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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. GA should be. Not sure their auto-recounts tho.
  2. IF GA goes Biden, I think it’s over. We will probably see a GA- WI and then no one cares about P.A. being the slow poke. We need national election reform.
  3. 10,000,000 illegal votes! That’s crazy! Trump should start a commission or something to look at that. Surely they will find those 10,000,000 votes and put people in jail. Oh wait, he did. Oh wait, they didn’t find anything.
  4. those ballots in Atlanta were going Dem. plus officials said home were destroyed.
  5. Trump gets Iowa and Florida per ABC. Expected after the results we have so far.
  6. There’s a ton of the cities not in. Falcons stadium had a water main break that delayed a ton of votes too. Bovada down to -150.
  7. Here’s the NYT needle: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/forecast-president.html They were one of the first to give Trump the best odds 4 years ago.
  8. 16 votes. Now that Biden has MN, changes the calculus on WI, PA. AZ and GA gets Biden to a guaranteed 260. Biden would just need 1 of WI, MI, PA.
  9. Supreme Court ruled yesterday that they can count the postmarked ones. I agree!
  10. I didn’t think GA would go Biden early in the night but NYT has Biden at the advantage with a lot of vote in. AP calls MN for Biden.
  11. It could depend on the split of the NE and ME votes. GA to Biden changes everything. Hard to tell if NYT is accurate. They had Trumps chances at 3.1 as the highest I saw, so to be plus on Biden now is interesting. On not knowing for awhile, we can’t forget automatic recounts as well.
  12. NYT shifted GA to Biden on their needle projections. MI and WI don’t have an ordering on how they count ballots. Early returns look like there hasn’t been a major count of the mail ins. It looks more likely this will all come down to P.A. which said they won’t count everything until Friday. They can get votes in the mail as long as they’re postmarked by today as well.
  13. That’s a really idiotic statement. We already know the votes not counted in those states are mainly absentee/mail in votes. We’ve already seen those have gone heavily towards Biden. So, everything will not stay the same. The thing that matters is if the margins on EV is can make up any deficits. The analysis you bring up then and are trying to defend literally has a 0 percent chance of happening.
  14. Im a little mad I didn’t toss money down on Biden at those odds.
  15. No. Very unlikely he gets the popular vote.
  16. Those states had a delay on starting to process mail in/absentee ballots. PA already stated they can’t process them. MI and PA at least will be red until they process mail ins. It’ll come down to how big of a lead Trump can get vs how many absentee ballots are there.
  17. No it’s not. This will break based on MI, WI and P.A. were not going to have a winner for awhile.
  18. and they’re looking at a 90 percent turnout in Milwaukee already!
  19. another person using the numbers that don’t include Miami-Dade.
  20. More bad news for Trump: Gwen Moore, congresswoman from Milwaukee, says she projects the city will reach 89 percent turnout. (Was 61 percent in 2016)
  21. you must have missed the counties that aren’t counted. A bunch of small ones of and Miami that Clinton won by 290,000 votes.
  22. Florida from an hour ago: FLORIDA, 12:30 UPDATE Republican: 3,884,976 (+106,611) Democratic: 3,778,365 NPA/Other: 2,321,068 TOTAL: 9,984,409 *Includes ALL mail + in-person early *Missing E-day votes: DeSoto, Hardee, Jefferson, Miami, Monroe, Sarasota, Seminole, Union https://mobile.twitter.com/umichvoter99/status/1323652571886735360 Bad numbers for Trump.
  23. Broward County and Miami- Dade getting higher than expected turnout!! https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article246923312.html Terrible news for Trump.
  24. The Republican that voted for Biden’s quote was great! I’m glad he spoke to Republicans about how they need to go back to their values.
  25. you were probably the guy in 2018 who was like Trump will make gains in the house!
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