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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Being in Virginia, it’s pretty scary what all this fake posturing has led to. We have people burning books - https://www.businessinsider.com/virginia-school-board-members-call-for-books-to-be-burned-2021-11 We have a hotline to call to tell people if what is being taught doesn’t fit the Republican idea of education - https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-virginia-hotline-lets-parents-report-divisive-teaching-practices-11643236044
  2. How is posting a tweet that lists a stat that’s easy to confirm as being fact abrasive? We have a long history showing that GDP performs better under Democrats than Republicans:
  3. You held the same stance in the Amy Comey Barrett debacle where Trump said he would pick a woman. And I agree that we shouldn’t pick a Justice based on factors other than their qualifications. The only reason I give pause here is when Biden ran for President one of his promises was he would select a black woman for the Supreme Court if he had the chance. The American voters knew this and elected him with the greatest number of votes possible. So a vast majority of US people knew this would happen and voted in record numbers for it. If people objected to it, more people would have voted against Biden.
  4. It’s like the female PS5 apparently. I don’t know what it does: https://www.ulta.com/p/airwrap-complete-styler-pimprod2000154?sku=2537002&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-54177766609&CAAGID=28397269470&CAWELAID=330000200001548568&CATARGETID=330000200002825269&CADevice=m&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH7-S-NTy3hXRRpMSTHZ0YXoD&gclid=CjwKCAiAlrSPBhBaEiwAuLSDUF6REgt55RvLbufL0bCN3CV-nHnHCBxGWk7X9-VuYznZgvC0ojT5ThoCTuQQAvD_BwE But it’s apparently sold out everywhere and people are scalping them.
  5. If she was crying Tuesday it was because she was finally able to find a Dyson Airwrap. Shes we’ll taken care of and hasn’t had to work, cool or clean in about 9 years and can buy whatever she wants. (Well the cooking thing has been for about 6 months)
  6. No, that’s why it’s listed first. It was the Tuesday meal (the day she cooks). We actually found her from some friends at our gym. She does meal prep and stuff for people for some of our friends.
  7. We have her do 4 full meals. We used to do 5 but it was so much food. We will eat a new meal each of the 4 days, Sunday we get pizza for football and left overs the other 2 days. Even with that cycle it’s hard to eat everything and I’ll use leftovers for lunches, which also decreases the cost per meal. This week, we had: - Steak with double baked potatoes - chicken enchiladas - Stuffed shells with garlic bread - Beef and Broccoli (Tonight’s food). All the food comes to where we usually just need to toss the oven on 350 for 25 mins to warm it up.
  8. No. My time is worth more than the time to do something’s. So tasks I can delegate where I’ll earn more money during that time vs the cost of delegation, it’s 100 percent worth it.
  9. Our chef is a female. It’s actually pretty awesome. She sends us a meal plan once a week, then grocery shops for the foods and cooks a weeks worth of dinner every Tuesday. Chef fee is just $200 a week plus we give her the cash for the groceries. For that cost, the time savings alone is so worth it. Plus it reduces eating out which can get expensive.
  10. As explained in another thread. I do not go to a grocery store. With a personal chef and Instacart that isn’t really a thing worth doing. Having a degree doesn’t make someone intelligent. As I said, “But even for a low IQ voter like yourself, please tell me how vaccine requirements that do not allow US food truckers into Canada impact US supply. ”
  11. Thank God those vaccinated ones can drive a truck to deliver fruit to Canada
  12. If Canada already has a policy to have truckers vaccinated…. Then there truckers are vaccinated and any US policy would be moot. And this again just rejects the idea that it’s easily solvable by truckers getting vaccinated.
  13. So if the US doesn’t institute the policy, would the get more truckers from Canada? It seems the Canadian policies in place already would have them vaccinated. Plus this entire issue is solved with 1 easy thing…. GET VACCINATED dude, chicken wing prices are insane. Maybe if we had a a border as easy to cross as Josh Allen crosses the LOS vs the Pats.
  14. Sorry, your “I'm hungry and it's almost dinner time here in Southern California” made me think you can’t afford food in the context of the discussion.
  15. What do you mean if I’m right. My point was the article posted is misleading because it’s about Canada. Where there are policies that aren’t in place in the US. So ofcourse I’m right. That’s what the article is about! So unless you move to Canada the article has 0 effect on you being poor and not being able to afford food. For that, I’d suggest you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You’re only poor because you choose to be poor. Irv, I know you’re part of the illiterate right here. I know from your posts you just what a mess and have no educational background to make good factual analysis. But even for a low IQ voter like yourself, please tell me how vaccine requirements that do not allow US food truckers into Canada impact US supply. Literally the policy in the article has no impact on goods being delivered to the US.
  16. I don’t want to just paste the entire article because of how wrong you are… but you are the poster who thought Canada is the US… so most of the start: So should governments consider setting the price of essential goods? It's been done before, typically during times of crisis, but for most mainstream economists, the answer to this question is a resounding "no." Limiting how much companies can charge will distort markets, they argue, causing shortages and exacerbating supply chain problems while only temporarily reducing inflation. "Price controls can of course control prices — but they're a terrible idea," David Autor, a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, remarked in a survey published earlier this month by the University of Chicago. ……. To quote the article…. Just stop, seriously Just stop. Seriously," Austan Goolsbee, a professor at the University of Chicago, said in response to the question. Goolsbee previously served as chairman of the Council of Economics Advisers under former President Barack Obama.
  17. Dude is another part of the illiterate right like our buddy B-Man. He read a headline without reading the article. For my left wing friends in here, here is the actual article: https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/18/economy/price-controls-inflation/index.html?utm_content=2022-01-18T13%3A04%3A22&utm_medium=social&utm_term=link&utm_source=twCNN It argues that the President shouldn’t have such a power.
  18. This is pretty misleading for our illiterate right on this board. ”The cost of transporting fruit from California and Arizona to Canada climbed 25% last week” This is an increase in food prices from US to Canada. The lack of vaccine wouldn’t impact US to US sales. So your article has zero affect on US inflation and is highly misleading here. Id argue it probably has a positive effect on US inflation since a logistics company would just route the 50 percent of drivers who normally would go to Canada to further US destinations. Thus helping US supply and decreasing prices.
  19. Is it? 1) if he’s too dumb to remember how he got some place, he probably shouldn’t hold office. 2) They forged electoral certificates and sent them to the National Archives purporting them to be real. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/pro-trump-groups-fake-letter-national-archives-1281966/ 3) The matter has been referred to DOJ for further investigation since it involves several states. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fake-election-documents-michigan-dana-nessel-1284781/ 4) I thought the right was all about election integrity? This is clear election related forgeries. Wouldn’t that make it a big deal to Republicans, not a nothing burger? 5) If Republicans are the party of personal responsibility (which they are not), everyone should be trying to hold this guy and the others accountable for the crime they committed and not just say it’s a nothing burger. Hopefully DOJ comes down hard on these guys and Arizona can elect someone in his place that can remember how he got somewhere.
  20. Id say fired for one from his profession but he’s a right winger so he’s probably living on welfare. Places not wanting to serve a grinch at a restaurant, generally being ostracized from civilization is good too. But hey! Watch how easy this is. Not hard at all. Yes, if people are shown to give him death threats then they should face consequences. See now that works. You made one post questioning personal responsibility and I responded what the left would say. I make posts about personal responsibility and none of our right wingers have said he should have personal responsibility for his actions.
  21. I wouldn’t call it a joke. It’s so childish it doesn’t really hit the level of a joke. But putting that aside, the context was sayingF U Biden on a kids Christmas special. Remember all the attacks on Christmas. Imagine if Rudolph ended with thanks Rudolph for leading the way oh and F U Nixon. But again, we are getting past the point. The point here and the point of the thread is the thing you right wingers lost. Personal responsibility. He said what he said. He later came out as proud of it. Then he later hated the consequences of his actions. That is persona responsibility. Own up to what you do. As we’ve seen, he doesn’t. As we’ve seen from our right wing friends here, it’s something they no longer care about. Thats the thread. Let’s get one of our right wing friends on here to just say yes he needs to live with the consequences of his actions (don’t even need to say he was right or wrong)
  22. Deflection. This thread proves more that that the description fits the right wing, Guys says something stupid. Faces consequences and is a snowflake. Other right wing snowflakes hear about it and don’t say he should face consequences. So, yea… nowhere in this thread is evidence of left wing not having responsibility but the right wing having no personal responsibility is running rampant. Feel free to start a new thread about left wing responsibility that stays on topic for that thread tho!
  23. Love a thread about personal responsibility has all the right wing people here deflecting. Just proves they don’t have any personal responsibility and it’s no longer a right wing party platform. [/Thread]
  24. Biden played it off as a joke. The Brandon thing is so below the office of the President they don’t care. It’s a dumb thing and I’m glad the President isn’t wasting his time focusing, thinking or learning about. The story of the thread tho, is yet another right wing person not understanding personal responsibility and that his actions have consequences and freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
  25. What he says doesn’t matter. The point here is he any cope with the responsibility of his actions. personal responsibility!
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