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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. 3rd party candidates have traditionally taken votes from Dems instead of Republicans from Jill Stein et all to Nader. Why else would Republican attorneys help Kanye? Why would Trump operatives help Kanye? If you don’t think Republicans were helping Ye to help Trump then you’re just being blind.
  2. Like the case being looked at above, Republicans were only helping Kanye to siphon off Democrat votes in what they saw as a tight race. That is wrong. If Republicans want to win elections they should come up with ideas that win elections for their candidates. They shouldn’t try to make the opposing party get less votes. Democrats challenging West’s late petitions wasn’t a form of electoral fraud. They were upholding the states rules. Republicans backing Kanye for the sole reason so Democrats get less votes, I think is very questionable and is a bit analogous to the criminal issues outlined in the OP.
  3. This is why we have a thread about how Republicans can’t win elections without cheating. The election was lost by 32 votes. The other thing this is reminiscent of is all the Republicans desperately trying to help Kanye get on swing state ballots.
  4. They don’t, but the local bakery that’s struggling that they wouldn’t have gone to does. Or the retailer that is having issues staying open because people have been tighter with their money does. Or a movie theater where you can now rent out a space could use it, again superfluous purchase for the person getting the stimulus but much needed cash for the local theater. You should be trying to bring in as much money into the local community to help the local businesses. Even if a person makes $160,000, does a $10,000 contribution to their retirement, they now have $2,800 of stimulus funds that they’re going to spend at a business. That business will use those funds to keep the lights on.
  5. I agree spend it. My comment was ways to reduce your AGI to get below the $150,000 threshold.
  6. So you’re saying now that Trumps attempts were trying to steal an election? And you’re mad at both parties for trying to steal an election, albeit the President has a bit more power than the IA02.
  7. The right brings these posts up and they say nothing about white on white crime rates or that whites are arrest more than any other race in the US.
  8. No ones taking anything out of context. "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them," Mr Trump said. "It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. "Grab them by the *****. You can do anything." Add to that 26 sexual assaults claims, with several still being litigated. If Biden said what Trump did or had 26 sexual assault complaints you’d be all over Biden. However, as you have made clear, you definition of sexual assault is: 1. Unwanted touching and advancements 2. They don’t have an R next to their name. Its ok that you’re a hypocrite. It’s just time for you to come to terms with it. I actually applaud it. You put the Democrats on this much higher moral pedestal than Republican. I take that as you expect much more out Democrats than you do Republicans because Democrats have actual values and stick to them.
  9. Women “let him” so much he is face a defamation case revolving around him raping someone and has 26 allegations of sexual misconduct. Maybe women “let him” but 26 definitely didn’t want him to. “It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait.” maybe if he would have waited for consent those 26 allegations wouldn’t be there? But we see your colors clearly after this conversation. I’d be surprised if your spine doesn’t need a chiropractor with all the twisting a turning you need to do to defend a guy who has 26 allegations of sexual misconduct and admitted he doesn’t wait for consent he just goes in and a guy who knew about kids being molested and didn’t do anything about it. You have shown us your moral compass and it definitely points in the direction of R.
  10. Trump admitted and acknowledge inappropriate touching and groping, so +1 Trump. Gets you at a tie. Biden is better for the country so Biden gets the vote: "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them," Mr Trump said. "It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. "Grab them by the *****. You can do anything."
  11. Which is odd you say that. It feels like your burden of proof between the Biden and Trump is much different. As to my voting calculus: 1. they’re both accused of sex issues. Trumps seem much worse than Biden as Trump had bragged about sexual assault and has a current defamation case against where he’s accused of rape. Plus from a score board standpoint 26 accusers is much more than Biden. Nice to step 2. 2.who is better for the country? Biden by a landslide.
  12. In my opinion the allegations against both Biden and Trump are most likely true. I voted Biden because he could do more for the country than the other person facing allegations. There is nothing I wouldn’t like better for Biden to step down so we can have a more progressive President in Kamala. You unfortunately spent 4 years worshipping a man with many sexual allegations which have more truth into them. If your litmus test is does Kamala believe it, she also called Trump a Sex Predator and believes all his sexual harassment.
  13. I’ve never given Biden a pass. I didn’t want Biden to be the Dems candidate. But the American people voted for Biden. More people voted for Biden than anyone else in history. The allegations were in the open and known. When given a choice between 4 more years of the terrible country Trump made and Biden’s possible sexual assault (and dementia) they went with Biden. So get off your BDS. He’s your President and mine.
  14. You say investigate but you discredit the investigation already: “The investigation is being run by the Perkins Coie law firm, a firm associated with the failed Trump/Russia investigation” so we know you know care what they say. The investigation and lawsuits aren’t after Jim Jordan but to get to the truth about who is responsible for allowing a guy to have over 177 different molestation events. The ref told more than Jim Jordan at the time of the events. Part of the investigations is about the cover up done by Ohio State and Jim Jordan just happens to be involved in helping and not doing anything. We’ve even had a wrestler who is a conservative and said he does want to see Jordan lose his position say that Jordan knew and did nothing. When you say maybe the ref did tell someone and no one cared. Yes, that’s exactly the problem. People were telling people all at Ohio State about it and no one cared. Based on the testimony of many wrestlers and the ref Jim was one of the people who knew and just didn’t care about 177 people being sexually abused.
  15. George Clooney is doing the documentary. It’s cool to know you’d back the side of someone like Jordan: “I remember I had a thumb injury and went into Strauss’ office and he started pulling down my wrestling shorts,” he said. “I’m like, what the f--- are you doing? And I went out and told Russ and Jim what happened. I was not having it. They went in and talked to Strauss.” Yetts said he and his teammates talked to Jordan numerous times about Strauss. “For God’s sake, Strauss’s locker was right next to Jordan’s and Jordan even said he’d kill him if he tried anything with him,” Yetts said. —— I think it's a boldface lie because Dunyasha Yetts went to (Jordan) and told him about an exam to his face. And it's been documented. There are several people who went up to him. We all complained," " claiming that the allegations about Strauss "was open discussion in the locker room." Yetts was a fellow wrestler who who has publicly alleged abuse at Strauss' hands. "We complained about it, but they never did anything about it," he added. ——In a November lawsuit that dozens of victims filed against Ohio State, an unnamed wrestling referee claimedStrauss masturbated while staring at him in the shower. The referee says he told Jordan about the incident in 1994 or 1995, but Jordan brushed it off.
  16. The worst part is they’re terrible and they’re not trying to be bad like the tank years.
  17. Trump does have allegations of sexual misconduct against him. When looking at the evidence you should see the right use the same burden of proof when a Dem or Rep is alleged to have misconduct. However, they don’t. I think Cuomo should resign. The allegations appear credible. Dem leadership are also asking for the resignation including AOC and Schumer. However, at the same time we see allegations against Madison Cawthorn that appear equally as credible and we don’t have our fellow people on the right getting as upset here and we don’t see GOP leadership calling for resignation. We can also look at Jim Jordan who is a darling of the Trumpsters. 3 athletes and a ref have come out and said they talked to Jordan about sexual abuse the athletes were subject to by the team doctor and Jordan did nothing while knowing kids were being sexually abused. If it was a Dem, you’d have seen his calls of resignation years ago. As a documentary comes out later this year, we may see an actual push for his removal.
  18. Dont think the has to do with COVID. I don’t think you could pay people to watch that dumpster fire.
  19. The good old right! Trying to profit off their own mismanagement campaign. We can fix his tweet to: “Ted Cruz here. I’m mad at a business making a business decision. I want to tell businesses what to do because I don’t believe in capitalism. So I want you to give me $60 for a $5 book that has nothing to do with the 6 books a private business decided to stop selling.” Classic right playbook. Step 1: Create a boogeyman. Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit You need to wonder what the rights goal is here? Do they ultimately want to force a business to change a business decision? Isn’t that the same thing they can cancel culture? Again, also good to see the right take up this boogeyman and say it’s about free speech and freedom. Yet, our righties on this board (and across the country) have never once posted a topic of any of the books the religious right continually try to get banned.
  20. Open an IRA and make a 2020 contribution if you can. Make a 2020 HSA contribution if you have an HSA. If you’re close and could do both of those that would lower you 2020 AGI at least.
  21. Same boat on the checks here. I asked about the floor models and they said they weren’t selling them. Oh well. They said it could come in earlier or someone could cancel an order. Definitely one of those weird things you can’t find in the pandemic. Gives me plenty of time to hire an electrician to run the wiring at least!
  22. I did too back in November. Everywhere I went the soonest they could guarantee one I wanted would be August. You can make a baby quicker than getting a hot tub now due to COVID. Not really sure the point of this thread? Getting the check isn’t taking it away from someone like you could possibly do with PPP or EIDL. id change it to getting the stimulus and not spending it is wrong. It doesn’t stimulate the economy and help businesses if it sits in your savings account making no interest.
  23. I believe it’s his BDS that’s confusing him and the his tears are probably making it hard to see what he’s typing? He seems to be one that’s really worked up.
  24. - I didn’t think it was important then, but all you wonderful righties told me how great it was, so I’m all on that bandwagon now! Thanks for opening my eyes guys! You do remember the posts about how great Trump was because markets were at highs. - 600 pages of good policy. Instead of tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for the middle class like the expansion of the child tax credit and earned income tax credit. - It actually is kind of hard. With how divisive the political parties are to see Biden polling well and the individual parts of the stimulus bill polling well across politic parties is a bit of a miracle. Good polling also helps politically for Biden to get things done.
  25. - Stock market at record high - Passed a great bill that will help millions of Americans - Polling at higher numbers than the last guy All while coming off flipping the Senate. 4 years ago the right had the House, Senate m, White House. Righties we’re trying to decide which Trump would run after Donald’s 8 years. 4 years later due to poor governance, the House, and Senate have flipped and their savior was defeated by a terrible Dem candidate. The right has nothing left but the BDS you see here.
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