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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Not only that, but if ACA is totally thrown out, wealthy people will see a huge tax refund from the IRS for the Net Investment Income Tax and Additional Medicare Tax. So, poor people with predicting conditions lose health insurance and wealthy people get tax refunds!
  2. That reminds me of a friend of mine in 2012. He lived in rural Illinois and swore to me Obama would lose Illinois because everything he was seeing where he lives. It’s not exactly the same, but sometimes personal bias can force you to ignore facts right in front of you. For example, none of the polls are showing an easy win for Trump in GA. Trump campaigning in GA shows internal polls require him to. GA will be close. Early voting is showing numbers that should concern Republicans. However, we still don’t know what kind of turnout Republicans will get on Election Day. One thing that crossed my mind with the current spike of COVID cases, how many people planning to vote the third will not be able to sue to COVID? Don’t forget Trump barely won a couple of states last time. The other big issue I’ve not really seen a good explanation for is how Trump will get the people that voted third party last time to vote for him. Polls showed a large chunk of third party voters being people on the left who didn’t want to vote Hilary.
  3. I think if can be left out now because it’s happening:
  4. TikTok effect. TikTok has younger voters engaged in a way they never were before, just look at Tulsa. Early voting is also big for younger voters who may not have the ability to leave a job to go vote on one specific day of the year.
  5. outside of WI, 2016 RCP averages were pretty accurate.
  6. any proof to support that? Even if White House and Senate are a toss up, House is safely Dem.
  7. whataboutism at its finest! What was the amount he misused them? I feel like even misusing $1 of charitable funds would be bad. Also, are you saying he paid $2,000,000 as a settlement? So the actual misuse of funds is actually higher and Trump as a good business man negotiated the amounts lower?
  8. things like this make me wish we developed hardware that can scan documents and electronically mail them to a person.
  9. Trump fraudulently used over $2 million of charity funds for personal use. He even signed statements agreeing that he did so. Worst of all, he used the funds to buy a Tebow jersey.
  10. I think this is a good topic on what good things came from COVID. A couple I can think of: 1. Speeding up telework 2. QRC codes for restaurant menus 3. Better curbside/pick up options for groceries and other stores 4. Shifts in industries to actual meet public demand like movie theaters now offer more dining options
  11. here’s an encouraging stat from WaPo If the country sees a 13 percent increase in voting this year and that’s reflected in Texas’s total vote, the state will see 10.2 million voters in 2020. If those who’ve already voted preferred Biden by seven points, Trump would need to win the day-of vote by 17 points to win the state.
  12. Not going in the record saying it will happen but I think Biden takes Texas based on early voting.
  13. The higher turn out also should make the polls more accurate.
  14. At least the one person who ripped off her speech for Melania that one time.
  15. 1. Pass election reform HR1: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1/text 2. Start a commission to look at Supreme Court 3. Unwind Trump's unwinding on environmental regs. 4. Get rid of the stupid 2 regs need to leave to create 1 reg. It's really hindered the IRS generating Regs. 5. Work on a budget that increases IRS funding for audits.
  16. Yes, they won the argument in the Supreme Court. And it's not the report but more so the confirmation that DOJ has a policy to notnindict a President while in office. So, if you want Biden in jail while he's President, it won't come from DOJ.
  17. We also have the Mueller report and the testimony to Congress where Mueller explained a long standing DOJ policy that the DOJ cannot indict a sitting President. https://www.vox.com/2019/7/24/20708393/robert-mueller-report-trump-olc-justice-department-indictment-charge-sitting-president
  18. And how are actual cases with actual Trump legal arguments a hoax? The one case has already been to the Supreme Court once.
  19. We can start with tax return cases: The cases are Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP (the accounting firm) consolidated with Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG and Trump v. Vance. Mazars and its companion bank cases (henceforth Mazars) involve four subpoenas issued by three House Committees: the House Financial Services Committee, the House Intelligence Committee and the House Oversight Committee. Vance involves a subpoena in aid of a grand jury investigation served on behalf of Cyrus Vance, the District Attorney for the County of New York, on Trump’s accounting firm (Mazars) seeking the same documents the House committees requested. Trump's attorneys are effectively trying to limit Congressional investigation functions. Precedent in these cases will be used by the Executive for decades to come, including the Biden adminstration.
  20. Mitch wouldn't have let a vote on a new judge. He would have used his made up rule about not confirming judges in an election year. Oh well. Dems poised to take the White House, Senate and House. Elections have consequences.
  21. Trump did say it would magically disappear.
  22. Deandre Hopkins brandished a pretty awesome middle finger: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8879577/Cardinals-wide-receiver-DeAndre-Hopkins-sticks-middle-fingers-Trump-supporters-highway.html
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