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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Do good guys force people to swim across a dangerous river with weapons drawn so they can’t turn around? I don’t know if I missed that Batman comic.
  2. If you do bad work, then “If they do a good job they can stay. If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. Problems solved” If that’s the punishment for bad work I’d hate to see the punishment for non-compliance and refusing to go to these re-education camps. I did. In your original post, you were ignorant to the fact that forced labor is an issue in modern day slavery. I provided you with links to antislavery.Org and the UN to educate you. You’ve provided your “feelings” that what was provided is not a form of slavery. Should we trust your feels that forced labor is not slavery or should we trust international bodies that combat slavery that say forced labor is slavery? here’s another one that says forced labor is slavery http://www.endslaverynow.org/learn/slavery-today/forced-labor
  3. This is the position you were defending: I could solve two problems Demented Biden Blunder Buttogag can't figure out in about a minute. Round up every able body illegal at the border. Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. If they do a good job they can stay. If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. Problems solved. You’re now adding elements that weren’t there , calling it a joke (which there’s no evidence of). The position you’re defending was a position of slavery. He wanted people to work in country under threat of being forced in a dangerous situation and if they retreated that situation they would be shot. Do you believe the position laid out by Irv is good position? Again to remind you what the position is and what you jumped to defend: I could solve two problems Demented Biden Blunder Buttogag can't figure out in about a minute. Round up every able body illegal at the border. Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. If they do a good job they can stay. If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. Problems solved.
  4. not something in the original proposition you agreed to. Exactly. A path to citizenship is fine if they agree to it. But forcing people to work under threats is not.
  5. I did. They can’t leave because of threats. You want people to swim the Rio if they do a bad. If they turn back they’re shot. How is that not a threat? Do this work… if you don’t, you’ll be out in a spot you could die…. If you do an we don’t approve, you’ll be put in a spot you can die. Sounds like a threat.
  6. Im done arguing this anymore with the others but this was the policy position put together: - Round up every able body illegal at the border. (Round up people) - Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. (Put them in “training” camps) -After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. (Order them/force them to work) -If they do a good job they can stay. -If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. The policy says to round up people. Force them to work )no guarantees of citizenship in what was provided). If they don’t work or if they do a bad job, they’re out in a dangerous position of swimming the Rio, apparently if it’s too dangerous and they turn around then US people are tasked to shoot them. Thats not my America and it’s a shame if that’s acceptable to other Americans.
  7. Exactly. Now this where you apologize for defending slavery and denounce your fellow poster? It’s really not that you’re pro-slavery. you said “Round up every able body illegal at the border. Take them totruck driver and longshoreman training. ” I’m just glad for the sake of everyone you stopped short of saying they should be tossed in camps. It’s kind of implied with the rounding up tho. But you did say let’s round up a group a people and force them to work. If they don’t let’s point guns at them. Maybe the most sadistic is you want them to do a good job or else . If they’re not good at the job they still get guns pointed at them.
  8. So do we believe Doc or a webpage called antislavery.Org? “Forced labour is the most common element of modern slavery. It is the most extreme form of people exploitation.” This is beyond this board being a cesspool that a person is promoting slavery and another is defending it. Shame Add UN or Doc: According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of modern slavery. Although modern slavery is not defined in law, it is used as an umbrella term covering practices such as forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, and human trafficking. Essentially, it refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power. https://www.un.org/en/observances/slavery-abolition-day
  9. To quote “If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint.” what the poster was talking was forced labor. Don't lump yourself in with supporting US slavery. https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/forced-labour/ Forced labour is any work or service which people are forced to do against their will, under threat of punishment. Almost all slavery practices contain some element of forced labour.
  10. Second post with a right wing poster promoting slavery. Very telling we had a ton of right wing comments on here and not a single one called him out.
  11. This people is your Republican Party. They say they’re not racist but here they’re promoting the US bringing back slavery. What a mess.
  12. You’re still deflecting. Do you want the government to take over an industry?
  13. Thank you for pointing this out!! I will fill in the gaps of your arguments a little… I think your main issue is how did Republicans run such a crap candidate that would lose to Biden? I mean he sucks of the past 2 presidents he’s probably the best. But imagine being a party so devoid of ideas you lose to Biden.
  14. he made a valid point. Why are you deflecting? Do you want Biden to take over the oil industry? Isn’t that socialism?
  15. Not at all. What’s obvious is obvious. Go online at a random part of the day and you’ll see the same poster spamming the board where he’s the same poster in 10 posts in a row. In all 10 posts he hasn’t said a word but has shared sources that are poor at the worst and out right false in most cases. We can sun this argument up is one quick question. Should a poster be able to post almost all the times poorly sourced webpages…. Ok let’s dump that language and just say should a poster be able to post random articles with no background or opinion? That’s it. Lets as a board decide here, is spamming the board with articles and no opinion something we want here or is it spam?
  16. I did reference a long gone poster. When looking at moderation, we should consider the worst of us. He was the worst us. A moderator needs to make decisions like that. Your argument is everyone does it so it’s ok. It’s not okay. You seem to be right slanted and part of that policy is saying you’re the party of personal responsibility. Well, it’s one person, clearly violating the rules. Why aren’t you saying something about it?
  17. That’s a source that one town in the US has $8 gas prices. That’s not a source that “Demented Biden and his communist buddy Newsom have gas prices up” please source your comment that Newsom and Biden have the gas prices up.
  18. Why? I quoted a well respected right wing person on it. Is their a fracture on the right now for the board? You call is pathetic.. but I didn’t say anything. I just quoted a right wing position. Is it the position that’s pathetic then? Perhaps then it’s @SoCal Deekyou’re calling pathetic and should voice your issues to them?
  19. Deflecting. You have a crap point. You’re landing in that point. You can take what I said and replace NY with whatever 2 letters. Step up and bring and actual argument. We can leave this convo at that. Bring a real argument or don’t reply
  20. No one is. He can not get it m. Nothing is stopping him from not getting it.
  21. Im cool getting rid of both here. Post more! You’re awesome
  22. Thank you!! You did it…. You had an opinion. Maybe…. Just maybe.. you’re not an NPC
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