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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Still waiting on Alaska and North Carolina. Most likely both are red. GA will decide it. 50/50 split will end with Dems in control due to VP Harris. There is going to be a ton of money going to GA the next couple of weeks.
  2. No they can’t. Supreme Court case this year basically got rid of that possibility: https://www.cpr.org/2020/07/06/supreme-court-unanimously-sides-with-colorado-washington-in-faithless-electors-case
  3. You can see all his plans here that he ran on. If you voted, I’d assume you would read both candidates plan to make the proper choice: https://joebiden.com/joes-vision/
  4. Unclick from the right wing propaganda. Everything will be ok. If you can’t do that then go check out the other thread where the right are trying to figure out a new country to go to.
  5. How did you justify it to yourself when you voted Trump? You were cool with his actions and comments?
  6. https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments Trump has just as many creepy young girl comments and moments. This wasn’t really a choice of one person is creepy with young girls. Both are!
  7. Trump has 193 executive orders so far. If Republicans are going to be like that let’s see Joe double that number!
  8. Not counting the Russian troll farm or people outside a direct established association with Trump/Republicans , I count Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Gates, Papadapolous, Van Der Zwaan, Patten, Kian, Alptekin.
  9. A. See the other persons post about whataboutism is. It’s a former Soviet tactic that has been used a ton by Trump supporters and yourself there. B. Yes I do. There’s plenty of crazy things Trump said. There’s plenty of dementia signs for Trump. There’s girls who use his voiceover to look drunk. Plus he can barely lift a glass of water with 2 hands. C. Oh no $23,000,000. Just one of the tea party’s spats cost 0.25 percent of GDP: “0.25 percentage point reduction in the annualized G.D.P. growth rate in the fourth quarter and a reduction of about 120,000 private sector jobs in the first two weeks of October (estimates use indicators available through Oct. 12th).” https://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/24/a-very-expensive-tea-party/
  10. When Obama won, A major Republican literally said “We’re going to do everything in our power to make him a one term President” Lets not forget there were many Republican calls for Obama impeachment: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efforts_to_impeach_Barack_Obama#Prisoner_swap
  11. The public student loan forgiveness is for people who work 10 years in a federal or state government job or for a 501(c)(3). There’s a couple others jobs in there as well but not popular ones. Amounts under this program that are forgiven are not taxed. There is currently a 20 or 25 year loan forgiveness for everyone on Federal student loan debt. Amounts under this program, the forgiveness is taxed.
  12. A. Great whataboutism. Trump before 2016 led crowds with Lock Her Up chants. GOProjection is a thing and it’s here. B. So you’re saying Dems are smarter than Republicans. Alright, I’ll agree with you C. The Tea Party held the entire country hostage over the debt ceiling. They have done more harm to the country than a couple broke windows in a riot. At least when the left is rioting now it’s about equality and not things like losing the Stanley Cup to the Bruins
  13. yes, because several people aren’t in jail right now (or released due to Cornavirus) due to the Mueller investigation. Oh wait, there are multiple people in jail from Mueller investigation. That’s not even like fake news. These are people waking up behind bars.
  14. And hey, A. Maybe it will lead to as many indictments as the Mueller investigation. Unfortunately, the Biden campaign didn’t do anything that we know of to seek support of a foreign country. B. Biden’s probably not as dumb as Trump to just give them grounds to impeach like Trump did. Don’t forget McConnell said we will do everything in our power to make Obama a one term President. Dems never did that to Trump. C. That again was precedent set in 2008 with the Tea Party
  15. You could do both at the same time. This is the most republican thing ever. 1) When they give tax cuts to the wealthy, and Republicans are asked how will we pay for that? They say tax cuts will increase GDP which will increase tax revenues. Here, more people having money each month will increase GDP and pay for itself. 2) Studies have shown student loans hinder people from starting families. GOP loves families, support it. 3) GOP loves babies being born (granted they don’t care what happens after) but people having the additional funds each month can afford to have a baby!
  16. start off with eliminating public student loans. Pretend it’s a tax cut and that the addition GDP growth will make it pay for itself.
  17. they’re telling people to mail in ballots that they know are not eligible (the knowingness creates mens rea so you have actual fraud because they’re knowingly asking people to submit ineligible ballots)
  18. He was forced to admit fault as a stipulation when his charity defrauded other charities out of two million dollars. Does that count?
  19. More voter fraud: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/11/06/trumps-wisconsin-campaign-asks-pennsylvania-cast-late-ballots/6182506002/ Wisconsin Republicans trying to urge PA Republicans to commit fraud.
  20. It had negative unforeseen consequences. He owned up to his mistake and now has a position to change it. Trump couldn’t even say he condemns white nationalists on national TV. I agree with you.
  21. Thats President-elect Joe “sniffyokids” Biden. Show some respect for the office that hasn’t been there in 4 years.
  22. 2016 was decided by about 70,000 votes over a couple states. Winner got 306 EC votes and lost the popular and said it was a landslide. 2020 the margins are going to higher in the handful of states, winner looks like they’ll get 306 EC votes but will win the popular vote by 4,000,000+. If we’re using 2016 logic to determine if an election is a landslide or not, then this election is clearly in the landslide category.
  23. Impossible. The right wing people here said they were the silent majority. Surely they wouldn’t lie.
  24. Imagine being the party that lost to a guy that 1) never left his basement 2) has dementia 3) has Hunter Biden as a son 4) may be a pedo 5) what other junk they said about Biden. Clearly Trump is the worst candidate of all time if he couldn’t beat someone like that!
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