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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. No, sorry. It’s a condemnation on the Republicans that voted not to censure and a condemnation on any person that votes for them in the next election cycle. Sorry I should have been clearer. And a condemnation on Republicans that would vote such people into office Also, toss your stance down. Is it ok for a member of Congress to post a video where a depiction of him kills a fellow member and the President?
  2. This isn’t a Joe Biden thread. You can go make a Joe Biden thread about his news conferences, but as president of the US when he does speak he has people from all over. The big difference too is go back to the 2020 election thread where you and your ilk thought such applause meant trump would win while making fun of Biden’s socially distant speeches. Point is it’s a dumb thing post.
  3. Alright you can admin to what was said vs the actual person. point is wow cool DeSantis got a bunch of people who agreed with him in red hats to applaud… wow cool… that’s so hard
  4. Are you saying DeSantis needs Biden to call press conferences for him? If so, DeSantis is a huge beta. Im assuming DeSantis called the conference and had people there that like him there. We can go under your assumption tho that DeSantis needs Biden to call news conferences for him but that right there should disqualify him from office.
  5. Today a GOP House member was censured for posting a video where he kills AOC and Biden on Twitter. Think about that. If you were in any work place in the world, you’d be fired. You’d get referred over to law enforcement. Two Republicans voted that doing so was wrong. Many voted it’s ok. AOC said it best, “What is so hard about saying that this is wrong? This is not about me. This is not about representative Gosar, but this is about what we are willing to accept." It shouldn’t be this hard for people to say you shouldn’t issue a depiction of murdering a member of Congress is wrong. But here we are. It was that hard. It’s what the right is willing to accept and all we can say is shame. Shame on them.
  6. Bunch of people that like you invited to hear you speak applaud for you…. Wow news story at 11!
  7. Hahahahahahahahaa Im glad our cool right wing people like Doc and So Cal will laugh at this
  8. Yea, easily. I’m sorry you lack the comprehension skills that come with more finite political conversation. Ill put into the black and white you right wingers like. You break the law, you face the consequences. Stop. End. That’s it. These are people that know the law and are violating it.
  9. are you pro or anti law? Do you think people can just pick and choose which laws they want to obey? Why don’t you support the blue?
  10. Thank you for posting this in a thread of “The American Media Should Not Be Trusted”. Great to Post some American media that’s on point with the topic!
  11. This post will not get a ton of replies that it should. We don’t want a king. The only explanation is every Republican is a c u c k
  12. Huh? A bi-partisan, yet both parties, are investigating this. It’s important for the nation and it’s one thing both parties are saying let’s investigate this. We saw Republicans say they investigated Benghazi to mess up Hilary running for President. Let’s not forget all the Trump rallies where they chanted lock her up. The fact you say Trump didn’t pursue Hilary because he had more important things makes you sound like someone who doesnt know what they’re talking about.
  13. And therefore is the law of the land and violating such law leads to……
  14. “The politicians have been ignoring subpoenas for decades.” which ones? It’s been decade so you’ll have a ton of examples.
  15. And Supreme Courts job is to interpret the Constitution…. Soooooooooo
  16. There is a bi-partisan investigation into possible treason. What the F you talking about. You don’t show up when Congress calls you, you can and should go to jail. It is pro-law. It’s the law that Congress can call you to testify. Not testifying is breaking that law. Or are you the Republican that likes to pick and choose the parts of the Constitution they want to adhere to?
  17. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/24.2-1004/ That’s VAs voter fraud laws. They don’t seem to cover attempts. Perhaps VA should now redesign their laws to cover attempts such as this. Trying to vote when not eligible shouldn’t be punished. Trying to vote when knowing you’re not eligible should be. Here the second time he tried to vote he definitely knew he wasn’t eligible to vote. We literally have a person trying to vote when not eligible. Republicans have been saying we need to stop this stuff. Why can’t a single Republican in this thread call the guy out? Not even call out… just don’t defend him.
  18. And should face the consequences of such wrong doing right? This is what this thread is about. Guy did wrong. Punish appropriately.
  19. That’s not the subject of this thread. The thread was about Youngkins kid. Why are you right wing people so against saying his kid did wrong. He went to vote when he knew he couldn’t. Got rejected. Then when definitely knowing he couldn’t vote since he was already rejected, tried to vote again.
  20. Guy tried to vote. Was told he couldn’t vote. Went back and tried to vote again. If he was a Democrat that was told he couldn’t vote then went back hours later and tried again what would you call that?
  21. Are you pro-voter fraud or anti-voter fraud? Heres a clear case of voter fraud. Make your stance.
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