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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. How does it teach irresponsibility to the former students? They’re not going to go out and go back to school with more debt. If anything the current system requires irresponsibility. For example in the 2008ish recession many people went back to school, taking out more loans after they were fired due to the recession just because that would freeze student loan companies from trying to collect. The current generation really got the short end of the stick. The boomers had a time period when college was dirt cheap. When college costs started increasing they were able to use bankruptcy to discharge their student loans as well. Blanket cancellation will help drive the economy. If anyone here is pro-tax cuts because it will help the economy should be pro-blanket forgiveness due to the greater economic impact at a similar price. Colleges need reform on ballooning costs. Really, a Bernie plan of free higher education would be ideal across the board. Your point 4 doesn’t work and is really a disguised attack on the poorer class. As of 2019 there’s 5.2 million defaulted federal loans. They’re typically defaulted because they can’t pay because they don’t make enough money to pay. Plus you’re needlessly clogging up the legal system. My solution: 1. Program to consolidate private student loan debt into federal student loan debt 2. blanket forgiveness on Federal student loan debt 3. 100 percent excise tax on colleges salaries in excess of $500,000. Money goes to a fund to pay #2. 4. Federal tax credit of $100,000 a year, allowable for $25,000 a year over a 4 year period. Payable directly to the colleges. 5. Any college where tuition is more than $25,000 a year and gets non-for-profit status needs a justification of the higher tuition disclosed on a tax return or risk losing non-for-profit status 6. Program where if $25,000 tuition does not cover all operating costs for a college, the college can apply for a tax credit to cover remaining expenses on a justified need basis 7. Any non-for-profit college is capped at $200,000 max salary for all employees 8. State programs similar to NY to offset any additional costs. That’s really a funny part about this. The right are the people who are against this saying to pay back debts. Yet Trump had 6 bankruptcies and they call him a great business man. Economic impact of Trumps bankruptcies? Nothing. Economic impact of this? Greater increase in GDP than Trumps signature Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax cuts.
  2. With the Texas GOP threatening to leave the Union, can we now consider the Republicans the party of snowflakes? Man, they get their butt stomped in one election and all they do is cry. I like the term GOProjection where they try to project everything they are on to the Democrats but man between snowflakes and how everyone in that party is just a beta to Trump it’s really apt.
  3. Trump tweeted the Supreme Court has no wisdom. I feel like he appointed 3 of them. Shouldn’t he have vetted their wisdom prior to putting them through the confirmation process? Republicans approved all 3 mainly along party lines. Does this means Republicans are also a bad judge of wisdom?
  4. Who cares if it’s a slap in the face? Where in the constitution does it say, all laws must be created so there is no slap in the faces. No matter what law is passed there are always winners and losers: - the example I gave before, when they passed social security, was that a slap in the face to the people who actually saved for retirement? - when they passed TCJAs flat 21 percent corporate tax rate, was that a slap in the face for the smaller corporations that were at a lower tax bracket the year before? - When they passed CARES act and only allowed PPP funds based on W-2s paid, was that a slap in the face of companies who only use 1099 contractors? - When weed is finally legal and people in jail on weed convictions are let out, is that a slap in the face of the people who did their full time for their weed convictions? and to the people who did pay things off early or make sacrifices, they benefit too as it will increase GDP and create jobs. So while they don’t get an immediate gratification of seeing a decreased loan balance, they get a better economy to live in. Just think of this as a tax cut designed to help stimulate the economy.
  5. Eliminating student loan debt right now doesn’t hurt anyone. It helps people who have debt not have it. It helps people who do not have debt by helping to create jobs. It helps the government by increasing GDP. this is a two step process. Fix the current debt and fix the future debt. There’s no reason not to take the steps you can take for step 1 while working on step 2.
  6. Thats not a study, that’s an opinion piece. It’s pretty easy. Joe Taxpayer pays $600 a month to the federal government for student loans a month. Loans are forgiven, now Joe Taxpayer has $600 to spend on goods. Now multiply that by the millions of people with student loans. This then increases demand for goods and services. As demands for goods and services increase, supply needs to keep up. How does supply keep up? Businesses expand. What happens as business expands? Jobs are created and people are needed to fill those jobs.
  7. Then they should support blanket student loan forgiveness then. If you see the Levy study from page 1 it would literally create millions of jobs each year. The morality issue is overblown. There’s always some morality to not doing something. When Social Security passed you gave a bunch of old people who didn’t save money. All of a sudden they have money and won’t die in poverty. What about the people that died in poverty from not having a savings before they passed Social Security?
  8. Another thing that hasn’t been mentioned is the current talk is Federal loans only. That makes most of these just a timing difference.m for a lot of people. Federal loans already have a forgiveness feature where the loan is forgiven after 10 years if you work for the government or a non for profit, for almost everyone else it’s forgiven after 20 years. The cancellation of Federal debt just speeds that up, which allows for more money to go into the economy. That addition funds in the economy leads to more jobs, and benefits everyone. Think of it as trickle up economics.
  9. TCJA had a cost of $1.9 trillion dollars to give tax cuts to mainly wealthy people. Cancelling all Federal student loan debt would cost $1.7 trillion. Where some simulations show it would add between $800 billion to $1 trillion dollars to real gdp in a 9 year period plus add hundreds of thousands of jobs: http://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/rpr_2_6.pdf i would put this more in the category of spending taxpayer money wisely that stupidly.
  10. Same people. Trump has been spouting his lies since at least when he announced his running in 2016 so yea same people lied to then, were lied to through 2020 and up to the 50 plus court case losses.
  11. Let us never forget the people on here who: 1) called Trump supporters the silent majority. They were neither silent nor a majority 2) laughed at projections of Biden winning thinking it impossible since they deemed him a pedophile that is going through dementia 3) that felt boat parades were accurate representations of voting enthusiasm While we shall not forget them, we should have pity on them. These were people who were lied to constantly and believed it. While a lot of people say they were a cult, I think a battered spouse who was gaslit is more an appropriate of an analogy. People get lured into scams and lies all the times and this was there time. For these are probably the same people who get phone calls from the IRS requesting them to pay in Amazon gift cards and they pay. Or the people who have funded close to thousands of Nigerian princes still waiting for their millions of dollars.
  12. Good thing more than 5,000,000 people despised the right and Trump more than you despise Democrats!
  13. Surprisingly that’s not in the top 3 of any red state porn watching:
  14. I ordered my mail-in-ballot here in Virginia. It didn’t come when it send it sent. I just emailed the election board and they sent me a new one. Said if the other one shows up to just trash it. If my second one didn’t come, I had a backup plan to put in a provisional ballot. It’s not like this is a big deal.
  15. If only you were Republicans cared this much about not giving out the name of the Ukraine whistleblower. Oh well hypocrites going to hypocrite.
  16. How long until Matt Gaetz comments on this?
  17. Will any Republican stand up to Trump saying to call off elections? No, the Republican party’s main principal now revolves are dictatorships. I feel a little bad for the Republican in GA getting death threats. How he’s feeling right now and how all Republicans should be feeling because they could be next: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  18. the name makes sense. Lie to Trump make him seem like they’re going after the Dems, then Boomerang it back on him!
  19. Eh, news flash Republicans have veto proof majority in red states. Would have liked to see better results but it is what it is. Democrats must sure be terrible at this election fraud to let all that happen. 2022 will come and with no Trump on the ballot we will probably see a similar 2018. Especially since it’s doubtful Biden will pass anything in 2021 or 2022 that would energize the red vote. Redistricting will happen but 1) the main Republican who was doing crazy discrimination in state redistricting projects passed away and 2) the Courts are starting to take a harder stance of racist Republican redistricting like they did in North Carolina.
  20. Isnt what needs to be done is to present evidence of voter fraud that is credible? Because if you’ve followed the cases, they haven’t done that. But you are correct, not having any evidence is definitely an insurmountable obstacle.
  21. Then perhaps what we disagree on is the degree of utter incompetence Trumps legal team has. Where you view losing all these cases as being admonished by judges as only semi-incompetent while I view it as utterly incompetent. Even the 0-16 lions won pre-season games.
  22. States do not have resources for frivolity suits. A judges time is finite. The time he needs to waste on these frivolous arguments is time he could be working cases with actual merits. but Trump should keep bringing these cases. It’s awesome to see that loss record keep piling up.
  23. I don’t think anyone in the left cares if he stands down for election reasons. There is a downside in using state resources for frivolous pursuits. Bringing cases that he keeps losing while offering no evidence is using state resources that could allocated elsewhere. It’s also a waste of money for states to pander like this. (Luckily WI made him pay $3 million to find more Biden votes). I don’t think anyone minds flushing out problems, but the issue is there have been no problems found, no cases won where any problems have any kind of relevant evidence.
  24. Hahahahaha Republicans paid $3,000,000 for the WI recount and it led to 132 more Biden votes!!! Trump was right, if we keep this up we’re going to get tired of all this winning!
  25. What’s more likely to exist. Proof of Voter fraud or a Trump healthcare plan?
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