste the time. But the losses really sting these days, and I used to talk about every game to my father in law. We shared a mutual hatred of New England & love of football and the Bills. But that is gone now and all this can seem like a big emotional waste of time after days like these.
  13. Daboll is a moron, this happens a few times every season and he never learns. But it was McDermott who also was a fool today, he won’t do anything about it. Just sickening. Watching other teams run is frustrating as we can’t even get a yard when needed. Allen was as bad today as he was in the three interception game against New England a few years ago. What a way to end a ***** week, had to bury my Father in law yesterday in Buffalo, flew back to Orlando last night, thank god I decided to throw my tickets away to this abortion of a game….
  14. Where we will lose if we play like thisWhere we will lose if we play like this
  15. This team just doesn’t have it this year. We got too excited after last year’s run. Josh what’s there to say about his playing a number of these games this year.This team just doesn’t have it this year. We got too excited after last year’s run. Josh what’s there to say about his playing a number of these games this year.
  16. Kind of stupid of McDermott and his use of the time out. Jacksonville would’ve called it anyways if he would’ve ran up he’s just not that smart of a head coach under pressure.
  17. I just said the same thing and usually I get embarrassed when I make remarks like that. So sometimes I just say it so we can do good and I can look like a fool.I just said the same thing and usually I get embarrassed when I make remarks like that. So sometimes I just say it so we can do good and I can look like a fool.
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