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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. I don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore. Are you pro-voter fraud or anti-voter fraud? If you’re anti-voter fraud why you defending this guy?
  2. It’s not even ignorance. He went once and was told he couldn’t vote. Then went again.
  3. Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the guy tried to break the law. Ok so maybe he went the first time and didn’t know he was underage. But after he was told he couldn’t vote, he came back and tried to vote again.
  4. No… “The incident was reported in notes from Jennifer Canty, who was identified as the chief of the precinct at the Great Falls Library in Great Falls, Virginia. Canty wrote in her notes that at 9:30 a.m. on Election Day, a "17 yo voter came in requested ballot" but was "told he had to be 18 yo to vote today." Canty writes that she offered him a voter registration but "he declined." Canty goes on to write that the "same 17 yo voter... came back to request a ballot" around 10:00 a.m. It was here that Canty writes down Youngkin's name. "Again offered opportunity to register. He declined if he wouldn't be able to vote today," she wrote.“ Maybe he doesn’t understand no means no?
  5. Yea and it’s getting old and ragged. It needs replacing and improving. This bill does that.
  6. The crux from the OP is we found voter fraud and it’s this specific guy. Looks like a class 1 misdemeanor: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/24.2-1004/ Class 1 misdemeanors are the most serious misdemeanors in Virginia. A Class 1 misdemeanor is punishable by up to 12 months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500, or both. So since he tried doing it twice I don’t see why we don’t go for 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500. I mean his dad is governor so maybe he will get off easy but as a Republican and personal responsibility you’d hate to see him get a break due to his daddy.
  7. Why are you defending a person breaking the law? He was told no once and went to do it again. Can you point me to an exemption in the law if they do it for Project Veritsas. For the party of personal responsibility you don’t seem to think this person should be responsible for his breaking the law.
  8. He takes about state rights… don’t think he proves or disproved anything. The crux of the matter is this person committed voter fraud. Not once but twice. He should be thrown in prison for trying to undermine our democracy. Do you think he shouldn’t be? Do you think he shouldn’t be responsible for the decisions that he makes?
  9. Dude fixed it for you: But, by all means opine more about this kid BREAKING THE LAW. We don’t need new laws. Current laws caught a law breaker.
  10. I believe the right wing phrase is enforce the laws on the books. Why should we change laws when this guy broke laws and should be punished by the laws already there? No one cares about voter fraud? Please tell GA and TX The other thing not being mentioned here. Great job USA! We have people trying to break the law and commit voter fraud and we caught them!
  11. Throw the book at him. He tried twice. Mens rea is proven. If Republicans want to be serious on voter fraud, start here.
  12. Pull yourself up by the boot straps and maybe you too can afford Instacart.
  13. Your post doesn’t do what you think it does. Biden, Trump, anyone. What’s happening to the US economy right now isn’t a US thing. The supply chain issues on inflation are a global issue. I’ve said a ton on the subject too but the one US maybe only thing is the Great Resignation. That has nothing to do with President but COVID hitting along with boomers leaving the industry.
  14. Atleast you put me with the Kennedy’s and not the Clintons! Instacart is awesome. The additional fees for someone grocery shopping are less than the time it would take for me or my wife to grocery shop. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I hate golf. I think that’s a dying sport just like country clubs are dying. Don’t have a Tesla or want one. Shouldn’t you like the people who voted against it? They voted how you wanted them to vote.
  15. Between my personal chef emailing a weekly menu and picking up the food at Wegmans and Instacart all my grocery shopping is done online.
  16. If this is true, the right should work on voting out the 19 Republican senators that voted for this bill. They must be really stupid then.
  17. You’re the moron. Slaves can get paid. Some were paid in America during Americas slavery period. Im sorry you don’t know basic history. What a mess! Heres a quick one: https://www.monticello.org/slavery/slavery-faqs/work/ Jefferson paid enslaved persons for work outside their normal work day ("in their own time") and for performing unusually difficult or unpleasant tasks like cleaning the chimneys or the privies.
  18. Again, it was a right wing proposal by a right wing board member here.
  19. Yea, they can. But that’s not the policy you were defending. Stop moving the goal posts. Stop deflecting from the argument. I feel bad if you’re illiterate and can’t read this since this has been posted multiple times. But… This is the post you defended: I could solve two problems Demented Biden Blunder Buttogag can't figure out in about a minute. Round up every able body illegal at the border. Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. If they do a good job they can stay. If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. Problems solved. Defend that. That’s what you decided to talk in this thread about. That’s Irvs post you decided to defend. You didn’t have to. You made the choice to say hey what Irv said is okay. Defend that. Don’t add qualifications to it. That’s what you defended this morning. Defend it now. I highly doubt you can defend that position because it’s terrible. I tried to come up with a Jeff Posey joke but this is too serious.
  20. Lame not even a Bills reference…. I give you props you read the Republican playbook better than Billy Joe Hobert read the Bills. Unfortunately you’re arguments are as weak as a Nathan Peterman pass vs the Chargers.. This is the post you defended: I could solve two problems Demented Biden Blunder Buttogag can't figure out in about a minute. Round up every able body illegal at the border. Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. If they do a good job they can stay. If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. Problems solved. Where is the they can go just go home? There’s a don’t good and we will threaten you with having to cross a dangerous river or be shot.
  21. you’re responses are about as quick as a Todd Collins release. I don’t know if you English is your first language but in the policy you are defending, the immigrants were released by being forced to swim a very dangerous river and if they needed to turn around they would be shot.
  22. Again since you’re about as quick as Trent Edwards scrambling. I called Irvs statement support of slavery. His statement laid out this: - Round up every able body illegal at the border. (Round up people) - Take them to truck driver and longshoreman training. (Put them in “training” camps) -After one week training take them to the ports and order them to work. (Order them/force them to work) -If they do a good job they can stay. -If not, make them swim back across the Rio Grand at gunpoint. You jumped in and supported that statement. That statement. You later added a bunch of qualifiers or whatever. But you defended that statement. Thats who you are. That’s the poster you are. Defending that statement. Add whatever qualifiers you want after the fact. But that’s the policy position you chose to defend. That’s who you are.
  23. He thinks facilitating breaking a law isn’t a crime. He doesn’t know about aiding and abetting. You should see the other thread where he defends we should have slavery in the US now.
  24. Wait what? So you’re saying the Charlottesville white supremacy march was actually Dems marching on Dems? So when Trump said there’s good people on both sides, he probably knew this since he was POTUS…. Does that make Trump a secret Dem?
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