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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. They did ask them. The prior poster posted what they said, that they did it under Trumps orders. You laughed it off. So do you want the people who entered the capitol to answer or no?
  2. -Foreign wars - that’s probably a definition thing but don’t forget about the MOAB with trump. Don’t forget about terrible positions his foreign policy left us in like pissing off foreign allies and becoming a literal laughing stock to foreign leaders. - Business owner opinion - Hopefully you didn’t take PPP 2 or any future ERC. Stay away from EIDL grants too. Dems have passed bigger tax cuts for businesses ever needed that the Republicans refused to pass or had to negotiate in. - Point to one Dem proposal or law anywhere that is pro anytime anywhere. - Maybe if the Republicans updated their platform to include I don’t know the biggest human thing going on there could be an actual COVID argument there. But there is not. Biden admin has dumped restrictions. Maybe if Republicans made this a policy stand point we could have months ago. CRT isn’t bad. You listen too too much right wing poop. To your last point on voting. I’d ask, no beg, look at platforms. One party this last election thought it wasn’t important to. And you still voted for it. Look at which you are as a person. If you are cool with no positions then vote R. If you’re cool with investigating Benghazi not not 1/6 vote R. If you’re cool with the idea of birthing a kid then not caring about them . Vote R.
  3. You said what you are. You said you voted Trump for President. You voted for a person who didn’t have a platform. You voted for no position. You voted for no idea. or you could correct me and point to the Republican platform statement for which parts you were like yes, I need to vote for that.
  4. You do realize Republicans forced that right? They took the opinion of delay the impeachment until after Trump is out of office then said wait you can’t impeach he’s out of office. You also realize the vote on impeachment was a Trump centric vote. It wasn’t against anyone else that was involved. “As for Benghazi the investigations was necessary because the president spent a week lying about what happened after allowing American citizens die he could easily have helped” As for the insurrection, the investigation is necessary because the president is spending months lying about what happened after allowing American citizen die he could have easily helped. Like really, Trump could have not lied about the election, no one dies 1/6. Trump could have came out hours earlier and said back down. No one died 1/6. Trump could have done a ton more than Obama could have for Benghazi and less people died in Benghazi than the insurrection.
  5. Yea like the convicted murder Derek Chauvin! Oh wait no, he murdered a black man while being a cop. Since he was convicted does that make the outrage justified enough for you?
  6. To address your points: - You voted for Trump because he has an R next to his name. It doesn’t matter what anyone does as long as they have an R next to their name. I’d guess you also voted for Collins even after his legal issues. Being devoted to Trump is bad. Being devoted to an R next to a name is probably worse. - Corporations - Rs slashed corporate tax rate to a flat 21 percent which increased the tax rate for small C Corps while significantly dropping it for other corps - authoritarianism - there’s one party that has an express position that wants to tell women what to do with their body. I can’t think of a D position that is that authoritarianism - Don’t care about the insurrection - that’s sad. It’s a major event in US history. You can ignore it and not care about it. But it happened. It was a terrible thing. It was worse than Benghazi so let’s investigate it just as much as Benghazi. - We have issues but I find it hard to point to a single policy position or law passed that caused it or made a situation worse. - Let’s not forget. Republicans didn’t announce a platform for 2020. So if you voted R you voted for Trump because they literally didn’t run on anything.
  7. I wish cops stopped killing black people at a greater proportion than they kill other races. Really maybe just wish cops stopped killing people. But as the song Trump got a cease and desist letter for using at campaign events: we can’t always get what we want. Republicans spent 2.5 investigating Benghazi only to hurt Hilary. We can spend a couple months investigating things like how did these people get such easy access, how did they get so upset, etc.
  8. The Trump org has already admitted guilt to financial crimes with charities and had to pay over $2 million while admitting guilt. Y’all Trumpards didn’t care and still voted for him. It doesn’t matter what comes of this. You’d still vote for him.
  9. No Im arguing let’s take care of the kids/people that actually are born over the unborn. If you can’t take care of those actually living then why care about if they’re born or not? And really we can make this issue moot by teaching things and promoting things like birth control in schools which has statistically proven to lower the birth rate. Yet the Republican Party has been against that for religious reasons. If they were really pro- life, then it should start with sex Ed. Name one situation in life where ones liberty doesn’t infringe on another’s
  10. Let’s break this down: Guns - no ones taking your guns suburbs - no ones changing the suburbs crime - Mixed bag godless - who cares . And democrats do the same... Jim Crow - entire racists are being denied their liberty kind of a big deal trans rights - an entire group of people are being denied liberty kind of a big deal evil corporations - this is kind of a Republican thing now that they want to boycott everyone like MLB and social media climate - we could have crazy weather and untold deaths that we have seen, kind of a big deal to break that down: Republicans want fear on things that aren’t really a big thing unless you subscribe to maybe a white leaning group. Dems want to make sure people’s liberties are upheld and we don’t have more climate catastrophes
  11. so you’re saying your idea of Republican policy has an underlying fallacy, that individual liberty is always stopped by the liberties of others. Ill quote you since it’s so rare you give an actual opinion a quoting a random webpage “The God given, say nature given if you would rather, LIBERTY of the INDIVIDUAL.” Here you just admit that the liberty of the individual will coincide with the liberty of other individuals. In a society, the liberty of the individual doesn’t exist. There’s always implications and limits on ones liberty as not to impact another’s liberty. As a pro- life person wouldn’t you agree it’s best to put a child’s position in the best circumstances to succeed? Or are you reverting to pro-birth let them be born and then let them pull themselves up by the bootstraps? I don’t know if you’re a parent or not, but if you had a kid and had a chance to offer them a better life or maybe a life where they would live longer, wouldn’t you give do what you could to give it to them?
  12. That’s what I’m saying. If you think abortion is murdering a baby then I see nothing wrong with you voting against that no matter what (even if you vote for a guy that talks about sexual assault such babies when they’re grown).
  13. If you believe abortion is murder no one will fault you for voting Republican. Like the Q stuff, if you actually think Dems are selling kids off for child slaves (or whatever Qs think) then yes that’s a good position to take based on your ideas on the subject. Agree on guns. It’s dumb. Dems aren’t taking guns. Republicans like making it an add. Dumb people fall for it (less educated people do lean R recently) What numbers do you find between Biden and Trump concerning the First 100 days? Like specific numbers. Theres no Maoist push by Dems. Dems if anything are leveraging capitalism to have a greater sway. Think of it this way. If there’s 100 people that will buy your product. 60 of them will line your idea. 40 of them will not. Who will you market to, the 60 people or the 40?
  14. -Pro-birth/pro-choice will always be a split if there’s strong feelings on way or the other. If a person is so strong pro-birth they’d be okay with a candidate that says he would grab a person who was born by the *****. Because the opposite (killing a fetus) is too terrible not to vote for. One interesting question would be where would that tipping point be for a pro-birth person to have a candidate that was so reprehensible to switch to a pro-choice candidate. - Dems say stupid things about guns. I like guns. But they come off like idiots some times. Yet the fear is Dems will take your guns. They ran against Biden on that. Is their position pro-gun or Dems will take your guns? - What Biden positions have changed on border security? Dems are mad on how he’s handled families in cages. But what official Biden position has caused you concerned? As pro-birth, I assume you were appalled at separating families that was around during the a Trump admin. Surely you spoke out about that. - What you listed both parties do. In this country Dems are the majority so its more apparent that the majority gets it way in capitalistic society. A women wants to get an abortion shortly after finding out about pregnancy. Isn’t the Republican position to limit her liberty? A major league sport decides they don’t like a stance by a political party. Isn’t it limiting liberty by saying to boycott the sport when they decide to love their all star game to a different place? You may also want to tone up on philosophical thought like the social social contract. Edit: wanted to add gay marriage. Republicans we support liberty but we can tell you who you can or can’t marry
  15. I mean one of the right wing leaning people could have provided something. @SCBillsdid a good job line 7 pages in!
  16. I framed the OP as they’re not hypocrites on for your points: 1. Pro-life - are they? They’re more pro being born. After that fend for yourself. Is that really pro-life? 2. protecting gun rights - what are they protecting? Who had tried taking guns? 3. Border security - Obama removed more unlawful immigrants than Bush and they said he was weak on border security. That’s more of a buzz word than a position I’d say 4. Cultural anti-Wokism... can we even define that? Like imagine being a Lincoln standing up on a podium and saying I’m running on cultural anti-wokism From your next para It seems maybe you think wokeism is cancel cultural maybe? Republicans deal in cancel culture all the time. They wanted to cancel MLB for moving an all star game. They wasted millions on a political stunt to have Pence walk out on an NFL game.
  17. No. I am. I think it’s an interesting article on the inside of the Biden admin. But you, if the same article came out on the Trump admin would yell. No you would holler FAKE NEWs. Yet you have no problem shouting out that it’s true here. It’s the peak of hypocrisy that makes you laughable.
  18. Since I started this thread I went through to recap what was said in here. From our right wing people actual ideas that the right runs on: still none The right has even strayed from tax cuts. With the infrastructure bill they want user fees which are a regressive tax. Biden is saying oh no Republicans don’t raise taxes on people under $400,000 of income. I promised I would not do that. see that’s an interesting point. Biden said I won’t raise taxes on people making under $400,000. Republicans try doing that. Biden says no Republicans, bad and sprays them with a water bottle.
  19. Hold on! I’m confused I read that article. I thought anonymous sources within an administration are crap per you and the other right posters on the board? Isn’t that what you said with anonymous sources about Trump? If so, why are you posting crap on the board? I think non-hypocrite you would read that and say hmmm those are anonymous sources. I thought those were fake during the Trump admin so I’ll hold hem to the same standard here and not post an article that is just anonymous sources. Or you could be like hey I’m sorry anonymous sources have validity and I was wrong about not trusting them with the Trump admin.
  20. Let’s not forget Republicans don’t really run on anything except for fear. Fear they’re going to take your guns, fear they’re going to make the country communist, etc. Biden is the most vanilla candidate that it really highlights the Republicans fear mongering is unfounded. I think it could cause issues with Republicans in midterms. They can’t run on fear. For Obama’s first mid-term they could run heavy on fear with ACA. They lied about death panels to stoke fear. What fear can they stoke now? If you don’t vote R then you a may get more stimulus checks!
  21. Really super cool list!!! For each one can you point to either a law that was passed, an executive order signed or anything really that puts these to Biden?
  22. Im in VA. My daughters private school has been awesome.
  23. that grim reaper made my day!!
  24. Or.... just follow me here... this will be a leap for you I know... but... what if we didn’t have cops that murder people? Whoa! Yea totally off the wall idea but I’m just saying what if.
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