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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Michael Moore, who was one of the first to say Trump would win in 2020 says he thinks the Democrats will have a tsunami: https://www.salon.com/2022/10/10/michael-moore-predicts-democrats-will-win-big-in-the-midterms-will-he-be-right-again/ He is releasing a reason a day for his analysis. One include how an 18 year old Democrat won against a Republican incumbent in Idaho.
  2. Well it is a campaign promise he made. When making that campaign promise, over 80,000,000 people voted for him. Go Brandon!!!! This is a widely popular policy that everyone e should get behind. It’s crazy people are in jail for weed.
  3. Yea! Don’t bite on what the left is saying. So what if he paid for an abortion and we have bank statements, receipts and a get well card from him as proof. Us conservatives are about family. So let’s listen to his family: “You have no idea what me and my mom have survived. We could’ve ended this on Day One. We haven’t. I haven’t told any stories. I’m just saying don’t lie,” he said. “Don’t lie on my mom, don’t lie on me, don’t lie on the lives you’ve destroyed and act like you’re some moral family man. Y’all should care about that, conservatives.”
  4. Let’s get some context from one of the kids he didn’t pay to get aborted:
  5. Dems ahead of noted puppy killer Dr Oz by 5.8 percent per 538. These polls of course before it came common knowledge to the electorate that Dr. Oz brutally murdered over 300 cute and adorable puppies: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/pennsylvania/
  6. Quoting the important part of your “story”: "John's record on the Board of Pardons has been widely praised by Democrats and Republicans alike," he continued. "John saved taxpayer money and took a fair-minded approach to every case he considered, voting to deny hundreds of pardon and commutation cases while also siding with law enforcement experts nearly 90% of the time. The commutation in this case was supported by both prosecutors and corrections officers at the time."
  7. Let’s move that conjecture to an appropriate thread as he is not running in any election. If he runs for Senate, we can discuss his puppy killing. Right now Dr. Oz is running so let’s stay on topic and discuss the 300 puppies he killed inhumanely.
  8. The great Republican choices: Dr Oz - killed over 300 puppies https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/dr-ozs-animal-testing-experiments-shows-why-we-need-a-complete-ban-rcna50513 Walker - anti-abortion Walker paid for his GFs abortion: https://www.thedailybeast.com/pro-life-herschel-walker-paid-for-girlfriends-abortion-georgia-senate
  9. Yes his general premise is he qualifies for a different student loan forgiveness program that his state doesn’t tax, so he is hurt by this program. It fails to think thru that he can opt out of this program so he’s really not hurt.
  10. First law suit comes in. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/27/business/biden-student-debt-suit.html The main issue with suing to remove the program is finding someone who has standing. The person they think has standing is a lawyer in IN. IN is taxing the forgiveness (as of right now). The argument for standing is he is on PSLF. If he stays on PSFL, then he will get full forgiveness that is tax free in IN as IN conforms to that tax free forgiveness provision. If he takes the loan forgiveness, he needs to pay tax. Since he would have to pay tax, he is harmed and therefore has standing. This is most likely going to fail. While he is hurt by paying tax, he can opt out of the forgives, not need to pay tax and therefore isn’t actually hurt. In addition, if he’s doing PSFL, he’s on IBR. An argument that the tax paid will be less than the present value of future loan payments.
  11. Trump doesn’t make gaffes. He’s clearly stating his new position that he wants to make America gay.
  12. I like this Trump change to Keep Our Country Gay. Not sure if our right wing MAGAs will get behind it tho:
  13. Or DOJ and IRS have a better jurisdiction for the criminal conduct and the civil relief she seeks is enough to protect NY interests. What in the complaint do you think is false? Please share the paragraph numbers for easier reference. The AG stated this investigation was started due to Cohens testimony of the wrong doing, if someone testifies before Congress under oath of violations, shouldn’t the government investigate it?
  14. Great thing they took all the evidence and made the criminal referral to DOJ and IRS then.
  15. NY said no to a Trump settlement offer: “She also noted that prior to Wednesday's announcement, her office had rejected a settlement offer from Trump and his organization.“ https://www.npr.org/2022/09/21/1124242985/new-yorks-attorney-general-sues-trump-and-his-children-for-alleged-fraud Also pointing out he’s guilty since per Trump only guilty people use the 5th: During the press conference, James noted that when testifying under oath during the investigation, Trump repeatedly invoked his 5thamendment rights to avoid testifying.
  16. Here’s the filing. Can you please enlighten us about what you disagree with in it: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22670311-nyag-v-trump-et-al
  17. I’m 100 percent with you. All the talk is on MV and DeSantis not anything else. This makes me even think there probably isn’t that big of a border issue since FL had to find the people sent to MV from Texas. Even then the people were here legally in the US. If the border is such an issue 1) why couldn’t DeSantis find people in his home state and 2) why did they use people here legally when there’s apparently soooo many here illegally?
  18. Here is this civil complaint: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.248428/gov.uscourts.mad.248428.1.0.pdf Here is the Fox News article telling you Texas has opened a criminal investigation: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-sheriff-opens-criminal-probe-desantis-operation-fly-migrants-marthas-vineyard These are both real things going on. Whether you chose not to believe a court filing or a sherif saying he’s opened a criminal investigation, then that’s on you.
  19. If the outline you speak of is following the law then yes. I’m all for moving people to where resource allocations can support them. Border towns aren’t having issues and sanctuary cities want to help, great. Let’s get a Federal effort to help these people. Things that shouldn’t be done: - Abbott not telling other governors when and where the people will arrive. That’s 100 percent political and isn’t in the best interest of the people - lying to get people to go. Anyone who would want to be part of such program need to provide full consent being knowledgeable about what is going on. - using taxpayer funds actually allocated to such endeavors - sending them to actual sanctuary cities where there are resources for them. MV is not a sanctuary city and doesn’t have resources for 50 unannounced people, but there are plenty of sanctuary cities in the US they could have sent sent them.
  20. There’s been criminal action and civil action here. If you choose to ignore it that’s fine, it won’t stop the criminal investigation or the civil law suit. But what even you can do is educate yourself. Educate yourself on our past. Educate yourself on the law. It’ll make you less likely duped by these charlatans in the future.
  21. Your quotes need to do some research. Like really maybe if the right were educated and not lied to all the time they would see things are wrong. Just the first paragraph alone: This is gut-busting stuff. It’s so stupid that it’s hard to believe it’s not satire, but here we are, with people who illegally crossed the border - they were not in the US illegally now suing a governor for giving them a free ride - the ride cost $615,000 or about 30 cents in taxes per FL resident. to a sanctuary city - MV isn’t a sanctuary city they knew they were going to, - they thought they were going to Boston or DC including signing a release form. - contracts are invalid if signed under false pretenses. For anyone who would like a factual read and the accounts of migrants, here is the complaint filed by them: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.248428/gov.uscourts.mad.248428.1.0.pdf
  22. Really? Republicans retaliating against liberals. Tricked people legally here in the US to go north. The idea if these people show up at liberal locations, liberals wouldn’t accommodate them to point out hypocrisy. I guess the only way this is different now is the legal asylum seekers trafficked to MV are suing DeSantis. TX has started a criminal investigation. DOJ may start one as well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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