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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. What lesson should they learn? Trump became the first President to be impeached and then had a bi-partisan effort to convict in Senate. Even if they don’t convict here, it will again be a bi-Parisian yes vote on conviction. The impeachment led the Dems to taking the Senate and the White House. This trial will put the Republicans having to vote if they want to convict and face a primary or vote to not convict and get backlash from independents. If Republicans and primary more moderate senators for more of the extreme ones, then it just helps the Dems in the next election. Dems will just piss of the die hard Trumpers that would never vote for Dem anyways.
  2. Which article of the constitution do you think is being violated here? You can find a copy here: https://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm
  3. McConnell drops filibuster guarantee in the new Senate rules: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/mcconnell-renews-calls-filibuster-remain-after-2-dems-back-measure-n1255619 If Obama were to have done something that is an impeachable offense that occurred in his 8 years as President and it comes to light now, I don’t think anyone would have an issue of that. Republicans though love to use impeachment to just file up their base. They had many calls to impeach Obama during his actual Presidency and none were worth while. Hell, they are trying to impeach Biden already.
  4. Don’t forget in that 365 M is kids who I don’t believe have been approved to get it yet.
  5. https://www.taxnotes.com/presidential-tax-returns Where on President Biden’s tax returns are these millions of dollars President Biden got?
  6. the one that stole Pelosi’s laptop did try selling it to Russia.
  7. God is good! in the world of Republican Jesus: Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you cut food stamps, I was thirsty so cut taxes on the rich so I could pull myself up by my bootstraps, I was a stranger and you called me illegal and put me in a cage, I was naked and you gave me clothing because I was not married and y’all were lusting for me, I was sick and you made I couldn’t get health insurance due to my pre-existing conditions, I was in prison and you privatized it to make me poorer.’
  8. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/deborah-birx-covid-response-team-trump-white-house/ Imagine having something kill 400,000 Americans and not devoting a full time response team! "There was no team, full-time team in the White House working on coronavirus," she told "Face the Nation," adding that she did ask for more staff. Birx noted she had "one incredible support person" named Tyler Ann McGuffee who helped make sure that she was at meetings on time and did not miss emails. Dude. It’s right here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/National-Strategy-for-the-COVID-19-Response-and-Pandemic-Preparedness.pdf Its been available. You can read it.
  9. maybe Gods plan was to give the country 4 years of what the worst that Republicans offer through Trump in order to create a Democrat dynasty?
  10. Since the Republicans don’t want to help with the relief bill, Dems are starting the process through reconciliation, which requires a simple majority vote. This process is what the Republicans used to pass tax cuts for the rich and try to repeal the affordable Care act. Its good to see a party willing to use this process to actually help Americans.
  11. Really? History tells us something completely different as GDP growth is always better under Democrat Presidents: Notice how the blue bars are higher than the red ones! plus they’re not going to suck up to dictators like the twice impeached previous admin.
  12. Wouldn’t passing green initiatives the Dems want to do stop dependence on foreign oil? Then the Middle East says “F U” Joe.
  13. You may want to go back and learn about how the government works. We will know if a deal is reached when they pass the organizing resolution. McConnell wanted to include in the Senate's rules a guarantee that there would be no effort to pursue the "nuclear option" — changing the rules with a simple majority rather than the higher 60- or 67-vote threshold — during the next two years, or as long as the 50-50 split lasted. Democrats said no. If that language gets in the organizing resolution then we will know they reached a deal to not use the legislative filibuster.
  14. I wouldn’t mind if he ran in 2024. He’s a twice impeached president who was easily beaten by a super old, not always there, terrible past candidate in Biden. Dems could run a sh*t sandwich in 2024 and beat Trump easily again. And Dems said no to the filibuster demands: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/535197-democrats-shoot-down-mcconnells-filibuster-gambit
  15. Don’t forget Trump told the people he was going to March to the Capitol with him. Then he didn’t go. I thought Mitch cancelled the impeachment? How come the articles are being transferred to the Senate and trial beginning the week of the 8th?
  16. I didn’t say he didn’t say it. If you’re going to do a thread about lies, it would make sense to post a reference to what was said and then how it was a lie. And again, Biden and the Dems had no control over the agencies that went did the inauguration planning. Since it’s a National Security event, United States Secret Service, FEMA, Department of Defense, intelligence agencies and other departments that establish security perimeters and coordinate on terrorist threats and crisis management are the ones who did security planning. All those agencies were under Trump control. In addition, Department of Defense/Pentagon were all under Republican leadership during the planning. To say Biden and the Democrats requested are the troops as a prop is disingenuous unless you just want to blame it all on the Deep State.
  17. A Republican proposed a policy, I agree with. Props to Rep. Steve Stivers (R., Ohio). He wants to change the proposed $1,400 stimulus. Instead of having it go to people based on income, it would go to anyone who gets the vaccine. I can get behind that. It’ll motivate people to get it and hopefully make the anti-vaxers get it as well.
  18. Couple more executive orders signing today or the next couple of days: -$15 minimum wage for Federal contractors - beefing up orders that the Federal government buy American - work to abolish private prisons - bringing back Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology - blocking policy that does not allow government funds to nongovernmental orgs that provide abortions - family reunification team to help bring together families Trump separated - new immigration policies - new border processing policies -strengthening federal unions - calls for Department of Agriculture to boost food benefits to people suffering in the pandemic Couple big ones from yesterday: - used a Supreme Court decision from the Trump Admin that the right loved at the time to fire the NLRB head. The right is now mad at the ruling - mainly a bunch of COVID stuff. Biggest is negative test and quarantine of you travel overseas. I frequent the Caribbean a lot. In messages boards I follow about traveling there, a lot in the right are mad. The UK, Canadian and other country people are just like welcome to what we’ve had to do the past year.
  19. So our working theory here is Biden wanted to use the troops as props, so he contacted the Deep State to get them installed in his security detail for the inauguration? The Deep state was then able to have more power over the Trump picked and Republican senate confirmed heads of many different agencies so that Biden could get his wish of using troops as props?
  20. Who was the head of the Pentagon and the commander and chief of the troops when inauguration planning was going on?
  21. Biden just destroyed Trumps greatest legacy in the White House..... he removed Trumps Diet Coke button: https://theweek.com/speedreads/962437/biden-removes-trumps-diet-coke-button-from-oval-office
  22. McConnel is requesting the impeachment trial be delayed two weeks to allowed former twice impeached President Trump’s legal team a chance to build a defense. Dems seem like they will agree as Republicans aren’t pushing back on confirmations.
  23. Im pretty sure this thread is a lie. 1. Do you have where Biden said that? 2. Did Biden order 50,000 troops guarding empty seats? That seems like security that the people who run security make the decision on. It’s not like he’s planning some military parade in DC like Trump. Well this post is a lie. Biden didn’t say the situation was worse than imagined, that was the COVID czar Jeff Zients. They also identified 12 supply short falls already they’re working on addressing as part of that. He also pointed out that governors are telling them they have no idea how much vaccine supply is coming to their state.
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