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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Biden making White House visitor logs public information. Trump admin restricted these logs in an effort to be less transparent: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/15/biden-white-house-visitors-459842
  2. You say people are leaving California? How would you come to that conclusion? Hmmmm looking at a study of their population. But didn’t you say studies aren’t worth anything?
  3. The taxes are Federal taxes. I.e the same taxes paid in every state. DC contributes more to Federal taxes. Actually, the very blue state of California is responsible for the most food production. Almost twice as much as the 2 state Iowa: https://beef2live.com/story-states-produce-food-value-0-107252 Just because you find things irrelevant does not make it so. The people of DC contribute more to the US than most people in red states both from a tax standpoint and a GDP standpoint. The people of DC should be allowed equal representation in the senate. Lol. Everyone is the cities where the minimum wage seem to like it very much. Again, the studies look at what happened. They say hey these states raised minimum wage, let’s check to see if they lost a ton of jobs... then they looks at the actual number and hey guess what they didn’t lose a bunch of jobs, a bunch of businesses didn’t go under and their economies actually grew. This is real life of what happened. So if you just want to keep making things up in your mind what happened because of your “feels” do that, but real people will look at actual results.
  4. Maybe if you educated yourself on things like economics and how your perceptions don’t create reality you could be a better small business owner! For example those “studies” looked at what happened when cities raised minimum wage and what actually happened to the jobs in those cities. It’s not theoretical, it’s what actually happened.
  5. Another good study that shows KGB is full of it: the largest and perhaps most important recent study in 2018, researchers examined six U.S. cities, all of which have minimum wage levels above $10 per hour. The study, which focuses on the food industry because of its high proportion of minimum-wage or near-minimum wage workers, found that low-income workers’ earnings rose significantly following an increase in the minimum wage. In those cities, they observed between a 0.3 percent decrease to a 1.1 percent increase in food industry jobs. This stands in contrast to the CBO finding that raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour would cost 1.3 million jobs. https://equitablegrowth.org/research-shows-raising-the-minimum-wage-does-not-spell-job-loss/
  6. So your entire basis for your argument is that you feel it will hurt small business. You have no empirical data that actually proves your point. Surely there should be a ton with all the lovers cities already increasing minimum wage. However, actual studies looking at the economies that increase minimum wage show jobs aren’t lost and the economies actual do really well. So take your feels to the other board where proof isn’t necessary and provide evidence to your arguments.
  7. Instead of blathering talking points maybe look at research. “ Research from the Fiscal Policy Institute examined three years of small business activity in states that increased the minimum wageabove federal standards as well as states that did not. These were some of the researchers' findings: From 1998 to 2001, the number of small business establishments grew at a rate of 3.1% in states with higher minimum wages, compared with a rate of 1.6% in states with lower minimum wages. Employment grew 1.5% more quickly in states with higher minimum wages. Annual payroll and average payroll per worker increased more quickly in states with higher minimum wages.” “Moreover, additional research published in the Journal of Economic Issues found that minimum wage hikes did not correlate with an increase in small business failures. That research even suggested the opposite is true.” https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/8984-increased-minimum-wage.html
  8. You realize the population of DC is bigger than Vermont and Wyoming even though it’s 10 sq miles large? You also know very little of DC based on your comments. Only about 50 percent of DC employment is Federal government. That number is shrinking as more agencies are moving its locations out of DC and the Federal worker age is increasing. In terms of GDP, DC would be 34th highest state in terms of GDP. Higher than places like Arkansas, Mississippi, and Idaho. The residents of DC in total pay more Federal taxes than 22 other states. Unlike most red states, DCs only receives about 30 percent of its budget from the Feds. (Again while paying some of the most taxes). There’s only one reason you don’t want DC as a state and that’s because you don’t want 2 more Dem seats in the senate. Pretending it’s something that’s just factually devoid of honesty is just stupid.
  9. The ones who entered the Capitol are very different: 1. they attempted a coup on the government 2. they had pipe bombs 3. they came in with zip ties trying to take hostages as part of their coup Do traitorous things, face traitorous charges.
  10. On the application they should just have a question, are you a white nationalist? Then not hire the people who check Yes.
  11. Except both Trump impeachment’s have been no-partisan. You seem to ignore that fact.
  12. you seem to not know what the Constitution does vs capitalism does. For speech, you can say anything and the government cannot act against. For capitalism, you can say anything but private citizens can act against you by doing things such as boycotting. The constitution protects against the government. Capitalism puts businesses at the whim of the majority of they want to continue to make money.
  13. Except that they’re no-partisan. So not really the same thing.
  14. I am aware of that. But it was still a thing the right said. Same with the F your feelings. Same with we need to do what Trump says because he’s the President. The right only cares about unity when they’re not in power. Democrats should take a page out of the Republican play book and push as much as much of the left agenda as possible. They should fill every judicial nominee with any left leaning person even if they’re not qualified like the Republicans did. If the Republicans win back the house in the midterms, the Senate should block every Republican bill. If Republicans actually wanted unity they would have tried when they had power. Time for the Dems to yield the power and go as much as they can without costing them seats.
  15. Just a couple more days and we will have a Biden administration with a Democrat House and Senate! 4 years ago at this time, the right was saying things like elections have consequences or he’s the President you need to support him, and lock her up. Now they’re just sad and scared. This was all easily preventable if they would have run even a decent candidate instead of the crap they decided to go with. One of the great stories coming out too is Americans paid $100,000 for toilets because Ivanka and Jared didn’t want to share one of their 6.5 bathrooms. Talk about fiscal responsibility!
  16. George Washington received honorary Ll.D. degree from Harvard College in 1776. He was hoping Trump would get his as well.
  17. And where does it say I’m glad he’s dead? Dude should be in prison right now with the rest of the right wing terrorists that participated in the coup.
  18. you may need to work on all your reading comprehension skills. No this made me mad. He should have took personal responsibility for his actions and served his time in jail.
  19. Not a single person is saying that. The person who killed himself is a person who stormed the Capitol building . Not some random Trump supporter.
  20. Why should we be sad or have mercy for people who attempted a coup of our government? Do you feel sad for Osama bin Laden or any other terrorist? I’d have liked to see him have personal responsibility for his actions and go to jail. Instead, he took a cowards way out and took no responsibility for his actions.
  21. For the party of personal responsibility, he did the most to escape his own. Its been pretty sad seeing these people now realizing their actions have consequences. For example the guy crying at the airport because he is now on the no fly list. You commit a terrorist act, you can’t fly. It’s like he thought he could storm the Capitol and attempt a coup and nothing would happen to him.
  22. you can share this that discussed the FBI report that Antifa was not involved: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/533432-fbi-no-evidence-antifa-involved-in-capitol-riot
  23. Ahhhh the good old days of Benghazi. More people died in the January 6th coup than Benghazi. There needs to be more investigations than Benghazi and the right should support them as they supported Benghazi.
  24. Wasn’t there an entire like 10 page thread on DR getting banned. It was thoroughly explained he wasn’t banned because of beliefs but banned because of threats. Just like if the OP gets banned for this post. He’s not getting banned because he’s a conservative, he’s getting banned due to being inappropriate. The funniest part of it is the snow flake comment. Maybe he doesn’t realize that as more liberal posters came here, it was the conservatives that created their own safe space because they were being snowflakes?
  25. House starting an investigation in the day before the coup: https://sherrill.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-sherrill-leads-members-requesting-investigation-suspicious-activity-capitol They went from no tours of the Capitol since March due to the pandemic.... then all of a sudden suspicious tours the day before. Apparently all the panic buttons were removed from the Squads offices as well.
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