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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Another great data point for Walz
  2. CNN: "Did Debate Affect Presidential Choice?" ***HarrisTrump Changed Mind1%1% Reconsidering8%14% No Effect91%85% https://imgur.com/eG20RuA
  3. why share memes when we have direct videos….. 9 million views just on Kamala HQs account. Clip is viral and will be the only thing remembered from the debate on a month.
  4. closing in on 5 million views and seems to be only thing getting traction to go viral from the debate. I thought the Mike Pence line was better though. She went on the campaign trail and America got to know her and grew to love her. Trump is a negative to the public discourse. Remove him and we get actual civil political debate like tonight. It’s what the country wants.
  5. 8 'undecideds' on the CNN panel, only one said tonight settled their vote - one for Harris because of the 2020 election non answer
  6. CBS survey: Who won? 42% Vance 41% Walz 17% tied
  7. Did he? Pretty sure that was after.
  8. If I’m the Harris campaign I’m running, wasn’t that refreshing? Taking Trump out of the political picture leads to civil discourse that we used to see in American politics. Let’s go back to that by not voting Trump. i think the civility of the debate hurts Trump with undecideds.
  9. I thought JD also came off looking really weak after this. I think it under cut most of what he was saying the rest of the night. 4 million views already:
  10. Vance also pointed out how Trump couldn’t fix things because of Congress. Its weird how he thinks Harris as VP has this super power to fix things but didn’t yet Trump as President with control of the Senate and House just couldn’t fix things because of Congress. Great point JD
  11. Well per WaPos post debate poll, Vance is still very very unfavorable https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2024/vice-presidential-debate-voter-poll/
  12. Let me check Polymarket. Yup, Trump lost ground during the debate in the betting market. Vance came off slick. Just because he sounded good doesn’t mean he won. He has the lowest favorability of all 4 candidates. That will probably go up a little after tonight. The good thing about the debate was we can look forward to better debates like this in a post Trump era.
  13. This was Walz mic drop walk off the stage with the win moment:
  14. Im excited for this post debate jump for Harris!!
  15. Marv Levy officially endorses Harris: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/athletes-for-harris-endorsements-football-hall-of-famers-1236016961/ Antonio Brown endorses Trump……hmmm
  16. We have a federal law that says voter roles cannot be purged 90 days before an election. Alabama is trying to 87 days. so the correct headline is Alabama violates federal law to remove voters. I understand you love Trump and with that comes being ok with violating laws. He is a 34 time felon and cannot own a nonforprofit in NY. But for fun, why do you personally think it’s ok for Alabama to not follow the Federal law?
  17. Thats right you don’t want laws to apply to you. Its not a loophole that Federal law clearly states do not remove voters 90 days before the election. Alabama was welcome to do it 91 days but they didn’t.
  18. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/27/nx-s1-5131578/alabama-noncitizen-voter-purge-lawsuit Alabama being sued for removing voters from the polls too close to the election. Federal law doesn’t allow for it 90 days before the election and Alabama did it 84 days before.
  19. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4904510-wisconsin-supreme-court-kennedy-ballot/ RFK staying on WI ballot
  20. More incoming election rigging complaints
  21. More bad news Nevada: Harris +7 Pennsylvania: Harris +5 Michigan: Harris +3 Wisconsin: +3 Arizona: +3 North Carolina: Harris +2 Georgia: Tie
  22. Big court win for Harris:
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