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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. What misinformation? The Republicans are a minority party in the US. They’re not the silent majority they love to scream they are. Except there’s one party that lives on it, I would say they thrive on it. Just look at Obamacare. Remember the lies spread by the right about death panels? The past election and lies about how it was stolen? There’s a reason misinformation works and that’s due to a poorly educated electorate. We saw the 2016 and 2020 election where poorly educated people went for Trump.
  2. What if you’re in a voting booth and get crossed up on who you want to vote for? Just let all Americans vote. Why would a minority party be afraid of having more people vote? Oh....
  3. If we want to look at low information voters it seems to come more from the right as well. Just look at this thread we had a poster not know who ended the SCOTUS filibuster and another think Trump never broke a campaign promise. Were a small sample but the left posters here seems to not get basic facts wrong like we see our fellow righties for.
  4. 2010 was a 5-4 conservative majority and Citizen United wasn’t the liberal judges taking over and controlling. I think Alito wrote the opinion.
  5. there were a ton. His healthcare promises for one didn’t match up with the legislation he backed. He flip flopped on ways to citizenship for immigrants a ton. Intervention in Syria. Mexico paying for the wall. Trump in Golf: "I love golf, but if I were in the White House? I don't think I'd ever see Turnberry again, I don't think I'd ever see Doral again," he said in New Hampshire ahead of their primary. "I'd just want to stay in the White House and work my ass off and make great deals."
  6. “Speaking of precedent, you can also thank Harry Reid for breaking it by ending the filibuster on SCOTUS appointments.“ - that’s a lie. McConnel ended SCOTUS filibuster. Dems won the Senate they control the appointment process now let them appoint how they want to.
  7. Lol Mitch would have come up with some odd rule that he wouldn’t stick to 4 years later if RGB retired in Obama’s last year.
  8. Roe Isolde and the parties aren’t the same. ACA had conservatives cross over to support it and we will see that happen again with Cali vs Texas. I think Kavanaugh will also support ACA. Obergefell also wasn’t a liberal court it had a conservative swing.
  9. Sure! I’ll play! Republicans are idiots. Look at former speaker Boehner call them out the past week on how dumb they were. It’s why I wasn’t too worried about a Trump presidency, they tossed dumbasses in positions of power and nothing got done. Why is it necessary? McConnell changed the the rules after Garland. He showed at the end of the Trump era he will change them again. So F’it. If one party won’t play by historical precedent then don’t follow it anymore. If Republicans want to change it they can do better and win elections. To hit your last one, name one liberal Supreme Court decision you disagree with
  10. No the person who murdered someone doesn’t get to hide behind the it’s a tragedy bs that you’re trying to spew.
  11. “It's a tragedy that this lady's life is ruined and that she will spend time in prison.” She killed a person that didn’t need to be killed.
  12. Shouldn’t you change the topic title to because they’re winners? They won the House, Senate and White House. As @SoCal Deekloves to say, elections have consequences. So yea: Democrats to unveil plan to pack SCOTUS because they're winners seems to be more appropriate
  13. Thank you! This is exactly why that other guy sucks! This is well thought out and an awesome response
  14. Capitalism? You guys need to stop dictating what businesses can and cannot do.
  15. we can agree a change in marijuana laws will help a ton.
  16. I feel the same way. YouTube has been a go to for just noise in the background.
  17. Sounds like the Costner show I’m putting off, Yellowstone?
  18. I stay away from TV s much as I can. I’m a nerd and right now my DLNA is doing Real Ghostbusters. Denver did stick around a bit. I’m in DC and that did too. I feel if public reaction keeps the story around it stays around. Floyd protests kept the story around because they were huge around the country and kept being news. You let someone control how you feel about them. But what about a person you interact with like 2 mins. Like an arrest. You have 2 mins to determine how you feel and your reaction. It’s not alike a co-worker you ha e multiple attempts to get to know. This is a one time person you’ve never met that you at times get a short time to get to know. Yes there is less drive by shootings in Elma. But do you think there is less say drug crimes per capita in Elma than Buffalo? Why aren’t the cops in Elma enforcing drug crimes as tough as they do in downtown Buffalo? this is a serious question but what is Longmire and should I watch?
  19. Why blame the media who reports the cops who shoot instead of the cops who shoot? Why can’t we blame the cops? We saw good reason before : When you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over, like, don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody. Don't hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?” There was a pause after Trump’s delivery, and then the officers behind him began to clap and cheer. There does need to be a balance. The media can’t just ignore it then the cops will do whatever the hell they want.
  20. To address your issues in order: 1) Anti-cop attitude is the media - If the media didn’t report on it and the public doesn’t know about it is that better? Like if we just didn’t know Floyd was murdered because the media didn’t say is that better? Plus seems like a 1st amendment issue. 2) Yea it’s anecdotal. 3) How one interacts with a cop has a huge effect on how your interaction with a cop will go. How you interact with a cop though right now does have a racial bias that isn’t not warranted (double negative I know) 4) Unconscious bias is a buzz word but i find it to be true (but I do line 10 unconscious bias classes a year) 5) unconscious bias could be a buzz word but I think part of that is Napoleon complex as well which I’ve never met a cop without it. 6) Again, crime ridden neighborhood what is that? Would stats change if you had the same numbers of cops in Elma as Downtown Buffalo?
  21. And that’s the point I was making in over policing to the other person. Looking at violent crimes by race ignores things like police per capita and unconscious bias. Yes strict numbers for population under a bell curve ignore things like unconscious bias and other factors. We see over policing in cities which lead to more arrests in cities which are predominantly non-black to a suburb. I’ve seen people get arrested in a city for a DUI and a person in a suburb (more rural area) just get driven home. With everything that has happened the past 5-8 years we also see a growing distrust of cops from non-white populations which would change their interactions with cops. That builds and can also cause the disproportionate response. Hop into the Matt Gaetz thread and see the rights defense of statutory rape. Under the National Criminal Vicimization Survey Gaetz and Kavanaugh are rapists. Do you agree with that or do you think that survey is flawed?
  22. You can ask our right of center board members here but I tend to stay away from the that’s racist talk, for example check out the MLB thread. But your argument now seems to be people of color commit violent crimes at a higher rate than white people? I’m not 100 percent saying that’s racist but it probably is. It ignores the facts of things like over policing. If you want to look at stats that don’t rely on things like over policing or reported crime, serial killers are predominantly white compared to population. That’s the only crime I can think of that is so egregious it’s just generally sought to get the right person.
  23. Your response makes zero sense and you’re not @Big Blitz who is actually cool to go back and forth with.
  24. Okay! Great so we start with you not knowing stats based on this comment since you don’t know what per capita means. Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. That’s a brave choice. Bravo! So per capita means per person. So in the prior discussion we looked at welfare dollars per person. This looks at shootings per race. To make this easier to understand, you have a deck of 52 cards. 26 red and 26 black. If you pick a card you have a 50 percent chance of of getting black or red. Over a large enough sample (like say if every cop in the US picked a card, you’d expect 50 percent red and 50 percent black). However, when these cops actually pull a card over a large sample, we find they pull a black card 2.6 times more than than they do a red card. Now if you were a critical thinker, you’d say hey wait that doesn’t make sense, we have an even population yet we’re pulling the black card at a higher frequency than the red card. Why is that? Now to apply that to race in the US. White to black isn’t a 50/50 distribution. So we wouldn’t expect to sample US police shootings and see a 50/50 break down. We should expect to see a breakdown similar to population. But we don’t. We see a breakdown that skews more non-white than white based on population than we should see. So I applaud you for acknowledging you don’t know statistics. I acknowledge this is a really quick example of how they would, so if my fellow posters see flaws in the analysis feel free to point them out so we can help educate Blitz!. So, maybe check out an online class and you can learn a little more than I can post in a quick post!
  25. Awww it’s like you’ve never taken a statistics class.
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