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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Understand what you’re trying to defend….. but I’m sure you do
  2. I did not call Eddie Murphy a white supremacist. The sign he’s making is now years after he made filmed that. I’m sorry you’re an idiot but please try to keep up with the grown ups. A post was made saying how the sign is a white supremacy sign. He doubled down with a gif with the same sign, why are you defending a white supremacy sign. While your SAT score is probably below 200 please look at yourself and understand he posted that gif knowing it was a white supremacy sign So you’ve read multiple posts where that sign has been demonstrated to be associated with white supremacy and so you thought hey wow I should post this. I don’t know if you’re an idiot or well yea you’re an idiot. Id like to propose a ban again…. The guy knows this is a white supremacy sign and posts it again
  3. Wow. You’re so woke! I didn’t say it’s racist. I said B Man was explained that the Okay sign is seen as a hate sign. So Kyle flashing it could be shown as a sign as hate. Knowing the okay sign is deemed a hate sign decided to post a gif showing that hate sign. I don’t know know what to say to get out your ass cuz it’s really weird that’s where you go with things but ummm get your hand out of it? Sorry I’m just copying you on it. Why don’t you post a white supremacy gif too!!!
  4. Call a spade a spade … defend if you want. You proved your colors. Wow.. I don’t know if you’re an idiot or just play one of TV. He knew what he was doing after the post before talked about the sign being a white supremacy sign. and yea it’s Eddie Murphy but he did that before these asses changed the meaning. Let me make this very clear to all that decided to reply. The original post was saying hey this is a racist sign. B-Man doubled down and posted a racist sign. Im 100 percent ashamed of anyone here who doesn’t call it out for what it is.
  5. I’ll add… I don’t want to tell you how to live your life…. But you’re defending a guy who was told the OK sign is a white supremacy sign and replied by posting it again. That’s what you want to defend?
  6. Yea cuz he replied to a post about the sign being a white supremacy sign with the same sign and they’re totally unrelated. Get your head out of your ass and call out hate when you see it. Read the thread you know what he did and why did it. I feel shame for you that this is your response.
  7. While not modded this post should get him a ban. 1. My post brought to attention that the okay sign that Kyle flashed is a white supremacy sign. It’s literally listed as a symbol of hate: https://www.npr.org/2019/09/26/764728163/the-ok-hand-gesture-is-now-listed-as-a-symbol-of-hate 2. He doubled down on it and posted it again. B-Man knew what he did. He shares a white supremacy symbol yet again. Ban this guy. Not taking any action at all is akin to saying this webpage supports white supremacy.
  8. The one line of questioning from the prosecution really stuck with me. Basically, you came with a medical pack to help people. You shot a person, all threats were gone and another person was over the person you shot yelling for a medic to help save a life…. What did you do? And Kyle said he ran away.
  9. I mean yea if you ignore things like him flashing white power signs in a bar. She can’t… Andy point was she wouldn’t bring the case because the defense would be discovery of things like his internet posts, pics of hun hanging at bars where he flashes white supremacy signs and all that. It would be interest to see her try tho.
  10. You’re right. They should have. But the piss poor plan is reminiscent of the idiotic Trump regime. The regime was slipshod with everything else, why expect them to become masterful tacticians with this? Irv… I often wonder if you’re even American. From offering slavery as your idea to solve immigration to now not understanding Biden and the Dems control the White House for 4 years. Perhaps there is a civil government class online you can find. Also don’t know why you keep posting a pick of a guy that lost an election to a person with dementia. Trump losing to the Biden is like the Dolphins losing to the Jaguars.
  11. This is why you’ll never see a defamation lawsuit from the family about being associated with white nationalism. Discovery would be a hay day. Remember the first defense to defamation is that what was said is true.
  12. As the person who started the name a right wing position thread, this one is just stupid. You can go here and see the party platform: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ Whereas the Republicans did not adopt a platform for 2020 and therefore their actual positions were unclear.
  13. Sorry, but this is a stupid comment. There’s plenty of stats out there . This is great!!!! CBO scores are eh on both sides… but can you refresh my memory on your opinion of the CBO score for TCJA?
  14. He’s a Republican. He’s already been feeding off the public teet. His mom has asked for other people to pay for his legal bills. Pedos like Gaetz have already offered him a job with 0 qualifications.
  15. Well where you work then is special… almost one of a kind…. Like a snowflake
  16. You should probably open yourself to more news sources: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/13/fact-check-democrats-have-condemned-violence-linked-protests/3317862001/
  17. There’s another post about dossiers and Russia you can bring that up in. Knock off the whataboutism. This post is about how it’s wrong to post a video of a co-worker being killed by you and how Republicans think that’s ok.
  18. That happened with Kathy Griffin with Trumps head and the right wing flipped out and tried to cancel her.
  19. To each their own but COVIdiots is at least clever. Thinking Thank You Brandon is funny is the equivalent of thinking a Gallagher performance where he smashes watermelons is funny and is the easiest way to say you’re a boomer without saying you’re a boomer.
  20. Your response is exactly why I titled the thread as I did. Do an experiment today. Take the same video and put your co-workers faces on it instead of Biden and AOC. Then go post it online and share it with your co-workers. Let me know if you have a job (assuming you have one to start off with) after doing that.
  21. @Docguy is bringing up Trump before a Biden reference please respond to saying how dumb. @Irv why is it so hard for you to say posting a video where someone kills a member of Congress and the President is wrong? Like really. Dump the gifs and dumb images. How in your mind is this justifiable?
  22. You all threw out Biden’s name first. Just like the election, I tossed Trumps name second.
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