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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Except this is. The House Dems passed the HEREOS Act months ago and the Senate Republicans refuse to even consider it. Things like PPP round 2 , PPP fixes to deductibility on taxes, expansion of EIDL grants to low income neighborhood businesses were all things in HEROES that made the new package. Imagine getting a $100,000 PPP loan as a small business and not know if you’ll need to pay tax on it until a week before year end. How many small businesses would have been saved if the Senate would have brought up the HEROES Act?
  2. Lol. This thinking is hilarious. 4 years ago it was Trumps your President work with him, the right would do the same to a Dem President. Now it’s launch an All out assault on biden.
  3. Yea, enough money... high enough to max out SALT (not saying much since you’re in a high income tax state) but not high enough to get hit with pre-TCJA AMT. Didn’t see a TCJA tax decrease so you’re most likely a W2 earner. Since if the above is true, if you had a business your income most likely wouldn’t put you above any phase outs for the QBI deduction. Yea, you’ve said enough to get a general idea of what making enough is.
  4. Then you don’t make enough money. Most people who make real money in high income tax states still received a tax benefit even with the SALT cap due to the savings in the bill relating to AMT.
  5. Literally none of that is in the Democrats bill. You can read it here: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20201228/BILLS-116hr_-SUSv2.pdf the bill the Democrats passed is just $2,000 per person.
  6. Cash Act is a simple bill with just $2000 of stimulus payments. You can read it here: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20201228/BILLS-116hr_-SUSv2.pdf No special interests or anything tacked on. 230 is something that should be debated and fully fleshed out. Not passed haphazardly. Election fraud right now is just a waste of money. The election fraud has been brought to the courts with no credible evidence of it. At such time that credible evidence of election fraud that changed any election is brought forth, then the US should spend money on it.
  7. No they shouldn’t. Mitch attached a bunch of stuff that has no business in that bill.
  8. Mitch is trying to attach it to the 230 and election fraud issues so not good so far.
  9. Terrorism is one of the only things where white people do the most work and get none of the credit for.
  10. One amusing thing, Trump did his executive order to stop payroll taxes for employees from 9/1 to 12/31. Repayment starts on 1/1 through April. The bill has a provision to extend the repayment so it’s not a huge chunk out of employees paychecks. However, with the bill not passing, people are going to see some high payroll taxes.
  11. Dates to keep in mind: Yesterday - unemployment benefits lapsed Tomorrow (Monday) - Government runs out of money and shut down New Years Eve - Many relief and tax provisions this bill extends will expire January 3rd - The bill dies as we get a new Congress
  12. 1) Congress can’t overrule the veto until the bills actually vetoed. Trump ha threatened to veto he has not yet. 2) The House tried to pass a $2,000 stimulus via unanimous consent per Trumps wishes on Christmas Eve, Republicans shot it down. 3) Congress is back to work Monday and the House will have a vote and approve a $2,000 stimulus per Trumps wishes.
  13. Trunp actually tweeted about this today! Anyone remember when the right really thought this was something?
  14. Trump and GOP lawyers get more work to do in a lawsuit saying they violated the KKK act to disenfranchise black voters: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-naacp-kkk-act-lawsuit-black-voters-b1777750.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  15. Now, now Skippy. You asked when the rape was and ignored the question of does when a rape occur change your opinion of the rape? This is a civil defamation suit. The claim is Trump lied when 1) he said he never met her (this is proven false already) and 2) that he never raped her. With 1 proven true, Carrol is trying to prove 2. She has evidence of a dress with seminal fluid on it. Trump is now being required by the courts to produce a DNA sample to help confirm Carrols story. so while it is not a criminal rape case, the question of did Trump rape Carrol is the relevant question. If the DNA sample does show its Trumps DNA fluid are you going to fall back on this it was too long ago to count argument or would you rather hold a rapist accountable?
  16. does it matter? Or are you only against rape if it happened after a certain date?
  17. E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit that revolves around Trump raping her in a department store. In 2021 he will need to be deposed and provide DNA to compare to the sperm sample he left on her dress after raping her. Read more here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-23/trump-could-finally-testify-under-oath-in-lawsuit-filled-2021
  18. If you can read, I stated the numbers if the virus just ran rampant. The US did ***** down to the consternation of Republicans and that saved life’s to make it the decrease of the population what it was. Saying some of the people were going to die anyways is improper as well. The fact is if the US followed what many on the right wanted with herd immunity, losing 0.5 percent of the US population correlates to the numbers I provided.
  19. There should be a requirement that whenever anyone says there is a 99.5 percent survival rate that they do math to see how many Americans they’re ok killing. 330,000,000 Americans * 0.5 percent = 1,650,000 what about people in the world? 7.8 billions * 0.5 percent = 39,000,000 The Civil War had about 1.1 million American deaths. World War 2 about 1 million. In all US wars combined 2.8 million. If the virus ran totally unchecked in the US we would have seen more deaths than any one single war and more than half the US deaths of every war combined. And that’s at a 0.5 percent death rate. For every 0.1 percent that 0.5 percent figure is off is an additional 330,000 deaths. (US has 320,000 deaths in World War 1). So maybe instead of saying 99.5 percent survival rate, why not say it’s only 1,650,000 American lives.
  20. Another great move by Pelosi!!! Brought the $2,000 up to the House for unanimous consent and the GOP blocked it! Now we will have a week of hard hitting ads about the GOP blocking extra money for hardworking Georgians while Georgia’s early vote is going on. Then next week when they vote on the veto’d defensive bill , House Dems will vote for a $2,000 stimulus check to get that in the news cycle for a week. With the unanimous consent vote, Pelosi has guaranteed a narrative of the GOP blocking extra stimulus funds through the GA run offs.
  21. Duncan Hunter also on this list along with his wife. They were both found guilty of stealing campaign funds for personal use. Trump most likely pardoned them because he doesn’t feel there is anything wrong with that.
  22. The Dems tried to do that with the HEROES Act. The Republicans refused to bring it to vote in the Senate. The stuff in the bill is all stuff that would have been passed by probably last Friday in a separate appropriations bill if HEROES passed. The appropriations bill needed to be passed for government funding purposes. It just happened to have stimulus bills attached to it.
  23. You do realize this is also a spending bill right? They couldn’t pass a stand alone bill like the House Dems passed months ago in the HEROES Act so they had to attach it to an appropriations bill right?
  24. why do we need that? We just saw how balance of power went at the end of Obama and the end of the Trump administrations. Balance of power just means Mitch can sit on bills and judicial appointments until Republicans are back in power. Trump is either gifting the Senate to Dems if Mitch says no or he’s going to get all the Republican establishment mad. Don’t forget the Republicans first offer was $0 stimulus funds and only caved to $600 when they saw they were getting beaten up about it in GA.
  25. Correct. There would be nothing better for the country than Dem control of the Senate and this is definitely a big help! Let’s see how Mitch responds.
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