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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. In other other words: Strangely, there wasn’t a lot of fact-checking going on down at Mar-a-Lago, but the actual reason that the “LameStream” media hadn’t covered the story was likely because, as the Times notes: (1) Sussmann’s conversation with the CIA had already been reported last October (2) Durham never once said anything about the White House being “infiltrate[d]” (3) the special counsel also never claimed the Clinton campaign had paid Joffe’s company and (4) perhaps most importantly, “the filing never said the White House data that came under scrutiny was from the Trump era.” In fact, lawyers for the data scientist who helped develop the data analysis in question, say this happened during— wait for it—Barack Obama’s presidency. What Trump and some news outlets are saying is wrong,” attorneys Jody Westby and Mark Rasch told the Times. “The cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign, and to our knowledge all of the data they used was nonprivate DNS data from before Trump took office.” In other words, Trump and company got the whole thing hilariously, mortifyingly incorrect. But fear not: We’re sure they’ll issue a lengthy correction and heartfelt apology to the people whose reputations they impugned—and the ones Trump suggested should be put to death—in no time.“ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/02/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-white-house-spying Will we get a defamation letter suit or will Fox hide behind that they’re an entertainment company and not a news company protect them again?
  2. And Im going to assume that more than just the 4 times amount of YouTube people saw the racist flag burn. Plus you get people like you posting the barely watched YouTube video so it’s not like it a message that’s spreading. Just admit it’s pretty cool a video of a Senate candidate burning the racist flag has raised over $600,000, didn’t cost $70,000 to put on TV and has more YouTube videos than Republicans thinking something the equivalent of a 5 year olds joke is amazing. Im talking more about the awesome guy burning a racist symbol of the right. And how in comparison him burning that trash is just a huge trump card. You can’t deny views. You can’t deny funds raised.
  3. We’re nearing a million US deaths. Do you think none of them were workers? Do you think workers being forced to go into jobs aren’t concerned they could be added to that list? Maybe just people wearing a mask when you go into a place of business would help those workers fears. You want to talk about supporting the workers. If you want to support the workers wearing a mask from day 1 is supporting them. People from the Northern border take jobs too. Why are you singling out the southern border? Plus I don’t know if you’ve seen America lately but you can’t go a block without seeing a help wanted sign. No one’s jobs are being taken.
  4. Is it? B-Man’s YouTube ad has 78k views. My ad of burning the racist flag has over 324k. My racist flag burning video has raised over $600k. Your dumb Brandon ad spent $70k just for people to see it. My racist flag burning video spent no Super Bowl money for people to see it and more people have seen it than this guy who spent $70k to force people to see his.
  5. Guy spent $70,000 in Pittsburgh. $70,000 in the Super Bowl. If the ad time was worth anything it wouldn’t cost $70,000. I warn you this may trigger you because they’re burning a traitors flag: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/gary-chambers-jr-louisiana-senate-fundraising-1299727/ But the dude just burning a racist symbol raked in $600,000 (at the time of the article) He could have aired his ad burning that racist filth 8.5 times in that market with the money he made just from from making that ad.
  6. And here is where you explain……. I take the same stance for anyone committing treason or affecting international relations. You know the blockade of an international border is costing hard working Americans jobs and money right?
  7. Well Canada doesn’t have a border with Mexico, so I think it would be pretty dumb if Canada to try to make a law like that.
  8. Lol if only the right had money. https://www.inquirer.com/politics/clout/david-mccormick-super-bowl-ad-lets-go-brandon-20220214.html Left unmentioned (and probably un-leaked by the McCormick campaign) was that it ran in just a single market, Pittsburgh, with only $70,000 behind it. For comparison’s sake, you need $1 million to make a real statewide dent on TV. —- Dude couldn’t afford more than $70,000. In the words of our former one term President who lost by the most votes ever #sad.
  9. Dear Elon, help Canada replace the less than 9 percent of truckers that would leave the workforce: https://www.wired.com/story/what-does-teslas-truck-mean-for-truckers/ If they’re part of these protests and leave the workforce willingly hopefully Canada takes away any benefits like unemployment they could get.
  10. They don’t. No one is stopping them from getting a job without a vaccine. They just can’t cross the US border. If you don’t have the qualifications for a job, you don’t get it. No one is stopping them from getting another job. Canada should protect their borders as they see fit.
  11. Seeing this post. Absolutely horrific what the OP thinks is appropriate. But you know what, this is just the modern day right, sick and disturbed. Everyone on the right here should be ashamed
  12. 88 percent of Canadians have had at least one dose of the vaccine. This is just a fringe group trying to get their way. Policies shouldn’t be based on less than 12 percent of people whining. Lets not forget all these people are breaking the law and now breaking court orders. If they want to continue, they should be allowed to…. In the jail they deserve to be in. If they don’t want to be vaccinated they don’t need to be. They just can’t do US-Canada shipments. So either find a new job or only take shipments inside of Canada. The US is finally getting to a point where less people are dying each day than 9/11.
  13. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/10/1079842220/ottawa-trucker-convoy-protest https://www.cija.ca/nazi-flags-at-the-truckers-protest/
  14. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/22926134/canada-trucker-freedom-convoy-protest-ottawa The so-called “freedom convoy” is nominally protesting a vaccine mandate for truckers, implemented in mid-January on both sides of the US-Canada border. But the demonstrations have swiftly ballooned into a broader far-right movement, with some demonstrators waving Confederateand Nazi flags. Protester demands include an end to all Covid-19 restrictions in Canada and the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The border crossing blockage is putting more stress on the US-Canada supply chain, costing (by one estimation) $300 million a day in economic damage The so-called trucker movement is on the fringe, including among Canadian truckers — some 90 percent of whom are vaccinated. They are angry because they have lost.
  15. That’s like 40 people? Cops need to do their jobs and arrest these asses. If you break the law, you go to jail. Cops shouldn’t be judges. They should say hey is this illegal? Yes. Then my job is to arrest them and throw them in jail.
  16. want to point out @RaoulDuke79 does not back the blue with his thumbs down on my comment on how we need to back the blue.
  17. Is that something Trump digested too? Real conspiracy… trump didn’t have covid he was just shitting this out.
  18. Dude back the blue. They can’t do anything wrong. If they move them then they move them and we support the blue. If our blue need to use lethal force against these people then I’m sure we will all support that because we back the blue here on two bills drive.
  19. I think a big problem the left has is how much free thought is in the party. It makes it hard to band together. Trump did it well to the point a record number of Americans said no to him. The right on the other hand seem to have indoctrination as part of themselves. So them being fooled just happens and they never realize it’s happening over and over again.
  20. Prolly the same as the Whiskey Rebellion as a minor footnote on the wrong side of history. If anyone here is supporting this while complaining about inflation in the other thread is something else. They are disrupting our economy now. All fun and games are over. Sanction Canada until they throw them all in jail. The loud minority are something.
  21. Don’t blame me, blame the Supreme Court. The Edwards case specifically. Question Did the Louisiana law, which mandated the teaching of "creation science" along with the theory of evolution, violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment? Conclusion: Yes. The Court held that the law violated the Constitution. Using the three-pronged test that the Court had developed in Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) to evaluate potential violations of the Establishment Clause, Justice Brennan argued that Louisiana's law failed on all three prongs of the test. First, it was not enacted to further a clear secular purpose. Second, the primary effect of the law was to advance the viewpoint that a "supernatural being created humankind," a doctrine central to the dogmas of certain religious denominations. Third, the law significantly entangled the interests of church and state by seeking "the symbolic and financial support of government to achieve a religious purpose." https://www.oyez.org/cases/1986/85-1513
  22. Except it is. We’ve had several major cases on it such as Edwards v Aguilard and most recently Kitzmiller (Edwards looked at creationism whereas Kitzmiller looked at the new name for creationism post Edwards, intelligent design). Kitzmiller is over 100 pages long, but a good summary: The district contended that ID is not a religious theory; it is a theory independent of creationism that does not specifically promote God as the creator, though it does provide that some unidentified force created humankind. The Pennsylvania District Court disagreed and found that the district’s policy impermissibly advanced religion. First, the court applied the Endorsement Test, which asks whether government action conveys a message of endorsement or disapproval to a reasonable, objective observer. The court surveyed the history of ID and creationism and found the content of both theories so similar that an objective adult or student in the Dover school system would perceive the district’s promotion of ID to be overtly religious. Further, the court found that since ID is basically the theory of creationism under different terms, it was not a science, but a religious belief. Thus, the policy failed the Endorsement Test. Next, the court applied the test developed in Lemon v. Kurtzman, which asks whether the purpose and effect of government action is to advance religion. The court found numerous instances in which individuals indicated that the purpose of the policy was to explicitly advance religion; the superintendent of the board and its members had repeatedly discussed ways to teach creationism, and the board contacted certain proponents of creationism who ultimately suggested ID as a viable alternative. Regarding the effect of the policy, since the court already concluded that ID was not a science but a religious belief, the only possible effect of the disclaimer could be to advance that religious belief. Because the disclaimer policy failed both the Endorsement Test and the Lemon test, the court concluded the policy violated the Establishment Clause. https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/cases/kitzmiller-v-dover-area-school-district
  23. No goal posts moved, from one of our first discussions I point out that creationism has an effect in other religions. “Further, to tie this to VA. VA has an email where you can tell on teachers for teaching divisive topics. You can see the executive order for what exactly divisive is, but it’s main target is CRT. I’d say creationism also falls under divisive theory as it puts Christians and other religions with a Supreme Being thinking they are better than religions that do not have a Supreme Being” That is a clear violation of the EO.
  24. Again, creationism doesn’t need to be linked to just Christianity for it to violate the EO. Creationism is linked to a supreme being creating everything. That means you must have a faith that believes in a Supreme Being such as Christians, Muslims, Jewish, etc. It puts any faith that has a Supreme Being above any faith that doesn’t believe in a Supreme Being.
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