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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Like how Kanye West magically had the support of a ton of Republican lawyers to get in ballots in 2020.
  2. With NC shifting to Harris, Trump hasn’t really tossed a ton of money there (that’ll have to change), but we now go from Harris needs PA to Trump needs to defend GA, NV, AZ, and PA. Theres going to need to be a big swing in Trumps campaign plan and not a lot of time to do it. Trumps already low on cash and Harris has over $100 million in cash advantage right now. Not good news Trumpers.
  3. Trump can stand up there a pop himself and all the right wingers here will say he won the debate. My prediction is not a single one of our right wing posters will say Trump lost even if he clearly loses. Love this thread already has excuses ready.!!!
  4. This pollster had Biden -Trump even in 2020 in NC!!!!
  5. Drunk people sound more sober than that.
  6. I asked you the Biden question first. Please go ahead. Still waiting.
  7. Oh ok, show me a federal law or any other state law that requires it….then I’m totally on board and will agree wit my you.!!! Tell you what. Find a Federal law or ANY of the 50 states laws that agree with you and I’ll support Biden being on the ballot.
  8. Gladly if you can point to a North Carolina law that would require him to be on it….. I’ll wait.
  9. Republicans just fall in line, no mind of their own: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nikki-haley-on-trump-style-and-policies/ Brennan followed up, "You don't think he's a good candidate?" "I think he is the Republican nominee," Haley replied. Maybe that’s why the righties here are scared of liberals and their open minds?
  10. Trumps own school seems to think his policies suck: https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2024/8/26/trump-campaign-policy-proposals-2024 All you Republicans who care about the deficit should read this: We estimate that the Trump Campaign tax and spending proposals would increase primary deficits by $5.8 trillion over the next 10 years on a conventional basis and by $4.1 trillion on a dynamic basis that includes economic feedback effects Harris would have much less of an impact: We estimate that the Harris Campaign tax and spending proposals would increase primary deficits by $1.2 trillion over the next 10 years on a conventional basis and by $2.0 trillion on a dynamic basis that includes a reduction in economic activity. Lower and middle-income households generally benefit from increased transfers and credits on a conventional basis, while higher-income households are worse off. https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2024/8/26/harris-campaign-policy-proposals-2024
  11. It’s just the “party of law and order” doesn’t want to enforce the law on the books, they want to make up their own laws. Happened in Missouri as well with their abortion proposition. https://www.kmbc.com/article/missouri-judge-rules-against-abortion-amendment-group-to-appeal/62090233 Limbaugh later wrote that the "unique issues involved" and the "lack of direct precedent" prevented him from ordering the amendment off the ballot immediately. The court — a three-judge panel ruling unanimously — also told a trial judge to order the State Board of Elections to distribute ballots without Kennedy’s name on them. No legal explanation was given. https://apnews.com/article/north-carolina-rfk-ballot-2024-appeals-court-c879337b294900f5f028add25d821cf0 Vote MAGA if you like just making up laws.
  12. Ooooo you’re triggered today!!! All these posts of other peoples right wing content!!! https://abc11.com/post/clarence-birkhead-law-enforcement-condemn-fraternal-order-polices-endorsement-donald-trump-supporting-kamala-harris/15276422/ The Fraternal Order of Police recently announced the group has endorsed Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election. However, not all law enforcement supports the former President. Durham County Sheriff Clarence Birkhead is joining over 100 law enforcement officials nationwide in condemning FOP's endorsement. He said he is endorsing Democratic nominee Kamala Harris Glad cops are condemning this endorsement: Prosecutor vs Felon and every time he’s gone against a prosecutor he’s lost.
  13. Florida is also in play now with polls showing them almost tied: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4864690-florida-senate-race-poll-rick-scott/amp/
  14. What if the condom breaks? Abortions cool then? Child care is a federal issue. The US is looking at negative population growth, which will be hurtful to the economy and the general population. The Fed government has a responsibility to make child care cheaper to increase birth rate or to increase immigration to offset any decline in population.
  15. Another poll where the good guy wins even without PA!!!
  16. Harris with Obama type numbers in FL Palm Beach County:
  17. Here’s some more recent: Due to Trumps advanced age, I’m glad they’re polling Harris vs Vance too:
  18. Great polls from a Republican pollster
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