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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Im pretty sure this thread is a lie. 1. Do you have where Biden said that? 2. Did Biden order 50,000 troops guarding empty seats? That seems like security that the people who run security make the decision on. It’s not like he’s planning some military parade in DC like Trump. Well this post is a lie. Biden didn’t say the situation was worse than imagined, that was the COVID czar Jeff Zients. They also identified 12 supply short falls already they’re working on addressing as part of that. He also pointed out that governors are telling them they have no idea how much vaccine supply is coming to their state.
  2. Full day 1 of Biden and Republicans file articles of impeachment: https://breaking911.com/breaking-articles-of-impeachment-filed-against-president-joe-biden/
  3. Just got the vaccine! Headed over to the Apple store to see if Bill Gates is really tracking me!
  4. You’re moving some goal posts here. Also you point out that most of the riots took place in Democrat controlled cities. The demonstrations were against social injustice toward the black community. Black communities are generally Democratically controlled. You don’t see riots for social injustice in Elma, NY not because it’s Republican controlled town but because it’s 99 percent white. So it’s more a condition of who the injustice is against that defined where riots took place opposed to which party is in control.
  5. I don’t know if you know much about how polling goes but usually it takes time to get results and publish them, then act on them. just from the article I posted: On May 31, the fifth night of demonstrations, former Vice President Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive nominee, wrote in a statement that protesting police brutality is “right and necessary” and the “American response."But burning down communities and needless destruction is not,” Biden wrote. “Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.” On June 3, Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., the majority whip of the House of Representatives, told The Washington Post that the movement for racial justice suffers when it is “hijacked” by violence. The face of the Democrat party and another high ranking politician speaking out far before polls would have come in and far before the publication date of your article.
  6. Outside of the legislative filibuster, Dems have a process known as reconciliation that they can pass a budget related legislation with a simple majority. This process was the same used by Republicans to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and to try and get rid of the Affordable Care Act until John McCain gave his thumbs down. Will Dems use it? What priority will they use it for? I’d predict they will use it and it will either be climate change or student loans.
  7. GOP congressmen asked for a pardon relating to the coup and were turned down. All people involved in the coup did not get a pardon: https://www.salon.com/2021/01/20/two-gop-congressmen-sought-pardons-for-their-connection-to-capitol-attack-report/
  8. Anyone who died yesterday caught COVID while Trump was President. Biden has issued a mask mandate in Federal buildings and parks. He is also asking all Americans to wear masks. He issued a challenge to Americans to wear a mask for the next 100 days. He also brought back the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense position that Trump got rid of. He also rejoined the World Health Organization. Biden has done more for leading the country through COVID in a day than Trump has the past year.
  9. Can we officially say that a majority of Republicans/Trump supporters need closed captioning so normal Americans can understand them? Took me 10 seconds to Google: Pelosi denounce riots https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/08/30/pelosi-condemns-violent-actions-of-antifa-protesters/ USA Today has a laundry list of quotes of top Dems condemning the riots prior to the US Capitol. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/13/fact-check-democrats-have-condemned-violence-linked-protests/3317862001/ Again, a 10 second Google. perhaps before forming an option, do yourself a favor and do a 10 second Google to see if the facts you’re basing your opinion on are true or false.
  10. source - Herman Cains ghost
  11. Missing his biggest accomplishment.... he helped turn Two Bills Drive PPP board liberal!
  12. I was just thinking about how people won’t wake up and check CNN or Fox News to see what stupid thing Trump did while they slept all the time. Like or hate Trump, he drove news ratings.
  13. Not really. The Pentagon, which was under control of the Secretary of Defense who was appointed by Trump and confirmed by a Republican senate was the one who ordered the National Guard be screened. The Republican Pentagon found 12 people linked to militias and extreme right wing ideologies.
  14. The 1776 commission was a government commission put together to help teach history in schools. The commission featured no historians. The people who wrote the report for the commission did not even put their names on it. It’s not really a right wing look at history but more of a 41 page rant on things the right doesn’t like.
  15. The 1619 project was a NY Times piece that evolved. Some schools started introducing into classrooms. You can read it here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/1619-america-slavery.html I don’t believe the Executive Order requires anyone to use the 1619 project.
  16. he’s more of an NPC than a bot. No you need to go storm the capitol
  17. How cool is it that we now have a female VP? Great speech by Biden! Can’t believe Cruz had the nerve to show up. Garth Brooks uniting the country with Amazing Grace!
  18. Couple other orders: - Will stop emergency declaration that funded building the wall. So building will stop - Will rejoin the World Health Organization - Rejoin Paris Accords - End Muslim Travel ban - End 1776 commission - Rescind Keystone Pipeline permit - Federal mask mandate in Federal buildings - sign an order launching a government-wide initiative directing every federal agency to review its state of racial equity and deliver an action plan within 200 days to address any disparities in policies and programs - Student loan payment freeze - something on evictions - Revoke plan to exclude non-citizens from the Census - stop Federal discrimination on gender identity and sexual orientation - new COVID response coordinator - Revoke a Trump executive order that broadened who was an undocumented person that can be removed from the country. In half a day as President, Biden will have done more for the country than Trump did in 4 years!
  19. Figured we should have a thread to cover Inauguration Day. Couple of things to look out for: - Trump will not attend inauguration, he will be in Florida by the time Biden is sworn in. - Biden, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi go to church together. - Biden will be sworn in around noon, Pence will attend - Biden and the former Presidents besides Trump and the First Lady will be go to tomb of the unknown soldier. - Democrat Senators will be sworn in around 4 pm, which will give the Democrats a majority in the House and the Senate. - Huge celebrity filled inauguration event of TV tonight instead of the traditional galas and celebrations. Per reports Trump is mad that more celebrities wanted to take part in this than his less than star studded inauguration - POTUS Twitter account will switch over to Biden - Around 12:30, Trump will tweet about inauguration crowd sizes..... oh wait he can’t! - First woman Vice President!! - Sometime today, Biden will be signing executive orders as well. The ones I heard about: - Rejoining Paris Accords - Eliminating racist travel bans on predominantly Muslim countries - Delaying student loan payments on Federal student loans
  20. First odds I’ve seen on will Trump be convicted: United Kingdom-based Betfair sportsbook. No is a -303 favorite. Yes is a +200 underdog.
  21. Those are some big words from Mitch blaming Trump for the US Capitol. Mitches quote: “The last time the Senate convened, we had just reclaimed the Capitol from violent criminals who tried to stop Congress from doing our duty. The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,"
  22. It’s easy for them to twist since they have no backbone. Were 2 days away from Trump not meaning anything. (Except for the impeachment trial coming up). Probably 5 days at most until Schumer is the majority leader. It’ll be interesting to see what the first things Biden undoes from Trump.
  23. These insurrectionists aren’t the brightest bulbs. Instead of protecting the President, they keep telling people that they did what they did because they were following the Presidents orders: https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-rioters-say-trump-told-them-to-come-to-washington-2021-1 One man reportedly told the FBI that he and his cousin had marched towards the Capitol because "President Trump said to do so" while one man who threw a fire extinguisher at police officers told agents he had been "instructed" to go to the Capitol by the president. Others who have been arrested for their role in the riot have sought presidential pardons from criminal charges on the grounds that they felt invited to the Capitol by the president. The so-called "QAnon Shaman," whose distinctive costume made him the face of the Capitol protests, requested through his lawyer last week that Trump issue him with a pardon, saying that he and other rioters were "peaceful individuals who accepted the president's invitation with honorable intentions." He has been denied bail. Jenna Ryan, a Texas realtor who was arrested after taking part in the Capitol siege, also asked President Trump for a pardon because she claimed to have been following the president's instructions. "I just want people to know I'm a normal person," she told CBS11. "That I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol." Another video clip cited by the Post shows a man among a crowd of angry protesters outside the Capitol shouting at police officers: "We were invited here! We were invited by the president of the United States!"
  24. He won’t. The reports are it costs $2,000,000 to get a pardon. MAGA Karen’s can’t afford that.
  25. Trump supporter who was arrested for attacking the Capitol, says she was there because of the President. Calls on the President to pardon her: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKITzRqD-cU/?igshid=ja76kl47jhd6
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