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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. JD Vance’s dossier from the Trump team leaked: https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/read-the-jd-vance-dossier
  2. Remember with Nebraska not splitting the ticket, PA, MI, WI win it. current rcp avg: PA - Harris +2 MI - Harris +1.8 WI - Harris +.7 538 avg: PA +1 WI +2 MI +2 Nate Silver: PA 1.6 WI 2.5 MI 2.3 Harris is winning everywhere she need to!!!! 8 more years!!!!
  3. Update on the aggregates. With Nebraska staying split ballot, MI, PA, and WI are moving to lean Dem, Harris basically has 270 locked up. Forecast tracker (Sep 26) NameChance% 13 Keys ⭐️🔵Harris100 Primary Model🔵Harris75 RacetotheWH🔵Harris58.6 538🔵Harris55 The Economist🔵Harris Split Ticket🔵Harris62 JHK🔵Harris56 DDHQ/The Hill🔵Harris55 CNanalysis🔵Harris53.5 Votehub🔵Harris RCP🔵Harris 270towin🔵Harris Thomas Miller🔵Harris Princeton🔵Harris 24Cast🔵Harris74 Solid Purple🔵Harris57 338Canada🔵Harris57 David’s Model🔵Harris53.9 Nate Silver🔵Harris55.2 ⭐️ forecaster has the best track record
  4. It’s a good sign he knows he’s losing PA, MI, and WI. Those 3 get Harris to 270 and a win If he got Nebraska to change, Harris is at 269 with those 3 then needs help elsewhere.
  5. Clear sign Florida is in play. Everyone pray for Harris in Florida!
  6. https://www.lawdork.com/p/federal-judge-injunction-cba-pwfa-abortion-ivf Trump appointed judge blocks IVF protections. Get the ad out now.
  7. Just a couple of reminders as you read this post. B-Man doesn’t know math. The same pollster has Harris +4 in PA, +6 in WI. That would give Harris 270 votes without AZ. 270 are all that’s needed.
  8. College women don’t want Republicans: Lost in the many news reports, interviews, and poll questions about dating is that much of the objection young women have to Trump is not political, but personal. We found that a majority (55 percent) of young women would be less likely to date a Trump supporter, but far fewer (39 percent) say the same about the possibility of dating a Republican. The gap is even larger among young women with a college degree: more than three-quarters (76 percent) say they would be less inclined to date a Trump supporter. https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/are-conservative-men-struggling-to-get-dates/ Being shunned on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, lonely right wing men had to turn to The Right Stuff. But it seems to be just men: https://theconversation.com/the-right-stuff-the-new-conservative-dating-app-which-has-unsurprisingly-failed-to-attract-women-192012
  9. lol when you shift the sample +11 for Trump it’s not odd you get a +10 change.
  10. I don’t think anything about these posts are fake. JD Vance agrees with me.
  11. Harris expanding the lead on the aggregate. Close to that 50 percent mark!
  12. For those with more than two brain cells that want to Follow early voting here’s a good follow go vote for more rapist. We know you love little kids (this is a reference to how B-Man supports people who are known rapists and pedos)
  13. Biden +42 county sees a 300 percent increase in day 1 early voting compared to 2020. Wow that must mean Harris has won already because we’re seeing Dems turn out in Huge numbers in person. Or it just means you can’t compare 2020 to 2024 due to the COVID factors. Or you can do whatever you want and just show that you’re a dumb ass with no critical thinking skills. Although you already shown that being a Trump supporter.
  14. I wonder why. 2020 Trump tells everyone not to sue mail in ballots. 2024 the right starts promoting mail in ballots more. So it’s not surprising the right is using mail in balloting. 2020 Dems stuck to COVID protocols more and mailed in more ballots. 2024 no protocol's less mail in ballots. We can see this trend play out in NOVA a highly Dem area, where early voting in person has increased a ton vs 2020. Using 2020 as a baseline for anything to show the left or right is winning or losing is just a dumb analysis that shows no critical thinking.
  15. The minority is the MAGA movement that yall like to worship. Conservative and MAGA are not the same. The people posting here about pet eating, supporting his Dementia riddled thoughts and the minority. poll Common Dem issues line abortion and health care and the dem positions clearly win.
  16. They were able to see his account and it had his name, personal email address. In his birthday he posted about how it’s his birthday. There’s a lot they did to verify it’s him. CNN wrote some more about their verification: Robinson has frequently used the username “minisoldr” elsewhere on the internet. On X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Robinson once used the minisoldr username, according to a screenshot he shared on Facebook in 2018 and datain Robinson’s old tweets. A YouTube playlist for a user named “minisoldr” features exclusively videos of Robinson. On Pinterest, a user “minisoldr” lists his name as “Mark Robinson.” The “minisoldr” username has also posted reviews of products and places Robinson has also publicly recommended. On Amazon, a user named “minisoldr” reviewed products frequently shared by Robinson on Facebook, including remote-controlled helicopters. And the same email address and username used on Nude Africa also left reviews on Google for two local businesses Robinson later posted on Facebook that he used. Robinson’s unique choice of language further links him to the “minisoldr” alias on the pornographic forums. Uncommon phrases such as “gag a maggot,” “dunder head,” “I don’t give a frogs a**,” and “I don’t give two shakes of it” were used both by minisoldr on Nude Africa and by Robinson on his personal Facebook page
  17. Trump still getting the uneducated white vote. But Harris up 5 nationally is great!
  18. Do you have polls or anything from Americans that show that? You especially are a great spokesman for false consensus effect. This cognitive bias occurs when individuals overestimate how much their beliefs, opinions, or behaviors are shared by others. People with minority opinions may mistakenly believe they are in the majority because they assume their views are more common than they actually are. The poll I posted clearly shows 63 percent of Americans think the pet eating is false, but only 31 percent think it’s false if you’re a Trumper. 67 percent of voters disapprove of this kind of rhetoric. You’re a minority man, get used to it.
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