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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Trump supporters did something very bad. There’s pictures of them scaling the wall at the Capitol building to get in. We now know that walls don’t work! They just proved they wasted 4 years fighting for something that doesn’t work.
  2. It wouldn’t have a major impact on the very wealthy. SALT was always an add back for Alternative Minimum Tax so wealthy people never really got a deduction for it. This hits middle class people. Take CA for example. Assuming an effective tax rate of 7 percent for someone making $120,000 ($60,000 a spouse). That’s $8,400 in state income taxes so just $1,600 in real estate taxes and personal property taxes before they’re impacted. If it was someone in CA making $1,000,000 under the old law, their SALT is added back for AMT anyways so they don’t get the benefit of the deduction.
  3. He has surprisingly white teeth
  4. hahahahah like these people actually have jobs. Melanias chief of staff too. High ranking Congress staff are rumored to be resigning as well.
  5. With curfew coming up and the righties here saying what a sacred thing that is not to break curfew during Kenosha, can’t wait to see how they bend their backs on this one.
  6. Heard a crazy person on cspan say this isn’t trump people it’s Antifa. Wow
  7. Doesn’t that automatic 10 years in jail for vandalism of Federal property kick in here?
  8. I won’t post it here but there’s a video of the lady who was shot.
  9. The good thing about MAGA insurrectionists is that they’re idiots and they’re taking selfie’s and pictures of themselves. Plus they don’t wear masks because Covid is a hoax to them. Will be really easy to id them.
  10. No one is. These two aren’t comparable. One was a violent protest the other is violent insurrection.
  11. One group wants to not get shot by cops. The other group is attempting a coup of the government. This wouldn’t be happening if the cops there treated these people committing treason the same as they treated BLM protesters.
  12. Learn to read dude. It’s literally in the title: Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden There was a report issued and everything.
  13. Trump is going to get someone killed with this speech.
  14. It just shows how Democracy will persevere here in America in the face of an autocratic ruler.
  15. We thanked Trump enough for this great victory, but we should also than the American people. 4 years ago we went from the House, Senate and White House being controlled by Republicans. 2 years later the American people voted in masses to say F that and got back control of the House. 2 years after that, a record number of people came out and took back the senate and White House.
  16. He should pardon himself. Under Burdick: This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it. The former has no such imputation or confession. It is tantamount to the silence of the witness. It is noncommittal. It is the unobtrusive act of the law given protection against a sinister use of his testimony, not like a pardon, requiring him to confess his guilt in order to avoid a conviction of it.
  17. Having a drug problem has nothing to do with someone’s network. Dont forget Republicans already investigated and found no wrong doing of Hunter Biden: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/politics/biden-inquiry-republicans-johnson.html
  18. Citizens for Ethics has a great analysis of Trump and foreign money at his hotels: https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/150-foreign-government-officials-have-paid-visits-to-trump-properties/ Nine months later, the president of Romania was spotted having breakfast at the Trump hotel in Washington the morning before he met with the president at the White House. Since Trump took office, 150 different foreign officials have made 182 visits to his properties, most commonly visiting the Trump hotel in Washington. .... In the weeks before Trump took office, one diplomat put it this way, “Why wouldn’t I stay at [Trump’s] hotel blocks from the White House, so I can tell the new president, ‘I love your new hotel!’ Isn’t it rude to come to his city and say, ‘I am staying at your competitor?’”
  19. Yet it was after he became President that he saw an increase in both US government contracts and foreign contracts at these hotels.....hmmmmmm. But Thank You Donald!!! After the help with yesterday’s elections, you’ve finally started America down the path of MAGA!
  20. Every true American should be sending Trump a thank you card this morning. America would not be on this road to recovery without him! (Although it wouldn’t be this bad either)
  21. What a great way to wake up!!! 2020 was a rough year for the country. Back in 2016 Trump promised MAGA and it didn’t happen. America lost standing at home and abroad. Now waking up today due to Trumps actions, the White House, House, and Senate are in Dem control. People say Trump does 5d chess, and he really got me here. I never saw that he was doing all this to MAGA by giving Dems control of the government! God bless you Donald J Trump!
  22. Trump hotels saw a HUGE increase of foreign politicians using their hotels because they thought it would make Trump like them. (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/reps-22-foreign-governments-have-spent-money-trump-properties-n1015806) Americans are sure Trump Jr is on cocaine: https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-jr-pre-debate-074622940.html Trump: Lined pockets with foreign money - check Drugged out kid - check Plus did you care about a Presidents kids on drugs with Bush? Or the amount of drugs the President used to do with Bush? Dont be a hypocrite.
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