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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Yea! Kind of like the racist Reverse Freedom Ride: “Fuming over the civil rights movement, Southern segregationists had concocted a way to retaliate against Northern liberals. In 1962, they tricked about 200 African Americans from the South into moving north. The idea was simple: When large numbers of African Americans showed up on Northern doorsteps, Northerners would not be able to accommodate them. They would not want them, and their hypocrisy would be exposed.” They even sent them to Kennedys home: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/02/29/809740346/the-cruel-story-behind-the-reverse-freedom-rides
  2. DeSantis is now being sued by the migrants who were flown to MV: https://www.axios.com/2022/09/20/migrants-desantis-marthas-vineyard-lawsuit?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=editorial
  3. Exactly and the was SoCals assertion: “Has something changed? I thought international law was that asylum seekers had to seek asylum in the country that shares an immediate border with their home country? Is Venezuela now adjoining the US? “
  4. I don’t see anywhere in there that people seeking asylum need to be from a bordering country like you asserted. These 48 people were asylum seekers under US law and as such here in the US legally.
  5. I don’t believe the Biden administration has conducted illegal behavior here. The legal issues with DeSantis: - Sending people from TX using FL money apportioned for illegal immigrants in FL - this is a misappropriation of funds - Sending asylum seekers who were legally in the US when the apportioned funds were to be used on people illegally in the US - again a misappropriation of funds - Sending the asylum seekers to MV under false pretense. The asylum seekers have said they were told they’d have jobs, housing and expedited review of their claims. None of that was true. They were told they’d go to NY and Boston and that was not true. To compare that to Biden; - Biden has not misappropriated funds - Biden has not lied to people to get them to go somewhere.
  6. That’s not the rule. Here’s a good break down on the asylum process; https://www.rescue.org/article/it-legal-cross-us-border-seek-asylum
  7. Well Jim that’s a false equivalent. 1. I’m not sure Biden is allowed to fly or drive anymore due to his extremely old age; 2. Any bussing operations have been to sanctuary cities that know the people are coming 3. The program is part of Federal law and authorized under Federal law 4. None of these people have come out and said they were lied to about getting on the bus. Im actually fine with a Federal bussing policy to sanctuary cities as long as the people being busses provide full consent. Here, 1. DeSantis used FL funds to fly TX people to MV. This is not what those funds were appropriated for 2. The people moved were asylum seekers who were legally in the US. The funds used were not meant for people legally in US. So another misappropriation of funds. 3. It’s been well documented now that these legal residents were 1) lied to about where they were going and 2) provided false pretense such as promises of jobs and expedited reviews that were never there. 4 MV is not a sanctuary city and had no advance notice they were coming.
  8. If anyone here has information, please pass it on. #backtheblue
  9. He makes a really great point that’s been lost a lot is the 48 people that were taken were here legally. Not a single one of them was here illegally. "If someone is here and they are illegally here and are undocumented, they have rights to not be victims. They have rights to not be lured to another state with fake promises. With that being said, these people were here legally. They were documented. They had the right to walk around the streets free and not be transported across the country for it to be a media event. That's a tragedy. That is at worst some type of crime. We're going to look at what extent of the law we can hold people accountable." Im here legally as well DeSantis, please give me some free flights. Free handouts for legal people, what does he think he is a Democrat?
  10. Just stop man. You’re the Aaron Maybin of posters. You talk a bunch and everything you do screams bust.
  11. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/senate/ Dems keep pulling away from Republicans in the 538 senate projection, up to a 72/100 shot. It was down at 40/100 in June. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/house/ House is now at 29/100, was as low as 13/100 in July. Democrats best ally now is time. Time for more terrible abortion stories to come out, time for more Republicans to treat humans as political pawns, time for more policies to help people show results. Republicans seem to be like the Browns playing the Jets with 2 mins left in the game.
  12. Enforce the laws on the books, right? Hypocrite much? Outside of that, if the campaign is the one who does it, then we have private citizens acting. Noted liberal Ted Cruz has come out on noted left-wing media host Sean Hanety and said what they did is illegal. “Let’s say I went down to the border and I brought a big truck with me, and I picked up a bunch of illegal immigrants, and I started transporting them across the country,” Hannity said. “Would I or would I not likely be arrested for human trafficking and would it be illegal to do that for me, if I did that?” Cruz was clear in his response: “For you, a citizen, you could easily be arrested” So we either get DeSantis fraudulently misappropriated FL funds for his own gains or the DeSantis admin human trafficked per Ted Cruz.
  13. I’ll keep this slow for you, but please feel free to ask questions about the process. I understand this could be hard for you, but stick with it and you too can learn how the US system of governance works. In the US system of politics, we have Congress. Congres has the House and the Senate. In order for a bill to become law, the House and the Senate must pass it. Once the bill passes both chambers it goes to the President for signature. In the Senate, they have a rule known as the filibuster. Under this rule, a vote to end the filibuster must be done by 60 senators. Absent that vote, the bill cannot come to the floor. Here, the House has passed several bills and sent them to the Senate. However, Democrats only have 50 members of the Senate. Therefore, 10 Republicans would need to vote to end the filibuster so the bill can come before the Senate and voted upon by a simple majority. Now, there has been talks by a lot of Democrats to end the filibuster so they could pass bills such as these. So under your scenario, you want them to work harder to fix it. The only way for the Dems to work harder would be to end the filibuster.
  14. Lol party of personal responsibility and law enforcement here. You’re a joke. We’d have to look up the statute but usually fraud isn’t just pay it back and you’re good to go. If you go Rob a bank of $615,000 and get caught do they say just pay us back and everything is good?
  15. Theyve passed several in the house. The Republicans have filibustered them. So I take it your working harder means you think they should end the filibuster.
  16. Great ! Let’s get your answer on the legal issue: The law states they need to come from Florida. You are probably geographically challenged, but Texas and Florida are not the same state. The answer to question 2, please provide authority or legal opinion that was used to permit state funds to be expended in transporting people from Texas, as the plain reading of HB5001 clearly authorized only “unauthorized aliens from this state.” So Doc, please let us know how: 1. Texas is Florida and that state law allowed the removal of unauthorized aliens from FL, not TX. 2. Asylum seekers are unauthorized aliens under FL law. Unless TX is FL and asylum seekers are unauthorized aliens under FL law, DeSantis misappropriated $615,000 of FL taxpayer funds for his political stunt.
  17. @aristocrat “I see the dems inaction on the border as indefensible and abhorrent. They put Harris in charge who says the border is secure and just fine. Meanwhile record numbers dead coming across. But please get mad and keep calling republicans racist for simply trying to get some action done on securing the border. Dems hold power across the government and have done nothing but scream racism any time any body brings up the problems. “ Now they were in the proper thread and we can keep the other one to DeSantis and his illegal actions: - I haven’t called anyone racist - Dems have passed several immigration changes in the house and Republicans won’t break the filibuster. - Biden has issues some Executive actions and he should do more. The border isn’t perfect but we shouldn’t allow someone to treat people as political pawns for their political aspirations. Hopefully Dems and Republicans can work together and pass immigration reform.
  18. Moving this to the proper discussion board. Let’s keep this thread about DeSantis and his illegal actions.
  19. To me it means they like the military base, not how they got there. For example, if you fly to Punta Cana on Spirit airlines and you get to your resort, you’ll probably say life is good…. Even though you just went through hell of Spirit airlines.
  20. Great whatabout topic for the immigration thread. Let’s keep this one on track about DeSantis and his illegal activity. The only quote in your article from one of the political pawns was: “The life there is good,” said Eliud Alguilar, a 27-year-old from Venezuela in an interview with The Post, referring to a military base where he and the 49 other migrants were sent by Massachusetts authorities after they landed in Martha’s Vineyard this week. “They treat us well, they provided us with food and medical assistance. We are all well.” I didn’t see a single quote saying they’re happy DeSantis sent them to MV. Price tag has come out as well. $615,000, or about $13,000 per person. They should have checked Travelocity for plane tickets. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/09/16/desantis-administration-paid-615000-aviation-company-relocate-unauthorized-aliens/
  21. A crisis so terrible the governor of Florida wasn’t even able to find 50 people in his home state for his political stunt. Border towns have infrastructure to at least partially handle these issues. Martha’s Vineyard does not. You don’t see people making as big of a fuss of the other thousands that have gone to CA, DC and NY because they were sent to places with infrastructure in place to support these people. Martha’s Vineyard does not. While the other bus loads have occurred they’re not as big of a deal because 1) there’s no proof those people were lied to here, 2) they were sent to actual sanctuary destinations with resources to help them and 3) a governor from one state didn’t illegally spend state funds to ship asylum seekers from another state to an unknown destination.
  22. So you’re saying it was legal because he took people from TX, brought them to Florida first before sending them to MV? Seems like a stretch. There’s also the issue these people were asylum seekers and not unauthorized aliens. Why couldn’t DeSantis find his own migrants in his own state if this problem is so bad? Care to share these interviews with the forum: “few actual interviews online of the people who were on the plane and if you translate what they said they are happy with where they landed.” I’ve yet to see anything about them being happy that they were lied to. edit to add migrant interview: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2022/09/16/one-migrant-says-he-felt-deceived-by-events-that-led-to-his-arrival-on-marthas-vineyard The 28-year-old Venezuelan immigrant was one of almost 50 people flown by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to the Cape Cod island by charter plane on Wednesday, in a pointed political move. “I feel — deceived. Deceived, and upset. They played with our feelings,” he told GBH News in a Spanish-language interview outside of St. Andrews Church in Edgartown. Plaza was in San Antonio, Texas, earlier this week with other recently arrived migrants when he was approached and offered a ride on the plane. According to numerous reports, the planes flew from Texas to Florida, then on to North Carolina and, finally, Martha’s Vineyard. “They offered to help me travel, to find lodging, and ... they tricked me,” Plaza said. NPR previously reported a woman identified as “Perla” was recruiting immigrants to get on the plane. Nonprofit publication San Antonio Report reported Thursday that a 27-year-old immigrant claims he was paid $200 in cash by “Perla” to convince people standing outside San Antonio’s migrant resource center to board the flight.
  23. Another person who doesn’t get basic facts, just great. Marthas Vineyard is not a sanctuary city. MA has 8. They are Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Newton, Northampton, and Somerville. Plus, it wasn’t MV saying they have jobs, expedited reviews and housing. It was DeSantis. Please for the love of God, read, and educate yourself before posting.
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