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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. They’re also going to need to contend that GA is getting bluer and Texas keeps getting closer to going blue. Plus the Dems ran an eh candidate. It’s not like they were running a first term Obama.
  2. Eh, Trump has a base of like 20 percent of the Republican Party. The other 55 percent that support him are people who vote R no matter what. Trump will also be 78 and already showing signs of mental decline. Haley seems like the likely candidate for 2024 but it’s really too early. I don’t think Rubio can make a come back after 2016. from an online gambling site: 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee Odds CandidateOdds Mike Pence+325 Nikki Haley+500 Donald Trump Sr.+500 John Kasich+1100 Josh Hawley+1300 Ted Cruz+1400 Tim Scott+1600 Tom Cotton+1700 Dan Crenshaw+1950 Paul Ryan+2000 Bill Weld+2100 Donald Trump Jr.+2450 Carly Fiorina+2500 Mark Cuban+2500
  3. And there it is. Impeached again! 10 Republicans vote yes on the impeachment. Trial will most likely be around the 19-21st.
  4. Do you care to provide any evidence on how once the House votes for impeachment, there will not be a trial in the senate? Ed Kilgore provides a nice timeline of when the trial will be: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/timeline-trump-second-impeachment.html
  5. Mitch didn’t cancel anything. The impeachment is still going on and the trial will be after Trump is out of office. When convicted he will lose several ex-President benefits such as his pension and travel budget.
  6. The best analogy for the let’s just move on people I’ve seen was after Timothy McVeighs bombing, did we all say well let’s let him be and let’s all move on! No, it was find the people responsible, put them in jail.
  7. Trump supporter who did the crime, couldn’t face doing the time and killed himself after a failed coup attempt on the US Capitol: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-supporter-dead-suspected-suicide-172004838.html Glad to see they charged him with violating the curfew as well.
  8. Well if Mitch is aboard, impeachment and conviction is now a foregone conclusion.
  9. For those that say the speech didn’t incite the riot. When I was listening to it, half way through, these were my thoughts on it posted here. I’m sad that I was right.
  10. Convicting an impeachment would strip Trump of his presidential pension and travel funds plus set a precedent other Presidents shouldn’t try to undermine democracy. Worth doing. If Mitch is on board, even better!
  11. America first isn’t really a policy. Some of the subsets of the idea are actually widely unpopular such as polling out of climate change deals. The Muslim immigration ban and some of the asylum issues were also widely unpopular. Breaking off partnerships with long time allies such as Germany was also very unpopular.
  12. Do you care to share what Trump policies are so widely supported and polling or other evidence besides your feelings to back up their support you claim?
  13. That fanfic he wrote was awesome! He’s hilarious.
  14. What is conservative fiscal policy now? It seems that’s just yell at spending when Democrats are in office and ignore it when Republicans are in office. TCJA cost a ton. When looking at historical data, Republicans tend to add more to the deficit.
  15. Welcome to the world of the right. The biggest hypocrites this country has seen in a long time.
  16. Yall righties were cool with private businesses excluding people when it dealt with gay people and bakeries.
  17. May be hard for Trump to leave the country. Iraq already has a warrant for his arrest.
  18. It’s kind of crazy there we’re Proud Boys arrested after the debate debacle where Trump told them to stand down and stand by. Must have been waiting for his orders at the rally. Generalizing all Trump supports as the same is wrong. While it’s 4 years too late the events of Tuesday have opened up a lot of people’s minds and no longer back the President. For example my mother in law voted Trump twice. On Tuesday she said Pence needs to be President and Trump arrested. It’s the people who through all of this that still admire Trump and see no problem with any of his actions that are the dregs of society that crossed over into cultism.
  19. 4 Americans died in the Benghazi terrorist siege. 5 Americans died now from yesterday’s terrorist siege of the Capitol. I’m sure the Republicans will be Investigating and pursuing this just as much.
  20. Because it doesn’t really impact the rich with AMT. “Those former AMT payers in the $200,000 to $500,000 income group got a bigger average tax cut than all households in that income group. The reason is they already had lost a significant portion of their SALT deduction under prior law because state and local taxes are not deductible under the AMT. For these taxpayers, getting out from under the AMT itself more than offset the effects of the SALT deduction cap.” https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/most-amt-taxpayers-paid-lower-taxes-after-tcja-despite-salt-cap
  21. Party of family values too! We don’t even know what Republicans stand for anymore since they’re the biggest hypocrites around.
  22. Iraq issued warrant for Trumps arrest: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-07/iraq-court-issues-arrest-warrant-against-trump-for-murder Biden admin should hand him over.
  23. So Antifa shown that walls don’t work?
  24. That has nothing to do with it. The point is the SALT cap negatively impacts middle class people and has 0 impact on wealthy people due to AMT.
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