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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Complaint filed against Republican senate candidate Walker: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A85bcc52e-609a-3470-aa08-97e90c5f8bf8&viewer!megaVerb=group-discover#pageNum=3 The gist, he is claiming a homestead exemption on his TX property. To do so, he needs to be a TX resident. However, he used his wife’s GA address to vote. Either he committed tax fraud in TX or he illegally voted in GA.
  2. Complaint filed against Republican senate candidate Walker: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A85bcc52e-609a-3470-aa08-97e90c5f8bf8&viewer!megaVerb=group-discover#pageNum=3 The gist, he is claiming a homestead exemption on his TX property. To do so, he needs to be a TX resident. However, he used his wife’s GA address to vote. Either he committed tax fraud in TX or he illegally voted in GA.
  3. So Walker is worse off than Joe? They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money it’s going to trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here?” - Walker on climate change Weren’t you one of the people saying Fetterman shouldn’t win due to his medical issues?
  4. Imagine if Biden said in a speech: “I don’t know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not? But let me tell you something that I found out: a werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that. “So, I don’t want to be a vampire any more. I want to be a werewolf.” With all our right wing friends thinking Biden has dementia and wouldn’t vote for him, I’m sure they wouldn’t vote for Walker with his CTE issues. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/17/herschel-walker-republican-georgia-werewolf-vampire
  5. It accrued in Income based repayment plans and in the past could get negative amortization, but once repayment does start, the new Biden admin rule will do away with negative amortization.
  6. As expected, Biden has extended the student loan payment pause through June 30, 2023.
  7. Didn't Trump also promise a 10 percent tax cut for the middle class right before the 2018 mid-term elections to try buying votes?
  8. Good break down on issues with the Trump judges ruling:
  9. Trump running is also dumb from a political perspective. If he wins, big if, if can only get 1 term, and it’s highly likely the Dems would get the next President just based on history. Running someone like Haley could allow for 2 terms.
  10. Lol. Dude couldn’t beat a 100 year old guy who wouldn’t come out of his basement who was probably the worst Dem candidate since John Kerry(? maybe, Biden was a worse candidate). Dems can now pick anyone they want as President and know they’ll win, assuming Trump gets the nomination.
  11. From a Reddit poster tracking races: House races to keep an eye on: (update every 2 hours) Since last update - no updates Cali 47: 1,3% D at 77% counted - it was 3% D at 72% counted - it was 3% D at 70% - it was 2% D at 64% counted. Bad batch of vote for the Dems. Cali 49: 5% D at 84% counted - it was 5% D at 79% counted - it was 5% D at 71% counted - it was 4% D at 64% counted Cali 13: 0,75% D at 78% counted - it was 0,11% R at 61% counted - it was 0,35% R at 58% (just recently flipped blue but there are still a lot of votes left) That is 3 races that D have a small lead that they need to keep. They also have to flip the R lead in all 4 of these races to get the house. Cali 22: 5% R at 53% counted (trending D since it was 8% R when it was 43% counted) 55% of the remaing votes from Kern county needs to go D and/or D need to limit the expected losses in Tulare county. Cali 27: 9% R at 70% counted - it was 11% R at 67% counted - it was 12% R at 61% at counted (this is unlikely to flip to D but hopefully mail ballots can make up the difference) Cali 3: 6% R at 53% counted (this race is unlikely to flip) Co 3: 0,35% R at 99% counted (next vote dump is Thursday) Most to least likely D 211 safe D 212 - Cali 49 - 95% chance 213 - Cali 47 - 80% chance - down from 95% 214 - Cali 13 - 70% chance - up from 60% 215 - Cali 22 - 40% chance - down from 50% 216 - Co 3 - 30% chance (allegedly) 217 - Cali 27 - 10% chance 218 - Cali 3 - 1% chance These percentages with the exception of co 3 are done by me from what I remember, if I am wrong about some of them then please let me know Current house prediction: R 221 - D 214
  12. False and misleading title there. The appeals court issued an injunction while the case is decided. The appeals court has not made a determination on if the program is constitutional or not. It simply said the program needs to be on hold until a decision could be made because not granting an injunction could be detrimental to a party. If you would like to read the opinion, it is here: https://ecf.ca8.uscourts.gov/opndir/22/11/223179P.pdf
  13. Republicans starting to consider working with Dems to appoint a decent house speaker:
  14. No…… You don’t really understand the American legal system. 1. there is an appeals court after the district court that is not the Supreme Court. That is where the case will go first. 2. It was ruled unconstitutional by this lower court judge because it violated the Administrative Procedures Act that requires notice and comments for most Federal action. The Biden admin content that this did not need notice and comment because it is exempt from APA by statute. So the Constitutional issue that will go before the Appeals court and then the Supreme Court here is whether or not the action needed go through APA procedures. (The secondary issue is whether these people even have standing and this is most likely the issue that will win at Appeals and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has already shot down 2 standing issues related to this program)
  15. It was a terrible bill. More than 700 doctors in Montana opposed it: https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/more-harm-than-good-billings-doctors-speak-out-against-born-alive-ballot-measure-lr-131 If a bill affecting medical issues is up for me to vote for, I’m going to listen to the 700+ doctors that say it shouldn’t pass instead of a couple government officials who want to pass it.
  16. I’d love to see if Rep have like 219, 220, a moderate Republican make a deal with the Dems. Or the Dems offer a Liz Chaney, Adam Kinzinger that they’d put their 216/217 behind and find a couple Rep. votes.
  17. If you’d like to provide demonstrative proof the Biden admin knew the program was unconstitutional when proposing it, please provide it. Separately, if you’d like to provide proof the program is unconstitutional if they put it through the APA notice and comment period as provided in the latest court case please provide that. Otherwise let the grown ups talk.
  18. Critical thinking isn’t your forte. It’s ok. Not everyone is meant to be smart or understand basic concepts of the law or even simple analogies. Ill try to break this down for you to match your intellect. Misinformation that was provided: Biden knew the student loan program was unconditional Why is it misinformation: - no evidence has been provide the the admin thought it was unconstitutional - several challenges to the law have ended up in the Biden admin winning - the current challenge isn’t that the program is unconstitutional, it’s that it didn’t go through notice and comment under the APA and is being appealed Your silly attempt at saying the Biden admin knows it’s unconstitutional: Because it’s been challenged on courts Why that’s an argument even a person with an 8 year olds intellect wouldn’t make: administrations get challenged on programs all the time. The fact of knowing something would get challenged doesn’t mean they know it’s unconstitutional. Based on your flawed logic and arguments, I’m unable to tell if you have a basic high school education, but if you do maybe look at a place like SNHU to help you further your education and develop some critical thinking. Heres a link to the application: https://www.snhu.edu/admission/campus-admission If you keep your student loans to under $10,000, the new student forgiveness plan announced by Biden will have complete forgiveness in just 5 years.
  19. Someone challenging something doesn’t mean it’s unconstitutional. Dems sued to stop Trumps wall, Trump knew his wall would get challenged, does that make it unconstitutional? Dems sued the Trump admin to stop some immigrant policies does that mean they were unconstitutional just because they were challenged? I’m sorry your education has done you a disservice. I’d recommend grabbing some student loans under $10,000 to get the quicker forgiveness period and educate yourself.
  20. Its very rare there government doesn’t act and it’s not challenged. Look at every Trump action that went before the courts. The Biden admin knew it would be challenged and they’ve successfully defended it against 5 or 6 other lawsuits. They have appealed this one as well. Again, if they lose this, this simple fix is to open it up for notice and comment under the APA, then enacted it after the comment period. Freeze Federal student loan payments until such time as the comment period is over. They didn’t lose the case in the lower courts because he can’t do it. The judge just said it violated APA.
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