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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. That cop needs to grow up. He shouldn’t have been engaging her like that.
  2. Trump surrogates need to stop sharing fake news. Eric Trump busted for showing a video of someone burning Trump votes in VA Beach. However, those ballots were just sample ballots. It’s dangerous all this disinformation they’re sharing.
  3. No truth in NV going more Trump. NV has changed their counting releases though. They’re releasing numbers at 10 AM every day through next week. NV I believe allows up to a week for votes to come in.
  4. I wish there was a counter protest to shout “Why?” After each stop that count.
  5. President Biden is up 3.3 million votes (and growing) and will win the electoral college. This wasn’t split right down the middle. Right now 3.3 million more people wanted Biden and he won the electoral college. That’s a mandate. Funny how the Trumpers were saying they were the silent majority. Guess that ideas thrown out the window now.
  6. The one thing I fear with Booker is that he’s just dropped so much momentum. As mayor with him being so hands on and it on the Daily Show he had a really good position nationally. Now that he’s a Senator, he gets a little blurred into the background.
  7. I think there was less complacency by the Dems. Dems thought 2016 was locked up and didn’t vote or voted third party and that didn’t happen this time.
  8. I didn’t think Mitch was interested in taking it up.
  9. Will Republicans take up Nacys bill on a commission for the 25th now?
  10. I can’t stand the argument Trump would have won without COVID. Almost every President has some kind of disaster/bad thing happen. The job of leaders is to lead. When you vote for a President, you should consider something like a pandemic can happen. Bush went through 9/11 and Katrina and was a leader there.
  11. That’s why the Republicans need to stop doing that.
  12. stuff like that is what can start a civil war.
  13. I said it here last night, but man I wish I jumped on Biden when Trump was -600.
  14. I’m a big Corey Booker fan! He’s got star power!
  15. Dems never changed any confirmation rules for Supreme Court justices, the Republicans did.
  16. That doesn’t work for someone like me. During the last quarter of the year, I’m usually traveling for work. For example, if it was not for COVID, I was scheduled to speak in New Hampshire on the 3rd. I have no control over where I’ll be when. I’ve voted via mail the past 4 elections.
  17. Biden is -1200 in Michigan and -1400 in Wisconsin now.
  18. @coltrane34 was right about Florida at least! Just way off on everything else.
  19. This didn’t age well!
  20. That’s where I’m leaning. The Green Bay results have WI done. Just need Michigan to start counting!
  21. Biden picking up votes in Green Bay lead should be enough with just Kenosha absentee left: https://mobile.twitter.com/reidepstein/status/1323958900060790784
  22. Bovada at -210 for Biden now! This is over. Biden has it won.
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