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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Trump told people to protest. He encouraged it. Don’t you remember his liberate tweets?
  2. The US has one leader. He lied. People believed him. People died. A leader leads. Trump failed as a leader.
  3. Guys, we can’t name a President yet. Puerto Rico is still counting votes: https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnCornyn/status/1326898457341276169
  4. After Trump was elected, I figured we would know one way or another if the US had contact with UFOS. That’s something Trump would have tweeted about the second he was in office.8
  5. hey it’s been since Oct 28th since we had to deal with that spam. I suggest they now changed their mind to this Trump BS but can’t find a tweet to spam.
  6. The best is how they say sheeple to others while waiting for a talking point, then they all jump on the same talking point.
  7. that has been the general theme. He had no lawyers in place before the election. Then couldn’t get people. Lawyers he got backed out. Bad look for a leader. Kind of like how he handled COVID.
  8. Or, just maybe, they’re confusing the dead person with a person that’s alive? Voting records have things like an address attached. If they thought it was fraud that a Joe Frazier voted, they’d probably check that address. Property records. Maybe knock on the door and ask hey does Joe Frazier live here. That seems like a simple cheap thing to do and would make a great Project Veritas video but alas, none of that is to be found.
  9. Trump walks away from COVID briefing afraid to answer questions. Remember before the election when the right thought that would cost Biden the election and that it was unpresidential?
  10. actually, it’s not. Faithless electors had Trump only end up with 304. The Supreme Court case after that makes it almost impossible now for that to happen.
  11. Took more of a lead on second COVID relief. Took more of a lead on wearing masks.
  12. GA called and NC called. Biden 306. Will have more electoral votes than Trump in 2016!
  13. Trump has always been scared of the left. When people were protesting in DC he fled to his bunker to hide. When the US spoke up and said we don’t want 4 more years, he went in a bunker and hid!
  14. no apologies to Trafalgar. Last Polls from them: PA - Trump +2 MI - Trump +2 AZ - Trump +3
  15. why are you asking other people for facts when supply a statement with no facts to back it up but your feelz?
  16. As you said a couple states have recounts. Historically, recounts have not changed projected winners. According to the Associated Press, there have been 31 recounts in statewide elections since 2000, and only three of them have changed the outcome of an election. Georgia: Under state law, a candidate can request a recount up to two days after the results have been certified if the margin of victory is less than .5%of the total tally (Biden leads Trump by .15% and the race has yet to be called.) Wisconsin: A candidate can request a recount if the margin of victory is within 1% and the Trump campaign has vowed to request one already (Biden was projected winner of the state but leads by about .6%). Arizona: A recount is automatically triggered if the margin of victory is less than or equal to .1% of the final outcome, but a candidate cannot request one otherwise (Biden leads Trump by about .6% and the AP has called the race for the Democrat, but the margin has narrowed). Pennsylvania: The state’s secretary of state must order a recount if the margin between the two candidates is within .5% of the total tally, but a recount can also be initiated in individual districts if at least three voters request one (Biden leads by greater than .5% in the state and the AP has called the race for the Democrat).
  17. Its not surprising one of Trumps biggest bases is uneducated males.
  18. No going to lie, it would be pretty cool to see the Biden ran USPS sue the Trump campaign, Fox News, Drudge, et. al for libel and slander. Not sure on the logistics and there would probably be a high burden to show that those parties absolutely did not know what they published was not true but it would hopefully stop these kinds of baseless attacks in the future.
  19. This is the moment every Georgian stood up, said I’m sick of this and got Ad Free Hulu.
  20. Its people like you that made Biden win. So thank you for your service to this country! It’s greatly appreciated!
  21. Dems have an advantage now that people will listen to the President. If Trump was tweeting about Pelosi holding up bills it could have hurt. Biden needs to go hard on the bully pulpit is McConnell won’t let bipartisan house bills to the floor like he’s been doing.
  22. https://www.salon.com/2020/08/24/don-jr-fears-members-of-the-trump-family-will-be-prosecuted-after-father-loses-election-report_partner/ And an anonymous source described by Zengerle as a "prominent conservative activist" told the Times, "Don's the only person who thinks they're going to lose. He's like, 'We're losing, dude, and we're going to get really hurt when we lose.'"
  23. “Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me,” he said. “Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life. What am I gonna do? I’m gonna say, I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics. I’m not gonna feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country. I don’t know.”
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