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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. I think the issue really is you don’t understand the sublty of the law. There’s a legal distinction between A) the President can just forgive student loans and B) the Department of Education can use the HEROES Act to forgive student loans. Pelosis press conference addressed A, not B. The Biden admin used B, not A to forgive student loans. The timing of the announcement to coincide with midterms is what it is. It was Biden fulfilling a campaign promise and of course they can drive the vote. Biden also didn’t have any incentive to forgive earlier either as the payment freeze was in place. The bigger issue I point out and where the original post is misinformation is that the Biden admin did the student loan forgiveness knowing it’s unconstitutional. That’s just folly and lies.
  2. 1. Pelosi isn’t a god 2. Pelosi isn’t the end all legal scholar 3. She’s probably right the President doesn’t have the authority to unilaterally cancel all debt. However, the Biden admin used the HEROES Act which was a Congressionally passed act to forgive the debt. So the President isn’t unilaterally eliminating the debt, but is working in the confines of the law Congress passed. The only challenge to it that has been mildly successful is whether it needs to go through notice and comment via the APA.
  3. Lol, it’s annoying how dumb Republicans are. 1. There is no proof anyone in the Biden administration thought the plan was unconstitutional. 2. One Trump appointed lower court judge held it unconstitutional because it vioLated the public notice and comment requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act. Several lower courts have upheld it and the Supreme Court in 2 cases have said they won’t hear those Republican challenges. Interesting, this case is brought by Republicans saying they have standing because they’re not getting enough student loans cancelled. If the program fails due to an APA violation, the admin can just open it up to notice and comment and it’s Constitutional again. In summary, it’s incredibly stupid to think the Biden admin did this knowing it’s unconstitutional. edit - this case will probably actually help student loan borrowers as Biden will probably extend the payment freeze while it goes through the courts and then again if it has to go through notice and comment.
  4. There was supposed to be a blood bath on incumbents. Many of your right wing friends were telling us that abortion isn’t a big issue, that there would be a right wing tsunami and not just a wave. Coming out of 2020, the general consensus was the map favored Republicans. Then, take into account it’s a midterm, the controlling party usually sees pretty significant loses. On top of that throw in the economy, inflation, gas prices, the general idea was the Republicans should win easy. To make an analogy, it’s a lot like the Bills-Jets game. Jets came in 13 point under dogs, Sauce and Wilson both get declared ineligible for the game close to kick off and still won. That’s what the Dems are doing. If the Dems keep the house (not overly likely but still a possibility) then calling this a Republican blood bath would be apt.
  5. PSFL isn’t taxable under statute. Federal loan forgiveness is not taxable for everyone else through, I think 2026, as part of one of the Dems reconciliation bills during COVID. The 20/25 year is taxable if it occurs after 2026, but that could be extended. In addition, your analysis doesn’t take into account most people with 100k in student loan debt forgiven will most likely be able to exempt most of the COD income under insolvency. Indiana, Mississippi and North Carolina are the only ones that would tax this program. People in those states can opt out of the forgiveness. But you’re looking at most a $1,000 of additional tax. Interesting case. You typically need standing to sue. The other cases have been strict down because of no standing. This Trump appointed judge got around that by…. Not even considering it. The appeal will rely on the lack of standing issue. It does need to go through a conservative appeals court, then the Supreme Court however.
  6. Kyle Clark is a CO news person who probably knows CO better than at posters here. The reason for his analysis:
  7. Im not a big Biden supporter and I think the Democrat base isn’t much either, but got to give the man some credit: - Beat Trump easily - Got through 2 reconciliation bills - Got through the infrastructure bill - Cancelled some student loan debt - Best showing in mid-terms for a President in forever He shouldn’t run in 2024 but he’s done an amazing job in 2 years as a placeholder.
  8. Wow. I threw out exit polls we’re giving more confidence for Dems around 7 pm last night but didn’t expect this. NYT has the Dems most likely at 51 in the Senate. (One is GA which looks run off but Warnock has to be favored) House is at a projected 224 for Rep, so only a 12 seat change and very slim majority. It’ll be interesting to see where that number lands. With all the factors so heavily favoring the Republicans in this election, this can’t be seen as anything other than an embarrassment. I guess abortion was a little higher on voter radars than posters in here were saying. Where do the Republicans go from here? They lost a Presidential election to a terrible candidate. They lost a slam dunk mid-term. The party has to be ready to get rid of Trump after last night. - Also worry excited by the Boebert news. This should be the most eye awakening result for the people on here even if Boebert ends up keeping her seat. (She’s down about 5k votes right now) Currently a +2 for Dems in governor mansions too!
  9. Newsom has his election called in under a min and over an hour faster than DeSantis. We now know the most popular governor.
  10. Not really. Ever since the tea party started their shenanigans with the debt ceiling and govt shut downs, a divided govt could cause more economic harm.
  11. Those are all purple. If you want a red wave, you need to make in ways in some blue places as well and that’s not happening tonight.
  12. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/analyses/the-2022-midterm-elections-what-the-historical-data-suggest In the 22 midterm elections from 1934 -2018, the President's party has averaged a loss of 28 House seats and four Senate seats. The president’s party gained seats in the House only three times, but gained seats in the Senate on six occasions. The president’s party has gained seats in both houses only twice
  13. Right now NYT needle has: House 227 Rep - 208 Dem Sen 51 Rep - 49 Dem but has Walker winning. If he doesn’t get 50 percent it’s a run off where he most likely loses making it 50-50 again. If that’s the outcome of the night, the Republicans take a big L. Vastly under-performed their expectations. That’s not even a red wave in the house. With a President favorability rating low, inflation high, or should have been a red tsunami but it won’t be.
  14. MA elects first lesbian governor: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/massachusetts-maura-healey-rcna55236
  15. He’s not even gay. Let alone the first openly gay governor. That was the guy in CO a couple years ago,
  16. 209 of 226, Spanberger takes the lead in VA07 https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022 November General/Site/Member_House_of_Representatives_(07).html
  17. https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022 November General/Site/Member_House_of_Representatives_(07).html Abby down 49.14 to 50.68. 203 of 226 reporting. Prince William has 7 districts left and FBurg City has 2.
  18. VA10 and VA7 looking more definitely blue. VA10 means red tsunami is most likely off. VA7 means a red wave is probably off. Closeness of each means blue wave is gone. Ill call it now, Dems keep Senate, Republicans flip the house, but not by much.
  19. You have Spotsy, Prince William and Stafford as the primary big counties. Prince William is pretty big. Vega would need to do better than the 53 percent she’s getting in Spotys to win. Not totally the same counties but Spotsy was part of the district that voted out Eric Cantor for Bratt because Cantor wasn’t right enough, If it goes to a run off Walker could always abort his campaign or pay someone to abort it for him. I don’t like his chances in a run off where Kemp isn’t helping to drive out vote.
  20. He’s from Culpeper one of the parts in VA 7 but you can see the break outs here: https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022 November General/Site/Member_House_of_Representatives_(07).html Abigail is down 7,000 votes. 39 districts not in. 21 of those are Prince William where Abigail is up 64/36 with larger population centers. Fredericksburg city leans hard D and is 3 outstanding. Theres just too much volume that will go D.
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