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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Mueller already investigated this: “Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations,” Mueller wrote. “The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.” He just declined to go forward with prosecution because of DOJ policy. With Trump no longer President, they should finish the investigation to its natural conclusion now that the impediment of Trump being President is gone.
  2. Agreed. Before even COVID he polled the best against Trump. He served his duty. Let him lead for 4 years and retire as a national hero.
  3. It’s going well. They’re still ironing out the sale of Iceland so they can all move there. Kind of like the deranged people here who needed to move to a new board because they’re snowflakes!
  4. Huh? Do you know the definition of Congress? Do you know the definition of control? Do you know numbers, like if someone asked you is 5 bigger than 10, would you know the answer? Yes, Democrats are the party of science and have a greater lean when it comes to college education but come on man’n
  5. The issue is Cooley Law School isn’t producing enough lawyer for Trump.
  6. New filing in PA. A bill passed by a majority Republican legislature with only 1 Republican voting no is now seen as unconstitutional by the Republicans.
  7. Let’s not forget that states are currently in a financial crisis due to COVID. Republicans even held up a stimulus bill due to states getting funds.
  8. Did Trump plan it though? He was looking for election lawyers the night of the election In response to something so serious, you’d think he would have put some forethought and planning in to it. Or he’s just dumb and can’t think that far ahead. That is the kind of leadership that gets 200,000 plus killed in a pandemic.
  9. Courts are fake news. Only YouTube videos are real news, unless it’s bad news about Trump, then that’s fake news too.
  10. The new Mitch McConnel rule will be the American people had their voice heard. We understand no President whose name starts with J can have a judge appointed.
  11. We’re about to shut the country down again. This will be bad.
  12. Washington state just announced massive lockdowns.
  13. to be fair, he’s ignoring being a President now. Not just ignoring the virus.
  14. Make no mistake. Trumps Presidency will have a lasting impact past the next 2 months. It started with the my inauguration was bigger than any other lie to the there was election fraud lie. Trump made it ok for the white supremacist voice to speak up and not be ashamed. That’s not just going to go away because he’s no longer President. To embolden such hate, is not the American dream and America will need to have a reckoning with the Pandora’s box that was opened.
  15. There has always been an ideological split. Once Trump took office, there became a fact/reality split. That has just snowballed.
  16. When you answer a question, think, hey what I’m saying could easily be started with the phrase What about... If you answer yes, then you are using a whataboutism. And yea, it’s used a lot online now because it’s a very common defense the right has been using for the past 4 years. Again, defend your position without an argument that starts with what about...
  17. If you have to answer a question with what about these guys, you lost. Whataboutism has been a Trumper narrative for 4 years. Stop that ****. Stick up for what your side has done without pointing to whataboutism.
  18. From a post on Social Media: Things I’ve seen Parler called today: MeinSpace Reichbook Y’All Qaeda Fashbook OnlyFash HickTock OnlyFam OKStupid KlansMenOnly OnlyKlans CrySpace Flakebook Meindr Howdy Arabia 4 Klan Plenty of Fash KlansmenMingle I think CrySpace is the best. Very similar to a group of members here who needed their own CrySpace and started their own forum.
  19. Being asked to wear a mask to help everyone around you not die is an injustice? It’s a minor inconvenience. January will come and we will have a leader that can actually lead during a national emergency.
  20. Why don’t you be the first? Just say Trump lied, people died, and his electoral chances were fried. If Hilary was President, told people to protest and not wear masks Id be equally as upset with her.
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