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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. 1. There is nothing against the law or any reason governors cannot debate governors. Newsom threw out the challenge. DeSantis can accept or hide away in fear. 2. Even if you want to say Martha’s Vineyard is Boston, it’s not. It is 2.5 hours away. That’s like saying Cleveland and Buffalo are the same place (3 hours away). They also didn’t believe that: “ Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee said many of the migrants were confused. "We have talked to a number of people who've asked, 'Where am I?' And then I was trying to explain where Martha's Vineyard is."” https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard They were still told they would have housing, expiated reviews and jobs. None were there. They were lied to. ““They were told they were going to be met here with jobs and housing. Some were told that they were going to different cities all over the country. At least one individual thought they were going to New York and some thought there were going to immigration appointments,” Fernandes said.” https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/immigration/desantis-puts-migrants-on-flight-to-marthas-vineyard/ 3. Florida Democrats don’t agree that he didn’t break the law. The law states they need to come from Florida. You are probably geographically challenged, but Texas and Florida are not the same state. The answer to question 2, please provide authority or legal opinion that was used to permit state funds to be expended in transporting people from Texas, as the plain reading of HB5001 clearly authorized only “unauthorized aliens from this state.” Would you care to answer question 2 as that is the same question I posed that you miserably failed to comprehend or answer?
  2. Don’t know why y’all righties have such terrible reading comprehension skills. This thread is about DeSantis. My point was like how he was chickening out in debating Crist he won’t accept Newsoms challenge. Therefore we should retitle the thread to DeChicken. You brought up something to with Crist/Fried debate. Since neither person are DeSantis, that discussion would be better in a thread about that topic. Lets keep this on DeChicken. 1. Will he debate Newsom or is he too much of a chicken? 2. Now that the people he kidnapped in Texas and flew to MA have came out and said they were lied to about where they were going, the benefits they’d get for going and generally everything, will DOJ press charges against DeSantis? 3. Since DeSantis spent Florida money in violation of Florida law that was meant to expel people from FL, not TX, for a political stunt, will Florida bring charges against DeSantis?
  3. Open a thread on that. This is thread about DeChicken.
  4. News I’m has challenged DeSantis to a debate. DeSantis was trying everything go get out of debating Crist. So when he comes up with an excuse for this one, I think the thread title should get changed to DeChicken: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/california-gov-newsom-challenges-florida-gov-ron-desantis-to-debate/
  5. Got our first referral to DOJ for human trafficking: McGovern also calling this illegal: In a statement to MassLive, U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern said he agreed that the “campaign stunt” could rise to the level of violating the law. “Using taxpayer money to ship vulnerable people across the country under false pretenses is not just a campaign stunt—it appears to be human trafficking. It also looks like he illegally used Florida’s COVID relief money to run this operation. These are major violations of federal law that should be investigated,” McGovern said. Some of the false pretense documents are also coming out: Immigration lawyers are also working on getting these people visas since they may be victims of crimes: Susan Church, an immigration lawyer based in Cambridge, told the Boston Globe a legal team is working with advocacy groups to interview the migrants and determine whether they are eligible for visas for victims of crimes. “They were duped in to getting onto the plane,” said Church, former chair of the New England Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This is akin to kidnapping.”
  6. I wonder if this is why the plane stopped in Florida. DeSantis used taxpayer money to fly illega immigrants into his own state!
  7. No one is talking about the 2.000,000 everyone is talking about MA. Tactic was horrible if he wanted to get people to talk about immigration. He wanted to score political points with his MAGA base by “owning libs” and got owned himself.
  8. Lol man, you’re hilarious. I feel bad that your uneducated opinion has you all riled up. Again, - why do Florida taxpayers need to pay for TX illegal immigrants to be sent to Martha’s Vineyard - your response was because Biden is shipping people to FL. You were proven wrong by DeSantis himself. So try again….. - why should taxpayers pay for a political stunt to “own” the libs? - Now this is doing something? What? Lol. Yea these 50 people will change our border policies. No one is doing anything. It was a political stunt to rile up MAGA republicans but will end up making independent and true Republicans hate the MAGA republicans even more.
  9. They weren’t harmed? They left where they were for promises the DeSantis admin had no intention of fulfilling. If a company says hey I’m going to give you a job, help you get something quicker and do other things for you if you move from CA to OK, then you get there and they’re like yea I lied to you just to get you to OK, you’re not welcome back in CA… you wouldn’t be harmed?
  10. They literally took people off the street!!! I wonder if your opinion on this would be different if you were educated on the subject. You’ve said several things that are just factually wrong. Maybe it’s time you step back, read up and come with an opinion once you’ve educated yourself instead of just talking out your butt. https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-governor-florida-flies-migrants-171423700.html One Venezuelan migrant who arrived at Martha's Vineyard identified himself as Luis, 27, and said he and nine relatives were promised a flight to Massachusetts, along with shelter, support for 90 days, help with work permits and English lessons. He said they were surprised when their flight landed on an island. He said the promises came from a woman who gave her name as "Perla" who approached his family on the street outside a San Antonio shelter after they crossed from Mexico and U.S. border authorities released them with an immigration court date. The point is you were wrong… again… like normal about simple facts.
  11. DeSantis disagrees with you: “Texas is taking people,” DeSantis said after a morning Florida Cabinet meeting. “Biden has not sent anyone to us since we got that. He does send children all across the country in the middle of the night and dumps them all over the United States, which I think is very reckless.” “We have not had buses coming in, we have had people trickle in,” DeSantis said. “I think because of what Texas has done, that has actually taken a lot of pressure off us.”
  12. - Florida has a large amount of Cuban illegal immigrants - Florida paid for these flights. Why are they paying costs for TX? Shouldn’t FL taxpayers be upset their money is going to TX? - If this isn’t a problem in FL, why does there FL governor care? Wouldn’t his time be better spent fixing the issues of his constituents?
  13. One of the interesting things of this Martha Vineyards thing that I don’t think has been talked about yet….. if the illegal immigrant problem is so bad in Florida, why couldn’t DeSantis find his own illegal immigrants in FL and needed to use TX ones for his politics stunt? Surely if the problem is so bad in FL he could have found 50 people pretty easily in his own state.
  14. Since your major care is the deaths, the article seems to lay out a way to decrease the deaths: ”As WOLA’s July 28 analysis noted, border deaths increase as enforcement policies harden in an effort to deter migrants. (Today’s record levels of migration show that decades of deterrence policies have had no effect, other than increased fatalities.) Reuters cites the “towering wall” along the border, which has channeled migrants to more dangerous desert routes, and the Title 42 pandemic expulsions policy, prolonged in May by a Louisiana federal court order, that forces many countries’ asylum seekers to avoid detection rather than turning themselves in to U.S. authorities.” So I assume then decreasing border enforcement and removing the wall would both be things you support to decrease the deaths.
  15. Do you not know how to read? Maybe if you figured out how to read you could be an actual educated voter and not a liability to our democracy. The article goes in how Trump admin proposed it with Stephen Miller and was soundly shut down because it was such a poor idea. Here is more on it from the time: https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/white-house-proposed-releasing-immigrant-detainees-in-sanctuary-cities-targeting-political-foes/2019/04/11/72839bc8-5c68-11e9-9625-01d48d50ef75_story.html The White House told U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space but also served to send a message to Democrats. The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that “there are PR risks as well.” After the White House pressed again in February, ICE’s legal department rejected the idea as inappropriate and rebuffed the administration. Get yourself some education dude. It’ll do you well. It’ll help you with things like critical reasoning and understanding those funny scribbles called words. Great cool! That would be something that could be a really interesting discussion in a thread about immigration. This thread is about DeSantis. Let’s stick on the topic of discussing his evil and probably illegal actions.
  16. Yes this was a bad evil idea and illegal as well. It was so morally wrong even the Trump admin refused to do it. Any true Republican would find this a waste of Florida taxpayer dollars to fly Texas immigrants to MA. Any person with a soul would find it’s cruel and inhumane to lie to these people about the expedited paperwork and jobs. Plus leaving them some place with no directions or ideas to go. You’re lost and hopeless, so posting with you isn’t worth anyones time. But the independents and non-MAGA republicans will find this political stunt for what it is and vote accordingly.
  17. Lock him up! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-migrants-marthas-vineyard-1234594051/ Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claim they were lured into boarding the flight with deceptive promises that they’d be taken to Boston for work opportunities and expedited papers, something experts say could constitute a violation of federal law. DeSantis used Florida taxpayer money to pay for the flights, but they originated in Texas. Migrants interviewed by NPR reported being approached in San Antonio by a woman named “Perla” who offered them transportation to Boston. Really gives you hope for humanity in the face of the overwhelming evil Republicans find okay now a days.
  18. Its been effective for years because of Jesus was here today he would vote Democrat.
  19. Who needs luck when us liberals always get to stand on the moral high grounds! Find some love for your fellow man to understand using people as political pawns while wasting tax payer funds is wrong.
  20. Its cool man. Christianity preaches forgiveness and I’m sure you’ll be forgiven for your sins and your support of DeSantis using people for political gain like when Trump used the church and Bible for political gain.
  21. A policy isn’t a stunt. But go ahead and keep thinking that. DeSantis couldn’t even find immigrants in his own state to send so he had to go to Texas and use Florida taxpayer dollars on Texas. I really feel sorry for you that you’re so morally inept and have no care or concern for your fellow man. You may want to talk to a psychologist about that. I’d stay away from a priest as he may teach you what Jesus thinks about immigrants.
  22. I answered in the appropriate thread. I’m glad you’re on record for using people for political stunts is ok with you. May God have mercy on your soul.
  23. Except Martha’s Vineyard was chosen as a political stunt, not because they could care for these people over where they currently were: The challenge faced by Martha’s Vineyard — which has a year-round population of about 20,000 — may be even more stark. The Rev. Chip Seadale said St. Andrew’s had decided to take in the migrants for the night after learning that they had nowhere to go. A parishioner had reached out to him, knowing that the church helps house homeless people in the winter. The island’s sole homeless shelter does not operate during the summer and has room for 10 people, with one bathroom, said Barbara Rush, the warden at St. Andrew’s. “Fifty people with no homes is an overwhelming number for the size of the community,” she said. “But this is a strong and capable community.” Do you realize everything you spit out is just whataboutism? When asked if it’s mora and okay for DeSantis actions, you’re just like what about what about what about. “Is it moral or ok for the Biden administration to encourage people to travel hundreds of miles to illegally enter our country knowing full well that many will die during the journey?” Geeze have an opinion on the topic at hand and stop turning everything into a whatabout.
  24. I do not. I believe we can make positive changes for our southern border and those changes can be made without political stunts.
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