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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. You do see that says it’s mostly false right? This entire thing gets even better. The immigrants were from Texas!!!! DeSantis used Florida taxpayer funds for a political stunt to send people from Texas, not even Florida!! In addition, there were children. Got to wonder if this is violated any human trafficking law since kids were involved. In a DeSantis thread, was it moral and okay for DeSantis to use Florida taxpayer dollars to fly immigrants, including children, in Texas to another state as a political stunt.
  2. There is an entire other thread about the border. This thread is about DeSantis and his actions. Is shipping people to an unknown location for a political stunt inhuman? That’s the question here because this thread is about DeSantis. So, was DeSantis using human life by shipping them unwillingly to an unknown location as a political stunt inhuman? So as long as we fly you first class, we can ship you off anywhere without your consent? Us liberals are the rich ruling class, so I’m sure we can all chip in a couple extra tax dollars by giving up some Starbucks and avacado toast for a month to ship all the MAGA republicans to Russia on first class planes without their consent.
  3. No they’re the same polls that said Biden would beat Trump even though Trump supporters did boat parades. Everyone knows the Trump boat parades can’t be trusted. Ahh good old MAGA Republican with the whataboutism. Is shipping people to an unknown location for a political stunt inhuman? That’s the question here. The problem is a politician shipping humans to unknown locations against their will all for a political stunt. Inhuman, not Christian, and down right evil.
  4. The simple fact is this was done for nothing more than a political stunt. If you’re okay with using people for political gain while you poll worse than Kamala Harris that’s between you and your God. It’s down right inhuman. Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts said DeSantis "could learn a lesson from Massachusetts on what patriotism and liberty really look like if he weren't so busy using humans as props in a cruel stunt to buoy his pathetic political aspirations."
  5. DeSantis must have seen the polls: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/555548-kamala-harris-continues-to-edge-ron-desantis-in-hypothetical-2024-polling/ September’s Harvard-Harris Poll again posed the question of who respondents would choose in a theoretical matchup between DeSantis and Vice President Kamala Harris. As in previous months, DeSantis trailed the California Democrat. Harris drew 41% support, with DeSantis commanding 38% backing, and a remaining 21% of respondents unsure.
  6. Yes they will. The churches have been doing a great job helping them so far. Plus with a worker shortage hopefully they’ll be able to train those who want to work to help fill those voids. This all boils down to a simple fact. You’re absolutely inhuman if you think it’s fine to ship people across the country against their will as a political ploy. Goes against all the teachings of the church as well.
  7. I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy, and I championed the cause of the stranger. I broke the fangs of the unrighteous, and made them drop their prey from their teeth. Job 29:15-17 Republicans are just a bunch of godless heathens. If you can’t find the horror of transporting people across state lines where they don’t know where they’re going and doing it for the sole reason that you want to use people as a prop, so sick. The fact that you find it funny will just cement your place in that nice warm place when you pass.
  8. This really shows the difference between liberals and the right. State Rep. Dylan Fernandes, who represents Martha's Vineyard, tweeted: "Our island jumped into action putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need. We are a community that comes together to support immigrants." “‘People were just showing up (at the church) with food, rice and beans,’ she said. ‘When something happens to our island, we come together to help. We are going to take care of these people.’ It’s amazing to see these great people support their fellow man. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:19 On the other hand, it’s down right inhuman of DeSantis to use people, actual people, as political props. Dude is going to hell. Congressman Bill Keating, who represents Martha’s Vineyard, said in a tweet, “History does not look kindly on leaders who treat human beings like cargo, loading them up and sending them a thousand miles away without telling them their destination. Still, Florida @GovRonDeSantis made that choice today.”
  9. Biden is sitting at 42.4 on average. At the same point Trump was at 40.2… so looks like you were confusing Trump and Biden. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/ The right leaning Rasmussen just had Biden at 44 percent approval.
  10. This is just crazy how corrupt the DOJ was: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/justice-department-pressured-us-attorney-bring-cases-trump/story?id=89745338 - "People who had been in the office for 40 years never saw anything like that. It was unprecedented and scary." - "On the eve of Cohen's guilty plea, main Justice tried to get our office to remove any reference to Individual-1, who was President Trump. They were unsuccessful in that venture. And they were unsuccessful in every attempt to politically interfere with our office. We held the line in every instance," - "President Trump attacks John Kerry in two tweets saying that Kerry engaged in possible illegal conversations with Iranian officials regarding the Iran nuclear deal. The very next day, the Trump Justice Department refers the John Kerry criminal case to the Southern District of New York. Two tweets by the president and the John Kerry criminal case becomes a priority," - "The Justice Department told us, 'Hey, you have just indicted two allies of the president, Chris Collins, who is a Republican congressman from upstate New York, and Michael Cohen, who was the president's lawyer and fixer, and it's time for you guys to even things out and indict a Democrat before the midterm election,'"
  11. Not a single number supports any of your ideas. But let’s do more math. Last year of the personal exemption it was $4,050 per person. When the standard deduction was $12,700 MFJ. TCJA raised the standard deduction to $24,000. Thats an increase of $11,300. The average married US family is 4 people. 4 times $4,050 = 16,200. So a family of 4 lost a $16,200 deduction while getting an increase standard deduction of $11,300. So they LOST $4,900. Assuming a 10 percent effective rate it cost them $490. That increases with each kid they have above 2. A single person with no kids had the standard deduction go from $6,300 in 2017 to $12,000. Change is $5,700. Lost their personal exemption of $4,050. So they’re getting a $1,650 of addition deductions. At a 10 percent effective tax rate, these provisions of TCJA saved them $165… wow! But let’s say that single person is a single mom. Now her personal exemptions were $8,050. HOH was $9,350 and TCJA made it $18,000, so a change of $8,650. With the lost of exemptions they got $600 of additional deductions or a tax savings of $60!!!!!! (Assuming a 10 percent effective rate). If she’s a single mom of 2 she lost money. So taking it instead of at the national level, you can see the tax savings to the individual aren’t what you think they are. So thank you Republicans for the $60 you gave poor single moms! Now, let’s look at 1 provision that favored the wealthy. Say you’re a business owner, non-SSTB and net $400,000 but with other deductions taxable income is at $315,000. Being under the QBI thresholds (to make the math easier), they get a deduction equal to the lesser of 20 percent of QBI or taxable income. $315,000 * 20 percent = $63,000 of new deductions. That puts taxable income now at $262,000. That $63,000 would all be in the 35 percent MFJ bracket, so it saved this guy, $22,050. Math has been had for you but the $22,050 is significantly more than the $60 tax savings the single mom with 1 kid got and a TON more than a single mom with 2 kids who now has to pay more tax got.
  12. Math comprehension: If we look at CBO scoring, doubling the standard deduction cost $887 billion. Eliminating personal exemptions raised $1.4 trillion. $1.4 trillion is more than $887. This means the elimination of the personal exemptions raises more in taxes than the increased standard deduction saved. Personal exemptions also had a phase out, so people making over $313k (MFJ) had a limited exemption and once they hit $436k, it was completely phased out. So high worth individuals weren’t really part of that $1.4 trillion tax increase.
  13. Except they didn’t. Don’t forget personal exemptions were also eliminated. If we look at CBO scoring, doubling the standard deduction cost $887 billion. Eliminating personal exemptions raised $1.4 trillion. Then looking at things for high wealth individuals: - AMT changes - cost $884 billion (almost the same as double the standard deduction) - Doubling estate tax exemption $102 billion Those 2 alone are well more than the savings for doubling the standard deduction. If factoring in the exemption changes it’s hundreds of billions more. I also didn’t include QBI deduction since it’s not just a high net worth deduction but the cost is primarily skewed toward high net worth people. CBO Scoring: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/cbo-estimates-tcja-extensions-could-cost-27-trillion So I think hoax is the correct response here by @BillStime
  14. If someone were to ask me if the speech was divisive, I’d say it was. It also made me like Biden more. I’m sure I’m not the only one in that 60 percent. On the other hand 60 percent of Americans feel MAGA is a threat to democracy. Don’t think a guy who leads MAGA can win an election when 60 percent of the country feel he’s and what he stands for is a threat to democracy.
  15. Lol. Highest gas has been in today dollars has been like $5.50 under Bush. There’s a better chance of Dems gaining seats in the house than $8 gas this year.
  16. Any member of the Trump cult that put Trump above the country. Characterized by wearing red MAGA hats. Often times spineless as demonstrated via the gymnastic feats they must obtain to defend Trump. Most commonly spoke phrase is “what about…” No matter how you define them, when Americans were asked if MAGA republicans are bad for democracy… 60 percent!! … said yes they are. No, they said it was divisive. Doesn’t mean it turned them off. Im all about being divisive when it comes to people who are a threat to democracy.
  17. So you don’t care about the 60 percent of Americans who think MAGA is a threat to democracy? The President came out at said out loud what 60 percent of Americans feel.
  18. So? The important part is most Americans believe MAGA is a threat to democracy.
  19. Majority of Americans view MAGA as a threat to democracy: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-americans-see-trumps-maga-threat-democracy-reutersipsos-2022-09-07/ Fifty-eight percent of respondents in the two-day poll - including one in four Republicans - said Trump's "Make America Great Again" movement is threatening America's democratic foundations.
  20. Great, I’m glad we clarified your issue is easing comprehension. “Weird, because the GOP is predicted (by every news outlet) to win both the House and Senate. State gov. are projected to be around 50-50.”Politico isn’t every news outlet. I am not assuming abortion is the number 1 issue for the election. However, I will assume that the trove of women registering to vote post Dobbs, it is the #1 issue. We’ve seen these increase women voters already contribute to disallowing an abortion referendum in red Kansas by a vote of 55-45. In addition, while abortion may not be an issue for Republicans, there are two issues you overlook. 1) abortion is a major issue for Dems and it’s something that has already been shown to drive out the vote and increase voter registration. 2) for some Republicans abortion has been a get out to vote issue. With Dobbs, those Republicans would be less likely to vote.
  21. The numbers were not that a week ago. Mitch came out in mid- August and conceded the Senate is probably lost. 538 had the swing for Dems in the Senate around mid-July. You point out the 1,000,000 person switch. That was pre-Dobbs and neglects the crazy upsurge in women registering to vote (we’ve seen this have an impact on Kansas where women voter registration increased 70 percent and then soundly defeated a referendum on abortion). It also neglects the 630,000 Republicans who switch to Dems in the same period. If you honestly thought as of last Thursday the Republicans were definitely or had a very good chance of winning the senate you’re either out of touch with the news or have reading comprehension issues. As a recent test, we saw the Republicans lose a special election in Alaska where they held the seat since 1982!!!
  22. You missed the important parts! https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/judge-removes-couy-griffin-from-office-for-engaging-in-the-january-6-insurrection/ “A New Mexico judge ordered Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin be removed from office, effective immediately, ruling that the attack on the Capitol was an insurrection and that Griffin’s participation in it disqualified him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This decision marks the first time since 1869 that a court has disqualified a public official under Section 3, and the first time that any court has ruled the events of January 6, 2021 an insurrection.”
  23. Those plans are not taxable Federally through 2026 as part of the recent bill that makes this not taxed. Those amounts under the 20 year IBR rules always had the taxable income as an issue. It’s generally been assumed Congress would pass something once the first people would be affected (and they did through 2026). The PSFL never had the tax issue. The people who have hundreds and thousands of negative amortization due to IBR will most likely not pay tax on all of that as the portion where they are insolvent is not taxed. The plan Biden released fixes the negative amortization issue going forward but would be nice to see it retroactively fixed.
  24. I feel like you missed some stuff. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/senate/ 538 now had the Dems as a 69 out of 100 chance of winning the Senate. Mitch came out and acknowledge they probably won’t win the Senate: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/mcconnell-says-republicans-may-not-win-senate-control-citing-candidate-rcna43777 Politico has Senate as a toss up and House only as likely Republican: https://www.politico.com/2022-election/race-forecasts-ratings-and-predictions/ PredictIt has Rep House and Dem Senate as a pretty big favorite: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7172/What-will-be-the-balance-of-power-in-Congress-after-the-2022-election
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